![]() Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Hi~~~ Well, I'm really lazy, so I'll just write a bit about myself. I'm fifteen years old, thank you very much. Yeah, sort of a youngster. I love shopping, skateboarding, sleeping, eating, and writing, of course. Which is about all I do with my life at any rate. Oh, and boy stalking. I love boy stalking. My favorite color is black. I like to wear black, my hair is black, I want a black car D I love to shop at Hot Topic and Hollister (yes, rather opposing brands, I know) Can't live without Starbucks or energy drinks. Favorite Music? Alternative, Screamo, Metal, I love metal - honestly, if you don't like the music I listen to, it's fine, YOU DON'T FUCKIN HAVE TO. Favorite Music Artists: Marilyn Manson (don't bash, I personally think he's God), Three Days Grace (love 'em), Mushroomhead, Blessthefall, Herbrightskies, Slayer, Metallica, Kill Hannah, Lamb of God, Matchbook Romance, Guns N' Roses, Death Cab for Cutie, Poison the Well, Senses Fail, The Black Dahlia Murder... and it's too late to think up of any more, I'll definitely be adding some later though!! What I hate: ~ Bashing. Look, I don't give a fuck if you don't like gay/les/bi people, but MUST YOU BROADCAST THAT KINDA SHIT? It's like the black/white segregation all over again. KEEP THOSE FUCKING OPINIONS TO YOURSELF. I've got friends who are gay, and they are the most wonderful people in the world. I don't care if it's against your fucking religion. I don't care what you think. But don't let me hear that shit come out of your fucking mouths. Because guess what? It hurts others' feelings. It hurts them because that is how they live and apparently you've just got to go and point fingers. It hurts me, to see what kind of people I live around. People who are selfish and afraid of something that is "different". People who place their own prejudices before others' happiness. Let me tell you something, I used to be afraid of homosexuals. Not intensely afraid, but I would always shirk and avert my eyes and wonder what kind of people would live like that, what kind of people would so publicly act in such strange ways. And later I met this guy, became his friend, and found out later he was gay. He is still one of the best people in my life. Then I began to wonder what kind of person I had been, to be so quick to judge. To not let other people live their lives without a disapproving glance. Here, we have a freedom to speak our thoughts, a freedom to make our own decisions, and we pride ourselves in the freedom we "all" share. And ironically, there are people who don't even have the freedom to love. People who suffer and people who even die, because there was someone they loved, and that love had been looked upon by others as wrong. So I wonder - Really? You think them to be the spawn of the devil, the center of all sin, because they can love You say they are the ones who are wrong, while you are the ones to cast the stones of hatred and accusations. I have a AIM Account, and yes, a Gaia. If you want to talk to me through those, go ahead and ask!! However, don't ask for my Myspace or Facebook. I'm not gonna tell you. I'm also not gonna tell you my real name, or where I live for the matter. Why? Because I'm pretty damn paranoid like that. Blame the 'rents. As I've said, I LOVE to write. I've written fanfiction for Naruto, Bleach, Harry Potter, and the usual. Wanna hear some of my favorite characters and pairings? okayys Naruto: (fav char, in no order) Itachi - I love him... loved, actually. WHY DID HE HAVE TO FUCKING DIE? Sasori - teehee, he's amazing. even if he's old and made of wood. Kisame - ahdorable Gaara - okay, I know he kinda needs to toughen up, but he's awesome Shikamaru - genius, what else is there to say? Kakashi - I love (LEAST fav char, in no order) Sasuke - #1 on hate list. SO Mary-sue, it's hard to take in. and a fucking spoiled jerk Sakura - she needs a life Gaara's dad - haha, forgot his name. but he's an asshole Bleach: (fav char, in no order) Gin - I LOVE HIM!! He's soo funny and cute and like a little foxie and I want to adopt him!! Grimmjaw - I love this guy, he's awesome. He has a sense of righteousness and says what's on his mind Aizen - smart guy, I can see from his perspective Yumichiko - or however you spell it. the eyebrow guy. he's adorable xD (LEAST fav char, in no order) Orihime - needs to get her priorities straight. needs to stop whining. needs to stop acting like a helpless freak. needs to stop being such a attention whore Kira - complete dumbass. Byakuya - needs a spine. seriously... "lyke omg, I don't know what to do! I promised my wife! I