![]() Author has written 19 stories for Bleach, and Naruto. About Me Hello my name is Collective Memory :) I live in California in The City Of Angels ALMOST grudgily. Im a HUGE Anime fan its all i write. well obviously i LOVE to write its my passion (im always inspired just lazy) Im a Highschool Student-Cough Sophmore clears throat hehe ummm yes i listen 2 ALL music, my fav bands consisting of Dir en grey, Killswitch Engage, The Gazette, Atreyu, Within Temptation and Underoath- Fav Musician Common, The Flo Bots, Immortal Technique,David Tao( I could listen 2 him for hours), Jay Chou, David Bowie, Gackt im ultra random and have a short attension span "hey as i was saying- OMG LOOK AT THAT BIRD IT WAS HUGE! but I manage 2 never have less than a 3.5 GPA(working on my 4.0) um i cant remember anything its pathetic really sob Im a Yaoi fan but they have 2 make sense well im a VERY nice person but that shit can backfire . I'm a Christian but dont ever sully my name by binding me to some of these false icons that breathe only lies. Broken Wings-Ikkaku/Nemu- High School fic thats gonna b a few chapters long ughhh sad and funny lol u'll love it Endless Night-Orihime/Ulquirorra dark but not sad ok i've decided they shall be drabbels yayness Trust & Betrayal- Sakura/Naruto quite angtsy takes place a few years later after series Blood Flowers (may change tittle)-Diva/Solomon its sad Song Of Season- Fuu/Jin Fuu/Mugen What happend between the trio the night b4 they split up seperate interactions between Fu 3 chap No Tittle-Hinamori/Renji, Um Angtsy After Hinamori wakes up Renji is incharge of Division 5 Chizuru-Byakuya/Hisana Yea I'm making it really sad well it depends yea the last days between Byakuya and his dying wife sob 3 Years- Haji/Saya Yes im a sucker 4 this pairing god its so sad um angst of course its Haji Centric and his feelings 4 her Cursed- Solomon/Saya my fav pairing so tragic so perfect Things im thinking about writing Rukia/Ichigo/Orihime - I want 2 sooo bad but well i'll think about it Itachi/Sasuke- Its my fucking weakness Blind eyes i think i'll call it Orgin Of My Name Collective Memory comes from my belief of what reincarnation really is and what I believe happens when you die. You die but only exist as a fragment of someone's memory. Favorite Animes- Bleach- Fav Characters- Kurosaki Ichigo ( My favorite Strawberry) Aizen Sosuke- ( One word...DAMN!! u kno what im talking about drool Well i love those 2 much but i also love Hitsugaya shiro-chan (2 cute a name and awesome any way, Ulquoirra(he's so i dunno complex so he's intresting), Gin ( he cracks me up cuz he's such an asshole i swear Naruto- Fav Characters- Uzumaki Naruto (Best Ninja EVER period well when he's older HAIL ROKUDAIME HOKAGE-SAMA) Uchiha Sasuke-( Hate him Love him sometimes i just want him to fall into a ditch and die , sometimes i wanna see him just destroy everything but he CANT cuz of the beautiful Itachi who owns hands down) Well i also love ALL akatsuki minus Konan all she can do is turn into PAPER WTF MAN WTF! Sannin are the best i like them more than Team 7 RIP Jiraiya-sama he ws my favorite, Itachi (he's SO complex) Tenjou Tenge- Fav Characters- Natsume Maya( she owns all the friggin time she's such a great fighter and i feel bad for her ie- 2 years ago the old her was sorta annoying but she's pretty and not useless so WHOO! Takayanagi Mitsuomi( ok lets get this straight i LOVE mitsuomi with all of my HEART he's such bomb and sexi and strong and complex and did i say beautifly handsome and THE MOST GREATEST FIGHTER PERIOD I WORSHIP HIM he's my new obsession plus the past with maya shin mana and co wass tragic i feel bad thehe he wants a hug lol yea right he'd kill me) I also love Shin(he was a good person poor thing had schetzophrenia and couldnt help himself i nearly cried with the whole him and Mana double suicide it was unrequited love sigh and the love for his sister was true like the dark reality kind of true Blood Plus-Fav Characters- Saya( I love saya she was such a kool character the anime was beautifly tragic she was beautiful and sad the whole story was perfect im just jealous that i didnt think of the story line 1st and everyone was in love with her lucky girl) Solomon-( i nearly cried when he died yea i love him so much more than haji the man slave cuz solomon had a personality and loved her he even defied diva to be with her and he was so nice :) and had a kind heart enough said truly missed) i also secondary loved Kai(he got hot when he got older i was like is that Kai? nice lol but anyway he's sweet i liked him and Mao) Haji( i love the man slave he's so kool i love when he kills people with the coffin i laugh ) Diva( how can u not like her the story the queen is the queen and her babies were 2 cute and her song is beautiful the opera is intellegent but i just cant forget that she raped riku... but i felt bad when she died) Death Note- Omg my new obsession i friggn love Raito/L best complex anime in the history of ever Misa's annoying but i like her story the thing with jealous was soooooooo cool, i like REM but if i had it MY way Ryuzaki wouldnt of died SIGH i loved that man lol if u havent watched nor read i commandith u 2! i think this is the 1st anime where the antoginist was the main character ur either going 2 love Raito 2 death or ur gonna hate him :) 3 cheers 4 death note! Favorite Classic Anime Movie/Shows Samurai X - Trust & Betrayal & Reflection Best Samurai movies I own them both plus i own them with directors cut ( i cant c the diffrence + the cover is nice) they where both tragic and ended perfectly no matter how sad Kenshin & Kaoru both lived a good life I just wish he wouldnt of died so soon poor kenji... Cowboy Bebop- Great Story line-Characters- Spike- cooler than words can describe the whole Bruce Lee decipline was amazing yet to own it but i will not near nor far but I will. Spike-Julia-Vicious where trapped in a eternal circle of Love,Betrayal & Death in a way they reminded me of the Sannin sort of but neither where in love with Tsunade(Thank God) I personally liked Edward's nickname " Radical Edward" yea you know its awesome. The soundrack was amazing Blue by the seatbelts summerized the whole show- "Life is But A Dream"( That Was Going to Be My Pen Name) Favorie Pairings- no order Naruto/Sasuke, Naruto/Itachi, Naruto/Garra Naruto/Jiraiya-Pretty much any Naruto guy but has to make sense, Naruto/Sakura, Suigetsu/Karin, Ikkaku/Nemu, Katara/Zuko, Azula/Sokka Sasuke/Itachi( i know but i cant help it), Ino/Shika-only the sad ones, Itachi/Kisame L/Raito- i love that pairing 2 death, Misa/Raito- 1 sided or i wont read godamnit hehe Kurenai/Asuma, Itachi/Kisame Deidara/Tobi Minato/Kushina Neji/Tenten Neji/Hinata Jiraiya/Orochimaru Ichigo/Rukia, Hinamori/Aizen(Aizenmori sounds perfect together) Hinamori/Hitsuguya-(only the bittersweet ones) Hisana/Byakuya(makes me wanna Cry) Ikkaku/Yumi-Cuz its sorta possible, Gin/Ran-perfect together, Kaien/Rukia- no words needed Ori/Ulqu-I dunno just cuz Kira/Hisagi-best friends if not more Hinamori/Ichimaru idk i have weird obsessions |