Author has written 2 stories for Vampire Diaries. Hello everyone! My name is Queena and im a frequent One tree hill fan fiction writer. I fell in love with writing and havent stopped since. Currently i've written over twenty stories that will be posted here. Most of my Oth work is centered around naley though i write brucas as well. the television shows i watch are oth, supernatural gossip girl and the vampire diaries my writing will showcase my favorite couples, which include: Favorite couples Nathan and Haley (oth): Naley always equals love. Their is something about Nathan and Haley that tugs at my heartstrings. I love this couple Brooke and Julian (oth): Brooke and Julian are probably the best thing that has happen to oth in a really long time. I adore these two together and cant wait to write for the two of them Dan and Blair (gg): I love Dan and Blair in fact they are the only reason i still watch gg. I used to ship chair but i've seen the light with dair. Brooke and Lucas (oth) : Brucas speaks for itself. I still love Brucas and always will. Favorite crossovers Brooke and Dean: if these two were on the same show they'd melt the screen (oth,spn) Haley and Sam: I like the idea of these two together (oth,spn) Peyton and Sam (oth,spn) TVD: Stefan: I can ship Stefan with anyone although I do think he belongs with Elena and somtimes Katherine Damon: I love the idea of Damon and Bonnie, they have this sizzle factor that i love Bonnie: I can ship Bonnie with just about anyone although my fave is Damon or Mason |