![]() Author has written 8 stories for Avatar: Last Airbender. Facts: 1. I write fanfiction. 2. I am 17 years old and a SENIOR *insert fireworks and confetti* 3. Avatar (the Last Airbender) is my favorite show. Closely followed by Scrubs, How I Met Your Mother, and Pushing Daisies. 4. I ship Maiko (duhh). But I'm pretty much okay with any Mai ship. And cannon ship. 5. My favorite band ever in the history of music and life is the Killers. They make me melt. May 6, 2009- I saw them in concert and they are freaking AMAZING!! No joke. 6. Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys, Kings of Leon, Spoon, the Shins, Muse, Vampire Weekend, the Libertines, and indie/alternative music of the like are good too. 7. I saw 100 Monkeys in concert (Jackson Rathbone's band, you know the guy who plays S-OH-kka in the Last Airbender). And I kinda love him now. 8. However, I DO NOT love him for his role in the Last Airbender. That movie was kinda awful. It had soo much potential too. 9. I play volleyball and Softball. 10. I love summer! But I've been super busy with college visiting and school work, and I haven't really had any creative inspirations for my stories. Hopefully that will change soon, and do not fear, for I am not finished writing. I'm just taking a very long hiatus. 11. I don't have a favorite color. LE GASP! Although some of my closest friends' favorite colors are my least. (Pink, Orange, Yellow) shudders 12. Nor do I have a favorite animal. DOUBLE GASP! 13. Going back to fact #11, my closest friends are pretty much my opposites. They're bubbly, perky, outgoing, very talkative, like the Jonas Brothers, etc. While I'm considered, emotionless, quiet, a jerk (only in a joking way to my friends though, like when they do something extremely stupid and facepalm worthy), etc. etc. 14. My new favorite store is Urban Outfitters. Coolest. Store. Ever. 15. I eat my Mom's chocolate chip cookies (which are the greatest things ever. seriously, ask my friends and they'll tell you no other cookie compares to my moms) with this Amish American Cheese. Its extremely delicious. 16. My favorite character on Avatar is Sokka. Mai's a close second. 17. I watched, and am going to watch, all of the Twilight movies for kicks. They're really awful if you take them seriously. I however refuse to do that. 18. School sucks. Just say no kids. Actually it's not that bad, but it keeps me from updating a lot. 19. Overall I'm easy to get along with. I'm nice, funny, random, dork-ified, and I can usually agree with you to some extent (unless you say stomping on puppies is fun. I'm going to have to stop you there) But I can agree with things like, Jonas Brothers are very attractive and aren't that awful, and Zutara is mildly sort of intriguing and the like. 20. I'm going to make 20 facts because 20 is a nice number. Its divisible by 2, 4, 5 and 10, and numbers divisible by 5 or 10 are always good numbers. Story wise: I Will Possess Your Heart: Chapter 9 is up. Chapter 10 is on it's way. I'm still working on how I'm going to approach it, but I do intend on continuing this story. Finer Feelings: I don't want to just STOP this story, but I don't really have any passion to complete it. Hopefully that'll change. Inches and Failing: In case any of you were wondering... No, I'm probably not going to continue working on this one. I really didn't like how it turned out. Mai and Zuko seemed kind of weird in it, and it was a little bit too dramatic and soap-opera-y for me. So, unless I get lots and lots (and I mean lots) of people saying they want me to continue it, it's done. So, If you have anything you want to tell me, either leave a review or P.M. me. I'd enjoy it deeply. :) |