Hai! (o)_(o) Hey, you know what my username means? Erinaceous- like a hedgehog. I haff no stories up right now- wait, or do I? See? This is how bad a ficcer I am! But anyway, I shall try to eventually get something or other up. This is something interesting: List twelve of your favourite characters from books/animes, in no particular order. I tried to do well known characters, I think the only exceptions are Cody and Solembum. Cody's this wacky guy that on a boat with a dog-log. Solembum is a sarcastic cat. . 1. Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) 2. Sango (Inuyasha) 3. Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter) 4. Zuko (Avatar the Last Airbender) 5. Luna Lovegood (Harry Potter) 6. Butler (Artemis Fowl) 7. Andromeda Tonks (Harry Potter) 8. Sirius Black (Harry Potter) 9. Toph (Avatar the Last Airbender) 10. Cody (The Wanderer) 11. Solembum (Eragon) 12. Kagura (Inuyasha) Have you ever read a Six/Eleven fic? Do you want to? Butler/Solembum- No... Although (don't tell anyone) I imagined Solembum as kinda hawt in his human form. DON'T JUDGE! HUMAN FORM ONLY! DOWN WITH CROSS-SPECIES! O.o Okae, I ish done. Do you think Four is hot? How hot? Zuko- Super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot (AVPM rules. To the max.), but only with his totally awesome shaggy hair. His partly bald ponytail is just plain icky. XP What would happen if Twelve got Eight pregnant? Kagura/Sirius- An MPreg fic resulting in a wizard hanyou with wind powers! Although I am completely fine with slash, I don't get MPreg. WHERE DOES THE BABY COME OUT?! Would Two and Six make a good couple? Sango/Butler- Actually, maybe. They're both super cool fighting people, and Sango could teach Butler about the one weapon he doesn't have: An oversized boomerang! On the other hand, I can't really picture Butler with anybody. Five/Nine or Five/Ten? Why? Luna/Toph or Luna/Cody- Um... Toph, it'd be more funny. XD If you wrote a One/Six/Twelve fic, what would the warning be? /Sesshomaru/Butler/Kagura/- Warning: Fic has excessive violence and gore (Between Kagura's fan, Sesshy's prettiful demon claws and Butler's endless weapons?) How would you feel if Seven/Eight was canon? Sirius/Andromeda- Very confused. After all, they are cousins. Although I guess Purebloods do inbreed, so it wouldn't be a huge shock if you think about it. If Nine cheated on Three, what would Three do? Toph/Bellatrix- Oh that's easy. Go on a major rampage and torture everyone around her. Bellatrix does that all the time. I'm not sure how Bellatrix could possibly form a relationship with a twelve year old though... Choose an angst-y song for Six. Butler- Firstly, what is with the obsession with six? I can't really think of an angst-y song for him. How would Seven ask Ten for a dance? Andromeda/Cody- She would be pretty straightforward, as long as she was in her teenage years. Once she's married with an adult daughter, maybe it would be in a motherly way? If that makes sense... A road trip across the country, involving Three, Four and Twelve. Disaster or not? Bellatrix/Zuko/Kagura- Most definitely a disaster. Zuko would brood and fill himself with angst-y thoughts. Probably something along the lines of,"Honor, my honor, honor..." Kagura would complain about being in a car and the restrictions on her freedom. Bellatrix would torture the other two while asking Voldemort to save her from the stupid muggle contraption. In the end, a bunch of burnt, sliced up and insane people. This, by the way, is why I hate road trips. Always afraid some fictional character is gunna chop me up. |
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