![]() Author has written 36 stories for Swing Kids, Reign Of Fire, Newsies, Chronicles of Narnia, Day After Tomorrow, Pacifier, X-Men: The Movie, Tales of Symphonia, Misc. Anime/Manga, Fullmetal Alchemist, Supernatural, Merlin, Parked, Captain America, Political Animals, and Prince of Persia. about me...how do i explain that puzzle? i am a storyteller, whether through music, art, acting, or literature; i tell stories. my stories, others' stories, stories no one else may know exist. that is how i communicate. i want to learn about the world and its people though experiencing. creativity is my profession--i am a freelance actor and artist, and it's an awesome privilege that in addition to what i post here i get to make a living doing what i love. i take interest in the small things, the obscure, the mundane. i want to be me, and not just another product of modern society. i want to change the world, even if it's just one person's world. i want to love unconditionally. i want to walk without forgetting how to fly (shamelessly quoting of my own story). General Disclaimer: if you're creative and adhd like me, you get bored really quickly with writing out/reading disclaimers for each and every story - that being said, know now--i do not own ANY of the stories i've written about, nor do i have connections to anyone who has a connection to the rightful ownership of said stories. please don't sue me. i write fanfiction because i need an outlet for and practice with creative thoughts, and i don't have the budget to sit down and write my own novels full time. i would like to someday, so i'd like to remain in good legal standing. believe me, i'm not making any profit off of these stories! Note to Reviewers: i love you all. it can't be stated enough how much it means to get feedback on something you've put days, or months, of work into. suggestions for future improvement, or new stories/angles, or whatever are always appreciated. however, i do want to kindly make you aware of how i work on this site. the vast majority of my stories have been fully written and edited before they ever reach here, and while i'm always open to your thoughts on how a story should go, i am not likely to change it. i have seen instances where readers have gotten quite upset that a writer did not take up their suggestions or requests. PLEASE be respectful of writers' intentions when they put up a story. they often do so with a particular idea in mind. most are pretty good at voicing when they want readers' help/input. but in the end, it is their work. this is not to say my mind has never been changed, because it has before. just don't expect it to happen. thanks! Random Facts: i HAVE begun to make progress, if very slowly, on my first original novel series. this is like overhaul #3. i'm lucky enough to have a husband who tolerates my creative craziness. squirrels have kind of become my spirit animal (and i think that's the first time i've changed my profile pic since 2008). i love language, i just do. probably own more books on old/dead/dying/fictional languages than i do living ones. totally blitz-taught myself elvish grammar (quenya and sindarin) and writing tengwar for a project a while back. not recommended for grammar nazis--the incomplete lexicon will make you crazy. i want to travel way more than my schedule and finances will permit. Favorites: (for anyone who cares) Books/Authors: JRR Tolkien, CS Lewis, JK Rowling, Brian Jacques, Empire of the Sun (JG Ballard) the Ranger's Apprentice series, The Great Tree of Avalon...yeah, i'm just a bookworm in general Movies: pretty much anything covered by the above list, anything starring Christian Bale, Star Wars (yes, i grew up on that), Steven Spielberg films, Red, Serenity, Stardust...again, theatre and writing are my business, this is just the toppers TV: i've actually gotten picky about shows lately, sticking mostly with old favs; NCIS, Criminal Minds, Supernatural, Merlin, West Wing, Firefly, Doctor Who, iZombie, Grace & Frankie Theatre: Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Shakespeare, Newsies Music: i'll pretty much listen to anything except hard core rap or country; most likely culprits include various forms of rock, international artists, some swing music, and all the soundtrack music (plus friends introduced me to 2 Steps from Hell and Audiomachine...yup, gone) Life Quotes: 'i wish the Ring had never come to me. i wish none of this had happened.' 'so do all who live to see such times, but that is not for them to decide. all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.' frodo & gandalf, the lord of the rings: the fellowship of the ring 'well, the president is in the residence, the iranians are in the mural room, the french are at the gate, and then there's maude...you handle the french, i'll take chet, and kate can stay here and entertain lord flibbertigibbet.' cj cregg, west wing Food: Italian, Indian, Chinese, Skyline Chili, Graeter's ice cream--woot woot, cincinnati born and bred--european chocolate, sour candy, and hey, i always like to try something new Color: green all the way, and black, it goes with anything Animal: cats (but also totally cool with dogs), squirrels Misc: playing card games, traveling, hanging with friends, writing fanfiction (of course!), working--ever so slowly--on my two potential book trilogies wow, i really don't have a life... |