![]() Author has written 2 stories for That '70s Show. So, I have finally come back!! Well, logged in. I've been on here, reading away. I'm so horribly sorry for how I abandoned "Tangerine", I just kind of lost direction. But I will DEFINITELY take any feedback on what people want to happen! You see, I started the story without any direction of what was going to transpire. I just wrote, which is what I usually do. But I don't usually write multi-chapter works, so I was a little dumbfounded when I came to a point where I actually suffered writer's block! First time for everything, eh? I still love Jackie and Hyde, but I've got another couple that I have no fallen in love with: Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger. Don't ask why! I just like it. I've realized that I sort of like guys with bleach blonde hair. Odd, right? Anyways, I'm going to try and start up again on some stories, mostly one-shots for now. And if anyone has any idea of what they want to happen on "Tangerine", once again clue me in! I'm going to go back and read it now and figure out if anything comes to mind. No time like the Holidays! Tangerine: It's Hyde and Jackie's final chance to rekindle what they had in the past- but will it be ill fated or work out for good? My Dirty Urges: Cute, smutty one shot set during the episode "Bring It On Home" after Jackie is caught sleeping in Hyde's room. About Me: My name is Audrey and I'm from California! I like it, but I'm tired of it. I plan on going to school to become a director for films, along with studying creative writing because I'd like to be a writer. I live with my family and am still in high school. I have a love hate relationship with it! One talent I've picked up from it is the ability to write extremely long essays in under 2 hours. Useful? We'll see, one day... I love walks, the rain, water in spider webs, men in hats, hearing people laugh but not knowing why, accents, writing, outdoor concerts, places where stars are visible (not in LA), looking at the moon with my contacts in, fantasy style stories, foreign movies, trains, travelling, learning languages, layering as many clothes as i can to brave the cold, lip balm, the smell of peppermint, that fresh feeling you get right out of the shower, classical music, the poem "Bright Star" by John Keats, beautiful cinematography, deep red nail varnish, postcards, fields, and old diners. I dislike judgements, labels, people dirtying my jeans (i don't know why), big heads meaning huge egos, Scrooges, people who constantly mention cultural differences to point out the superiority of their culture, people who cancel all the time, girls who constantly complain about being fat when they're clearly thin, being told what to do, having people tell me my dreams are impossible, people who believe their opinion is always right and are never open to hear your side of the story, and people who make fun of others for what they like. I hope that this much info will suffice, so you know the girl behind the computer! Ta-ta for now! |