Author has written 4 stories for X-Men: Evolution. behappylove. previously: Valley-Gurl101. I left fanfiction the longest while ago, but for some reason, I've stumbled back. Author's Message/July 25, 2008: Hey, X-men Evolution was my first and foremost love, and it still is. Kitty is my favorite character, and romance is perhaps my only genre. I'm in love with: Kitty/Pietro-- My current favorite I'm sorry but I sorely dislike Kurt/Kitty and Piotr/Kitty stories. I have nothing against their individual characters, but Kitty and either one of them "together" doesn't really float my boat :( You won't be seeing any of that from me, but love what you love. I have nothing against that. You will see Kitty and Remy stories from me along with everything else (I really just have to get back into re-familiarizing myself with all the characters all over again), so for all you die hard Romy fans out there--sorry. It'll be in the summary so don't read if it bothers you so much. It'll make everyone happy; that goes for all the pairings. I will venture off into other categories eventually. I love Starfire and Robin, so hopefully a Teen Titans story will be on its way, and though I doubt I'll write one, I'm also in love with the Twilight Series. It's weird coming back after more than four years. X-men Evo isn't as popular, and all the authors I've made friends with in the past have all disappeared. But I'm here for the writing and the nice feeling I get along with everything else (the reviews, seeing my story, and reading others). It's almost like I've rediscovered fanfiction all over again. So I hope you enjoy. Please feel free to review and make suggestions. I'd gladly take anything into consideration and try for some wonderful reviewers. For now, I'm sticking to one-shots to regain my stand. I don't want to disappoint anyone so they're my safe bets for now. Thanks for reading. --just be happylove :) |