Author has written 9 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, and Inuyasha. I know it's spelled with double m but for 'aesthetic' reasons, I put one m on purpose. I'm old enough to try and write. Seto/ Serenity have inspired me; and now after a long hiatus I'm starting over with drabbles in the Inuyasha fandom. Voila; I think that's all. Thank you to all people who take the time and drop me a few lines about how I'm fairing. Your comments certainly fuel my muse! I'Hidden grudges' is now called 'Resentment': I agree with NoirceauTheCat that chapter four could have been better; but well you got the idea. I just got tired with descriptions when I wrote it, but I will try to improve in chapter five. Finally, I want to warmly thank the people who support my works. It means a lot to me! I will be around, si Dieu le veut bien! |