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Joined 01-28-08, id: 1486639, Profile Updated: 05-03-08

I love writing but not excessively. So, even though I may write a couple of good fictions, I am not good at updating. Especially since I usually have a lot of writer's block. Something that I love more than writing is reading. I watch the history channel a little too much, ride a bike even though I am 17 going on 18 (I am afraid of driving), I make strange noises when talking without realizing it, I still sleep with a teddy bear (his name is Harold), I have never been kissed, I am center-spread associate-editor for my school newspaper, I am Scottish, German and Danish,I firmly believe and feel sorry for my future husband,whoever he is, though he may sleep peacefully now..., and last but not least I am passionate about what I do believe in, so watch out because I have opinions.

14 Things I Like:

1. reading + library

2. Tea & coffee

3. Riding my bike

4. Jane Austen

5. Music (+my piano and violin)

6. star gazing

7. Sleeping

8. Fantasy books

9. Fruit and Carrabas (fav. meal from there is: Lentil soup and Picu Pacu +their bread)

10. My family and friends

11. Christmas

12. Calligraphy

13. National Geographic

14. And times.

About Me:

I. My name: Maighread in Scottish. Meghan Rene' in real life.

II. Born: Jacksonhole, Wyoming, USA

III. Description:

A. Tall: 5feet 7inches

B. Age: 17 going on 18

C. Hair and Eye color: simple, Brown.

IV. Favorite:

A. Color: Green and Blue B. Band: 1. Flogging Molly, 2. Enya, 3. Casting Crowns, 4. Mozart, 5. Glenn Miller

C. Animal: 1. Panda, 2. Falcon, 3. Horse D. Movie: 1. To End All Wars, 2. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress, 3. Becoming Jane, 4. Kingdom of Heaven

E. Manga: Fruits Basket F. Anime: 1.Samurai Champloo, 2. Samurai X series

G. Books: 1. Persuasion, 2. Abhorsen series, 3. Chronicles of Narnia, 4. Lord of the Rings, 5. Harry Potter series, 6. The Count of Monte Cristo, 7. Three Musketeers, 8. Pride and Prejudice, 9. Peter Pan, 10. Nefertiti, 11. Dream When You're Feeling Blue, 12. How We Are Hungry, 13. Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress

Notice to those who read Promise Me forever:

I am having a hard time writing the next chapters. For some reason I am having a hard time with the plot and the character's reactions to different situations. O and on a side note, I am very particular about how a character acts based on their personality. I am having a hard time with Sakura and Itachi...I might just throw that out the window, because it is hard to give a good reason why she would ever fall for an S-class criminal. Well, anyway, I will attempt to go as quickly as possible.

May 3, 2008. Update.

-I took some time off from the story, and I have read it over. It sucks. I realize that some have made it a favorite, and I appriciate that with a joyous heart. Unfortunately, I know that I could do better than that, so as of now, I will be deleting it and starting anew. I apologize for this inconvinience, but note that I will hopefully be posting something better soon. Also if you want someone to blame, then it would be Bobby Hawthorne. He spoke at FSPA (Florida Scholastic Press Association) and gave the most inspiring speach along with some great tips. P.S. I would like to give a shout out to: paws-bells for being so gracious and saying that I could take one of her brilliant ideas, but I will be no longer needing that idea, because thankfully my brain kicked in. If you are taking the time to read this, then thank you so very much.
-forgive me for my grammar, I have to go study European History, so I am in a rush. (AP exams are Friday)