promised myself! I must obey rulies!! D Ulquirra - can't spell his name, once again. also needs some balls. "what is love?" "I must follow orders. orders. orders" Harry Potter: (fav char, in no order) Severus Snape - love him. plus Alan Rickman's smexah Draco Malfoy - Tom Felton is the sex. that's all. (LEAST fav char, in no order) Harry Potter - freaking retard, tries to be all heroic. seriously just happened to be in right place at right time. PAIRINGS Naruto: noooonneee... seeing that there's like no girls in the story. well, no girls I like. and because the guys are either just so not gay or bad with the other guys. Bleach: (fav) Gin x Matsumoto - they obviously have something going on, and I love it, it's so so so sweet Ichigo x Rukia - actually, I don't like them that much, it's just that I can't see the two of them all romancy and stuff. but there's potential (least fav) Ichigo x Orihime - for no other reason than because I hate Orihime Orihime x Ulquirra - um, no thanks. that's so cliche Orihime x Grimmjow - THEY DON'T GO TOGETHER. STOP MAKING ALL THESE _ x HIME STORIES! v.v Hitsugaya x Matsumoto - first off MATSUMOTO IS RESERVED FOR GIN. HE CLAIMED HER FIRST. secondly, he looks like a 9 year old while she looks like a 22 year old Harry Potter: (fav) Tom Felton, um, I mean, Draco Malfoy x Me - xD (least fav) Malfoy x Hermoine - IT DOESN'T WORK. they're just so not into each other. Harry Potter x Ginny - I can't believe they got married. It's so... so awkward By the way, please don't murder me for my spelling/grammar mistakes, English is my SECOND language. =D Exciting, tisn't it? So yeah. But constructive critisicsm is always good! now for some stuff I stole from other people's pages: I'm SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic. Quizzy time!! 1. What did you want to be when you were older? Surgeon 2. What's your favorite type of music? Metal!! 3. What do you spend most your time doing? sleeping, writing, hang out with friends 4. Would you rather stay at home or go out? Go out all the waaaayy! 5. What is your favorite fast food restaurant? I pretty much hate fast food... if I HAD to chose, it'd be IN N OUT 6. What is your favorite fancy restaurant? damnit, I wish I knew how to spell it... it's got some Italian name 7. Are you a farmer? um, hell no. I can't even keep grass alive. 8. If you could marry anyone who would it be? Okay, this is my dream guy - a guy, Asian or white (so what if that's a little racist? It's my dream guy), who I met at medical school. He plays guitar, has a sweet voice, and loves me to no ends ;D he also agrees with my plan to adopt a shitload of dogs 9. How much do you think about the opposite sex? too much, I'm guessing 10. What's your favorite toothpaste? the kind my parents always buy for me. 11. What kind of grades do you make? fuckin Aznness won't allow me anywhere below straight A's 12. If you could go anywhere where would you go? Paris - shopppinnngg!! 13. How many people do you live with? 4 others - parents, sister, grandmother 14. What is your favorite sport? skating, soccer 15. How many kids do you want? two or three 16. What would you name them? the boy (oldest one) - Tiernan the girl (middle) - Winter possible youngest girl - Rosalyn 17. What color lipgloss/lipstick do you usually wear? clear 18. Coke or Pepsi? Coke. and yes, I can taste the difference 19. What's the last thing you bought from a Pharmacy? don't think I ever have 20. Have you ever been in a car crash? tons 21. When do you usually go to bed? 3 a.m. and I'm serious 22. What's the worst thing you ever did? oh dear god... 24. How many friends do you have? SO many!! And I love them ALL to no ends! 25. What's your greatest accomplishment? don't think I have one yet 26. What do you plan to be when you're older? A surgeon, a wife, a mother, and just the amazing person I already am D 27. What's your favorite PJ's? I wear a tank top and undies to sleep 28. What's your favorite thing to do? hang out with friends, listen to music 29. What color hair do you have? black, very very dark black. apparently it looks dyed 30. Do you sing well? nope 31. Have you ever been in love? sadly, no. the world sucks 32. Would you eat a cockroach for 500? you mean dollars? no. Million dollars? fuck yea 33. Are you afraid of the dark? no, I like the dark, and I hate the sun 34. Are you bored? WELL I'M DOING THIS AREN'T I? 35. Where's the last place you've been? school... 