Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Name: Rob Age: Like hell i'll tell you Location: Dorset, Bournemouth. Yo I'm new to writing storys. my first ever fanfiction, and it is Early Banishment. I also have a few ideas for other storys but for now thats it. If you review my storys I will most likely look at yours. You scratch my back. I scratch yours Pairings i like: naru-femkyu naru-Temari naru-Tenten naru-Good OC naru-Fem Haku naru-Ino (Sometimes, when it's done well) naru-kurenai Parings I dont like naru-banshee I mean sakura naru- any boy. I dont mind gay's but; I also Draw anime/manga... My deviant art is : http:/// I'm Cool |