![]() Author has written 1 story for Clare B. Dunkle. Hey, my name's Kahryn. I've started countless accounts and stories on here under various pennames, but just never found reason or thought to go through on any of them. Currently, though, I have this Hollow Kingdom fic and two other ones that I'm absoluely forcing myself to continue. Please leave reviews and all of that, advice and reccomendations welcome. Understand that this is a new account and story, so it might not be as jazzy as some of the others. Any hate mail, please just email it to me, and I'll deal with it there, even though I'd rather not have any at all, to tell the truth. Feel free to yell at me if I don't get around to updating at least once a week, sometimes I get, well, distracted, you know. My Life: So I'm going into my junior year of highschool and sixteen. I'm excited for the new clubs that I get to join, though no way am I actually looking forward to September! Right now I'm involved in Amnesty International, Environmental Club, Writing Club, and GLBT-Straight Alliance. Also, I'm in this group called Job's Daughters and am currently Honored Queen in my Bethel. We have twenty-six active members, as I live in Louisiana and there aren't very many Bethels in the area at all. One of my friends gets mad at me becasue she thinks that I only see guys as things to look at--and she's right. At this moment, my take on that other gender is that if he's cute, he's either gay or a jerk. I have yet to find one guy that doesn't fit that! More later! So, as a genral thing: I totally apologize for not getting done whatever chapter I'm on at the moment that you're reading this. It's totally my fault, and I really don't have any excuse for it. Yell at me, please. It just might be the thing to get my motivated! lol. Also, since I seem to keep forgetting to put an authour's note and/or disclaimer at the head of my stories, forgive me! I always mean to, and just...don't. Sorry! So, here's one for the HK fic as a totally general thing. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except for the new ones that are obviously not from previous HK novels.. All others belong to the wonderful Ms. Dunkle, and all the props in the world to her for introducing myself and so many others to the wonderful world of the goblins and the elves. The first book was personally my favorite, though By These Ten Bones was certainly pretty extrodernairly amazing. I don't get any money from writing of this world and the characters influenced by it--it merely delights me, and I hope some others as well. OCTOBER 4, 2008 I promise you all an update by Monday ngiht, possibly even earlier. Don't hate me mucho beaucoup! October 10, 2008 So I was late. Whoops. Sorry. But I've got five up, and six is in the process!! THANKSGIVING BREAK There will be at least one update during my--woohoo!--week-long break. Possible two, as one is almost already completely written. Sorry, just one! But it's a ish-length one, so comment and tell me what you think! JANUARY 9 I know, I know, no update in, like, a month and half. Forgive me! First there was writer's block, then no time, then the block again...I'm going to try to get one out this weekend, but no promises, kk? JANUARY 19 Yay, update! Sorry about this one, I don't know, I'm just not very happy on it... FEBRUARY 10 New update--go read and enjoy, as always! There was totally something else that I was going to say...oh well. I have to idea now...OH! This wasn't it, but something new entirely--if you have any suggestions of complaints, whatever, please tell me! I want people to like my story--and thanks SO MUCH to those that have already reviewed. Everyone should now go recruiting. JK. Unless you really want to...then I'll supply the virtual chocolatey goodness something or other. MAY 16 Totally sorry that I haven't updated in so uber-long. I know that it's really mean, and again let me say that I'm sorry. It's just that these past few months have been absolute hell for me--excuse the language. But, now AP tests are done, as it prom and my SATs. ACT is still coming up, as are finals. But I promise that this lack up updates really upsets me, becasue I like writing this. So keep checking back from time to time, and I promise that there'll be an update soon. JAN 14 OF 2011 Ok, so, you probs all hate me right now. Sorry! I really, really, reallllllyyyyy am. It's just been crazy here. Really really truly. Forgive me? Well, so, I'm in college now. Woohoo! Half of my freshman year at Brown is OVER-wow! I realize that both and my writing have matured over this time, so I miiight sttart a new fic. But maybe not. Truth is, I have no idea what I'm going to be doing with all of this. Is anyone even still out there, reading this? My site says that I;m still getting traffic, but, I know that I;ve been a jerk for not updating or even giving an explanation for all this, so I'd understand if I've lost some readers. Even though that makes me SAD. So, yeah. Here I am again. Sorry again. Really, I am. Don't mean to be such a mean person, really. Just...yeah. K, that's all for now. Thanks for reading, look for an update soon! Bye! |