![]() Author has written 23 stories for Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Glee, Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Captain America, and Originals. ABOUT ME: Buenos Nachos! The name is Josh... or you can use my penname, which changes depending on my mood. I'm fickle that way. I latched onto this website back in like 2001 and have been a follow ever since. Unfortunately, it took me until just two or three years ago to realize that I also liked to write fanfics and I have been taking a crack at it ever since. Ooh, crack! Say crack again! Crack! FREAK OF THE WEEK: Glee... yeah, I know, I know. It took me by surprise too. The only reason I was ensnared was because I watched the pilot and only because it had Jane Lynch in it (who, btdubs, is the fuckin' shit) I've been hooked ever since. Of course, with the character of Kurt, my interest increased, being as I'm an out gay young man myself who went through a lot of the same things he does. Granted, I wasn't that stereotypical but I was bullied, so I understand. Doesn't hurt that Mark Salling, Chord Overstreet, Darren Criss, and Matthew Morrison are all kinds of yummy. Other Fandoms: Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Angel - Yep... I'm a huge fan of Joss Whedon's. This universe of characters contains my favorite vampire of all time: Angelus. Anyone who has watched either show knows what I'm talking about. Angel was annoying, with his soul and whining and "I don't wanna hurt anybody's", but then he and Buffy did the nasty and BAMF Angelus comes onto the scene I was enamored! How he killed Jenny Calender, or taunted Buffy, baited Giles. It was downright epic! And in Angel, during season four, where they take his soul from him and he lets out that laugh. Gaaah! I had chills. Supernatural - Oooh, yummy. What's better than two incredibly handsome brothers who go out and fight "evil" monsters and get down and dirty from it. Did I mention they were good-looking. Of course, I prefer Jared Padelecki's Sam ("because he's tall. I love's me a tall man.") over Jensen Ackles... something me and a friend of mine (the actual author Megan Hart) argue about often. However, neither of the brother's is my favorite character. That falls to a tie between Bobby, the world's most badass hunter, and Meg, the demon-whore who doesn't really give a shit about the master plan and just kills everybody for kicks. The Second Apocalypse series by R. Scott Bakker - If you haven't read this series, I encourage you to go out and get the first trilogy in the series, The Prince of Nothing, which features the books The Darkness That Comes Before, The Warrior-Prophet, and The Thousandfold Thought. Seriously, go read it. The easiest way to describe this series is like The Lord of the Rings on steroids. It holds nothing back. It's incredibly violent, sexual, gratuitous and enchanting. It's richly developed with well though out faiths, religions, nations, magics and species. I seriously encourage people to read this. I'm actually working on a story for it, but it's not an option in fanfiction. Unfortunately I don't know how to make it an option and not entirely sure if I would because the author might go all Anne Rice and delete them all. RANDOMNESS: Just a thing I wanted to say. If you're gonna read my stories, I would really appreciate a review, even a simple "good job" or "you suck" would suffice. Reviews are my version of crack and I like it. Getting reviews for my stories makes me feel all kinds of awesome. You can even do it anonymously. Just please do it. |