36. Do you wear a lot of black? yeah 37. Do you get along with your parents? I love them we get along really great actually 38. What colour are your eyes? dark brown 39. Do you live in the country, suburbs, or city? Suburbs. boring as hell. 40. Most painful experience? um... I'm debating between getting shards of glass removed from my ankle without painkillers and taking the SATs 41. Most happy experience? yet to happen 42. Have you ever been stalked? hopefully not. I usually do the stalking. 43. Have you ever egged a house? one day 44. Do you go hunting? fuck no 45. Do you support PETA? yeah, kinda, but they go too far sometimes 46. Do people think you're crazy? haha, yeah, and I'm proud of it 47. How many people on your msn? don't do msn 48. NHL or NFL? neither 49. Do you ever scream into a pillow? well yeah 50. Have you ever drowned a fish? no, that'd be animal cruelty dummy 51. How many songs do you know all the words to? lol, sooo many. just about all the songs I listen to 52. Do you listen to The Beatles? love them, but don't listen on a regular basis 53. Do you listen to Eminem? nah 54. Do you know anyone who thinks they're Eminem? haha, well fuck yeah, just look at all the rappers today 55. Do you read books often? not really, I don't like to read 56. Do you strive to fit in? not especially, but I know what to say and what not to 57. Fave gum? jelly bean flavors. but not really, cuz I hate jelly beans 58. Do you snore? nope I took a video tape of myself sleeping to make sure 59. Are you afraid of thunderstorms? no 60. Do you care what you look like? don't we all, in some way... 61. Is your hair color fake? no, natural sometimes I bleach it pink though 62. What are you wearing? tshirt, shorts... 63. When's the last time you talk to anyone? few seconds ago 64. Do you 'fall in love' easily? no, I don't even like people easily 65. What's your best physical feature? you tell me 66. What attracts you most to the oppisite sex? Looks, music taste, personality, compatibility, friends 67. Are you picky about who you date? nah, I give everyone a chance 68. What's your favorite cologne? don't use it... 69. What's your favorite perfume? some french name can't spell it 70. Do you like roller coasters? I FREAKING LIVE FOR THEM 71. Have you ever flown in a airplane? tons of times 72. Do you have 'big' feet? no, thank god 72. Do you wear make-up? yeah, a good amount 73. Have you ever went bungee jumping? want to! 74. Ever been to Paris? hopefully, will go next year 75. Do you believe in Vampires? haha, as much as I wish they were real no I don't believe 76. If you could become a Vampire, would you? depends - do they get eternal youth? can they be burned by the sun? are my friends and family vamps as well, or am I to outlive them? I'm so deep xD 77. Would you call yourself normal? nuh uh 78. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? one day!! 79. Have you ever stolen anything? well yeah 80. Do you eat seafood? yeah 81. Have you ever been drunk or high or both? high on drugs, no. high on caffeine or red bull/rockstar/monster, yes 82. Ever drove while drunk? no. can't even drive yet... 83. Do you drink a lot or at all? I drink some 84. Have you ever lit yourself on fire? no, I'd freak out so bad 85. How many people do you trust with your life? my family, my closest friends 86. Are you considered intelligent? LOL NO 87. Are you considered a nerd? nope. 88. Do you talk on the phone a lot? yeahhh 89. How often do you take a shower? Everyday. was that needed? 90. What kind of bodywash do you use? some nice smelling stuff from Dove 91. What's your favorite candy bar? I don't like candy so much =/ 92. Ever got a dentention? no, actually 93. Ever been suspended? again, surprisingly no 94. Better: Punk or Prep? punk they're so cool x 95. Ever blew a beverage out your nose? yep. it was fun, me and my friends went at it for hours 96. Do you like jaw breakers? no 97. What color is your room? blue and white 98. What do you say a lot? "fuck" and "huh?" 99. What's your best personality trait? I'm trustworthy = 100. What's your worst personality trait? bad temper never finds motivation impatience it's a close call 101. Do you have any medical problems? noooonnnee not even allergies! 