Author has written 21 stories for Death Note, Outsiders, Kingdom Hearts, Twilight, Hetalia - Axis Powers, and Homestuck. let's keep things simple? . My name's r3tro Roxel. You can (and will) call me Matty. I write fanfiction. My stories aren't good, but you can read them anyway. I'd like that. Alright, you can leave now. I have video games to play. xoxo By the way, I have another account that I had to make for various reasons, it's called Tomato Of Liberty. I won't delete this account or anything, but... yeah. I'll just have other... 'different' fics up there. I basically had to make it because my friend didn't know I had this account, so... um. Long story, but the fics on there are gonna have a different tone, much more SFW, but still sexual. I doubt I'll have any lemons or anything, but... just. Yeah. Look me up. Thanks. EDIT: Wowza, I haven't updated this in forever. Um. Yeah. This profile sucks. Herp da derp. HOMESTUCK BITCHES |
Akasuna no Rin (31) | ForbalaTheGreen (30) Marshmela (0) Rainbow.Sxting (1) |