Author has written 1 story for Gakuen Alice. HELLO!! there to everyone who have considered their precious time is affordable on viewing my profile. I am pillu. I don't have much to say about myself, seeing I have just written a couple of stories so far. But, please do enjoy reading my stories. Um, I am totaly clueless if you ask me a question like "Tell me about yourself." Frankly, I never thought about that question. Seriously. Yeah, I know I'd have really tough time when it comes to HR questions. Never mind I still a student. I may take pretty much of a quality 'pillu's' time to upload the chapters as my mom will never let me go anywhere near comp. if I have any internals or exams or assignments. i dont have much to say about myself though. but hey please do enjoy my stories. I think laughter is the greatest boon that the god ever gifted us. I mean it's a universal language. What I mean is laughing is same in any language. Hehehe. There are different types of laughters though: 1) Hehehe: simple and sweet 2) ahaha: lol or teasing/pulling-leg type 3) geee: childish and cute 4) tstststs: trying to annoy someone 5) Hohohoho: A laugh that rich people usually use when they have some wierd plans in their heads. (given by:ryomaechinzen2), 5) Muhahahaha: sadistical, evil laugh (my personal favorite) if you know more, send me a PM so that I'll include it aswell. If laughing is the greatest boon, then what is crying? Honestly, I think crying is a bigger boon than laughing because: 1) That is the only way to feel better. you may say laughing may make you forget the pain, but crying can make you overcome the pain though you remember the pain. 2) crying is good for health: your lachrymal glands secretes a liquid named tears which clears your eyes, in-other-words, when you are crying, you are cleansing your eyes. (But please make sure not to cry too much or-else, your eyes would look pluffy) 3) You get more attention from your truly loved ones when you are crying than when you are laughing. 4) The people who share your feelings when you cry are the true loved ones, so you can actually test who is loyal to you. 5) (My personal favorite)you would never truly appreciate laughing unless you have cried for real. I mean: to know the value of happiness, you should have experienced sadness. |