![]() Author has written 18 stories for Ouran High School Host Club. Hiya, this is a joint account between the two of us, Beanie and Bella. I'm Beanie and she's Bella, nice to meet you! Basically, we're both mad about Ouran High School Host Club, yaoi and anime in general (I'm insane about the Hitachiin twins who unite all three of these things) (so do Tamaki and Kyouya, but yes, the Hitachiins are slightly more canon...) (and the twins are hotter teehee) (actually no, Tamaki on his own beats the twins hands down) (we could argue about this all day... Comment on our fics, who is more sexy? Fangirls of the twins don't let me down...) and so now we've been writing fanfics together in the form of roleplays over MSN Messenger, and we wanted to put them up, so here we are! Yay finally! We'll do separate bits below to introduce ourselves... Beanie here, which is the name given to me by my lovely Bella. I'm eighteen and I am pretty ordinary on the whole apart from my unhealthy obsession with yaoi... Why does it have to be so goddamn hot?? Mwah ha ha.. I'm seme in our roleplays, which suits me just fine... Submissiveness or domination? Tough choice. And Bella makes a fantastic uke (when she isn't running away from explicit scenes that is ;D ). (Yes, fine, I'm a wimp, is that so dreadful?! Maybe it adds to the uke-ness... xD) (lol you even get a uke-ish blush when we talk about sex!) Hey, I'm Bella and I'm eighteen. I'm pretty much insane, and Beanie will vouch for that fact! Well, what can I say? I love anime and manga, and am also obsessed with just about anything... Beanie will vouch for that too. :P (Yup, yup tis true) Anyway, yes... I'm better at writing ukes usually (I'm such a bad seme it's unbelievable), and this kind of fits well with Beanie's preferences too. :P Enjoy! (N.B. My parts on fanfics will probably usually be in bold text.) QUOTES FROM BEANIE AND BELLA: Pan Handled: Bella: It's quite funny when Alex from Clockwork Orange describes himself as "pan-handled". Beanie: What does he mean by that? Bella: Pan-handled... think about it. Beanie: He... has sex with pan-handles? I don't know what you are getting at here. Bella: Lol, what do pan-handles do? Beanie: Just clarify it, explain, I don't get it! Bella: He has an erection. Beanie: Well that wasnt so hard, was it? Bella: ... probably was. xD Beanie: You know, I really really love you sometimes. Bella: -bows- Dance Practice. xD Bella: I'm so tempted to take my jeans off. Beanie: Do it! I'll take them off with you. Bella: -shields crotch with pom poms- You're kidding right? Beanie: -takes off jeans- These are my favourite pants look! They're black and lacy... Ah, I can feel the cool breeze caressing my thighs. Bella: The door and curtains are open. Beanie: Yeah. I know. Now get yours off too before I take them off for you. Bella: -takes off jeans- ~ a little later~ Bella: -gets up from chair with no jeans on- Beanie: -starts laughing loudly- Bella: What?? Beanie: You have a piece of gold stuck to your ass. Explanation: We were dancing and we both got too hot. The best bit was when my dad came into my room (he knocked on my door but didn't wait to be called in) and we were both standing there hot, sweaty, red faced and panting in nothing but tops and our underwear. Bella immediately dived behind my bed... I've never seen her move so fast. xD At times like that, all you can do is laugh. Oh, and the gold on Bella's arse was the piece that came off one of the cheerleading pom poms we were using in the dance. Bedtime? Bella: I appear to have collapsed on the bed. Beanie: Well then, I'll just have to join you. -lies on top of- Bella: -starts giggling- Beanie: What? It's only natural for the seme to be on top you know. Bella: -laughs more- Beanie: Oo, you're making me vibrate. -gets up- Bella: Now I need to go to the toilet. Thanks. Quotes: 'Wow, feel how much thicker yours is!' (We were actually talking about hair by the way.) 'Wow feel mine, mine's usually rock hard but now it's really soft.' (This was referring to the lump people get on the side of their middle finger from too much writing. We've both been out of school for a while now so our lumps have gone down... Which in itself sounds like a euphemism.) Poll: Who is hotter, the twins or Tamaki? Note: Can people please stop voting for Kyouya? It's not an option, your vote doesn't get counted and that's not part of the question. Thanks. Leave us a review on one of our stories to vote and we'll add to the tally below. Twins: 12 Tamaki: 8 |