Author has written 59 stories for X-Files, Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, ER, Harry Potter, Kyle XY, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Grey's Anatomy, Bones, Walking Dead, Killing, 2011, Under the Dome, Chicago PD, Beauty and the Beast, Stranger Things, 2016, and Station 19.
"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." -Ben Franklin
"I love writing. I love the swirl and swing of words as they tangle with human emotions."
My name is Katie and I am 33 years old (scary!). I am an elementary school library media specialist (which is a fancy term for a school librarian). I spend my day surrounded by books (and kids) and I absolutely love it. I've been writing fanfiction for more than fifteen years (also scary). It all started with an obsession with The X-Files and now it has morphed into something so much more. Some of my early work isn't that great, but I like to think that I get better with every story. I love writing (and reading) angsty dramas that usually include a damsel in distress (even though I'm a big feminist) so that's mostly what you'll find in my stories. I hope you have enjoyed some of my work and feel free to contact me if you have any questions and/or suggestions. I always love to hear what other people are thinking. Here are just a few more things about me:
Why I Write Fanfiction
- I write to relieve stress
- I write when I'm bored
- I write to procrastinate when I should be doing work
- I write because I think writers of TV shows and movies and authors of books don't always do what's best for my favorite characters
- I write a piece of myself into each and every character (even those that I did not create) so that I can do things as a character that I would never be able to do in real life
- And last, but not least, I write because it makes me happy
Favorite "Ships"
- Mulder and Scully (The X-Files)
- Michaela and Sully (Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman)
- Ray and Neela (ER)
- Josh and Andy (Kyle XY)
- Ron and Hermione (Harry Potter)
- Annabeth and Percy (Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
- Max and Fang (Maximum Ride)
- Mark and Lexie (Grey's Anatomy)
- Bones and Booth (Bones)
- Daryl and Beth (Walking Dead)
- Julia and Barbie (Under the Dome)
- Linden and Holder (The Killing)
- Ruzek and Burgess (Chicago PD)
- Eleven and Mike (Stranger Things)
- Vic and Ripley (Station 19)
- To travel to all 50 states (I've already been to 49 - I only have Hawaii left)
- To write a children's book series
- To write a romance novel
- To have a library in my house - this ambition has actually become a reality! Well, a mini-reality. I can proudly say I have a collection of over 3,000 cataloged books at home in my own little library!
Things That Make Me Happy
- Writing (of course!)
- Coloring
- Reading (I prefer children's or young adult books)
- Cadbury mini eggs
- Hanging out with my friends
- Watching Lifetime and Hallmark movies all afternoon on a rainy day in my pajamas
- Dogs (especially my "fur baby" Bo)
- Organizing my books
- Going to book sales
- My family & friends
- Spending time with my nephew & niece
- Country music
- Binge watching TV