Author has written 4 stories for Naruto, Supernatural, and Fullmetal Alchemist. Words to Live By: ...Beautiful like the unexpected meeting of an umbrella and a sewing machine on a dissection table. Name: Asiil Age: 21! About Me... I'm a college student just looking to fill a bit of her fictional life with the characters she enjoys from the shows and books she loves. It is most fun to take two distinctly different personalities, put them in a locked and barred room, shake the room... and see how it all lands. The more questionable/awkward the better. XD I love people who review. Just dont tell me to update. Its annoying. Contrary to popular belief authors have lives besides that of their characters. I know, scary right? Current Obsession: Castiel. If you know who this is you get a cookie. COMING SOON "Worth"
I am both happy and sad (for the readers who will undoubtedly be quite angry with me) to announce that while "In the Silence" is currently on hiatus, "Worth" my newest project is scheduled to be up and running and complete- if I have anything to do with it- within the next month. To all of you crossing your fingers for a Naruto fic, I apologize. "Worth" will be my first meander into the world of Supernatural. This show has consumed the entirety of my fictional world as of late and to be quite blunt, I'm obsessed. To anyone who has delved into the Supernatural universe, strap on your wings cause you're in for a ride. Be warned, there will be much beautiful Destiel. To anyone who has never seen Supernatural. (You poor poor soul) I look forward to introducing you to the spectacular Dean and Sam Winchester as well as their ever faithful, always confused, and entirely bad-ass friend Castiel. You are warned: This story will contain every spoiler known to man. It follows all the way up through season seven. Right up until I go my own way with the plot. :3 So there you have it. My love to anyone who stuck with me through "In the Silence" and is willing to give "Worth" a shot. Have a cookie. |
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