![]() Author has written 19 stories for Harry Potter, Avengers, Inglourious Basterds, Originals, and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.. I hate writing profiles, which is pretty hilarious, considering I am a writer, but ah well. I am not very active anymore in regards to updating, posting, etc, but I do tinker around and write as often as my work schedule and exhaustion allows. When I do finish a chapter, or polish up a re-write, I am trying to post on both AO3 and FFnet, respectfully. On both sites, I keep my name the same, so it's easier to find one of my fics without searching a list of usernames. Also, I am not much of a fan in regards to adhering to FFnet's rules and regulations in relation to the rating system, so you've been warned. I do think ahead, and I post A/N's and warnings before each chapter, provide glossed over summaries in case a/the chapter(s) I have written are dark, violent, graphic, etc, and thus need to be tagged with the correct alerts. I find that this way, if someone is forewarned, and offered a bullet points summary that doesn't go into detail, they can at least enjoy the story, without suffering through being traumatized all over again. I write a few fics in a few fandoms, mostly: Marvel-verse (Avengers, CapAmerica, etc) Game of Thrones Harry Potter Vampire Diaries/The Originals Fast&Furious F&F, as well as Vampire Diaries/Originals and GoT, are not featured on FFnet or AO3, but hopefully that will change once I get further along with the stories I have set up for each respective fandom. I have a few Marve-verse fics in the works, posted and unposted alike. The Unknown Life of Maria Collins Carbonell is a WIP, which is currently on hiatus while I re-work the plot, re-write and polish it up. It is going to be an endgame Bucky/Maria fic, with flashbacks that are Maria/Howard, and a lot of amnesia and turmoil. The Nightingale is a WIP that I am...still figuring out. I do plan on finishing it, the problem is finding the time and mind space to get back into it. I do love this idea for Bruce/OFC, and the desire to finish it is there. I just have to figure out what's going to happen following the rebirth, so to speak. I also have an un-posted Marvel fic featuring Happy Hogan and an OFC titled, Everything Has Changed. I have a few chapters in the works, and am hoping to finish it, or be close to finished, before I post it. In Game of Thrones, I have 2 WIPs that are un-posted, as well. In Harry Potter, I have spent the last 15 years writing several different ships, mostly all revolving around Hermione Granger. I've written Fred &/or George Hermione, Snape/Hermione, Lupin/Hermione, Sirius/Hermione, and last, but not least, Tom Riddle/Hermione, Voldemort/Hermione. It's been a whirlwind adventure, and I'm certain that I will never not write in the HP fandom, but in regards to my Tomiones and Volmiones, I am not sure they will ever be completed. I will try my hardest to complete the WIPs, and polish the oneshots I have written, but I'm not promising it will be done. If I ever do write for the HP fandom again, I will probably return to my roots in the Snapione fandom. Perhaps even Lupione, Sirius/Hermione. Hell, maybe even a Ron/Hermione. I had an idea for one way back in the day, and I might look back into tinkering on it. Who knows. But I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that I will never create something new for the Tomione/Volmione ships. Never again. Moving on. I also have a tumblr, which is primarily a place where I reblog stuff in relation to my love of Marvel, HP, and Game of Thrones. I venture out every now and then, posting reblogs from Star Wars, but not often. (I love the Reylo ship, but I will be the first to admit that I am not equipped to write in the fandom and do it justice. Not without pitchforks and mobs calling for my head. I simply do not know enough about Star Wars to write it confidently, but I do know of some amazing authors that do wonderful work.) If you ever want to venture to my blog, feel free: brightneebee(dot)tumblr(dot)com Now that I've updated my profile for the first time in 3 years, I'll bid you all an enthusiastic, VIVA LA FANDOM!!!! Sincerely, Bee |