Author has written 17 stories for One Piece, Discworld, Watchmen, and Misfits, 2009. I've just realized that I haven't yet written a thing on here! So here goes. Hello everybody! I go by the name of Fey on the internet, and this account is used less frequently than I should like. I'm most likely to write stories for One Piece, if not simply for the prompts on Livejournal's fanforall and the OP300 comm. If anybody has a request, feel free to send it to me. I may or may not do it, but I really do write better when I have something to go off of. I am incredibly biased in favour of my three favorite characters (Usopp, Zoro and Brook) but I love trying to write about everybody. Since I usually don't make a habit of putting author's notes within the stories themselves, I'll say it here: thank you for reading, and thank you to the few of you that review. I really appreciate getting feedback. |