102. Are you listening to anything? some Marilyn Manson 103. What's the last movie you've watched in Theatres? um... The House Bunny, me and my friends loved it!! 104. Who is your best friend? I don't have just one, I've got many 105. Who do you get along with the best? Again, there's a lot 106. Who do you fight with a lot? Eddie, but we're always kidding Jennifer, because we're not friends and she's a bitch 107. Have you ever been in a fist fight? yeah 108. Do you talk a lot? too much 109. Ever fell asleep in class? just about every day 110. Sneakers or open-toed shoes? open-toed 111. Can you do a cartwheel? hell no 112. Ever been camping? yep, pretty fun! hate the bugs though 113. Shorts or jeans? jeans 114. Double dates or just the two of you? depends, if it's a guy I really like, just the two of us but if it's someone I'm just trying out, then I'd rather double 115. Do you go to camp? nope 116. When's the last time your parents spanked you? haha, never had that happen before 117. Can you rhyme well? not really 118. Have you ever belonged to a gang? nuh-uh 119. Know people who belong to a gang? yeah, a lot tons of my friends are/were gang members 120. Do you smoke ciggarettes? no, but I tried it once or twice never really liked it 121. Indoors out outdoors? depends - for what, and on the weather 122. Have you ever gotten beaten up? nope 123. Do you know how to cook? not to save my life 124. Do you know how to do laundry? I don't even know how to open the washing machine lid thingy 125. When you get a pizza, how many slices do you eat? usually 2 at most 126. How tall are you? 5'7" ish 127. Do you consider yourself too fat/skinny? nope, not TOO fat, but I'm gonna try and lose a few pounds 128. Do you watch the superbowl? not really, got better things to do 129. What's your least favorite color? brown and orange 130. Have you ever faked being sick? yeaah 131. Ever done something illegal? haven't we all? 132. What's the longest you've stayed up? 3 allnighters in a row 133. Are you afraid of dying? No, I'm actually rather curious about it It's gonna be better than life, I know that 134. What's your biggest regret? so many 135. Ever picked up a hitch hiker? nope, watched too many horror movies for that 136. Is your name on any bathroom walls? haha, carved it once in Las Vegas just for fun also carved a series of obscenities 138. What annoys you most? a lot... 139. Favorite scary movie? Stay Alive!! or the Grudge/the Ring (1, of course) 140. Favorite action movie? meh, not so sure on that one 141. Favorite romantic movie? OMFG The Notebook! 142. Do you have an accent? no 143. Who is your role model? don't have one, no person is good enough to be a role model 144. Do you like surprises? well is it a good surprise or a bad surprise? 145. What's the ideal age to die? for me, it'd be around 40 or so I don't want to die so old, that'd suck 146. Do you like to dance? yeah, but not formal hold hands dancing 147. Ever took ballet? when I was like, 4 148. Bold or pastel colors? bold 149. Do you still wear Tommy Hilfiger? wore my mom's old Tommy tshirt the other day, does that count? 150. What brand do you wear most? hollister, roxy... I wear things from hot topic the most, but their from different brands 151. What do you normally watch on TV? a few times a week 152. Do you have any special talents? not that I know of 153. What's your favorite sport? I ALREADY SAW THIS QUESTION 154. Can you swim? yeah 155. Can you play a musical instrument? guitar, kinda 156. What star sign are you? Leo 157. Do you prefer public schools or private? Public, private is for stuck up nerds with hardass parents 158. Do you care what people think? not in general 159. Have you ever shot a gun? yeah, but not at anyone 160. What's your biggest fear? failure... yeah, I know, it's cliche 161. How many hours of sleep do you normally get? about 2-3 hours 162. Regular ice or crushed ice? regular. then I can crush it with my own teeth xD 163. Blue ink or black ink? black 164. Are your clothes mostly loose or tight fit? tight fit 165. Have any peircings? yeah, hope to get more but my parents are very against lip rings 166. Gold or silver? silver 167. What kind of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Dove 168. Do you blow dry your hair? yeah, cuz then I have to straighten it takes forever in the mornings 169. What do you sleep in? already said, tank top and undies 170. What's the best book you've read? Crank (the one about the girl on meth) My Sister's Keeper (sad book, everyone should read it) Nineteen Minutes (by the same author as the above, about a school shooting. great portrayal of thoughts) 172. Spiderman or Dare Devil? neither, both are hella ugly 173. Have you ever broken a bone? no, but sprained many 174. Shower or Bath? shower, I'd rather NOT sit in a pool of my own shit 175. Do you have any cavities? never had any in my life 176. Have you ever wore braces? no, and don't need to 177. What do you live in? a house... 178. Would you choose true love or to be rich? well if my true love's a hobo, I'd rather not have him. 179. Do you have Cable? NO. so pissed 180. Do you play any computer games? yeah, I guess. 181. How long did it take you to finish this? well you could've mentioned I was supposed to keep track of the time. |