![]() Author has written 4 stories for Naruto. Just to warn all you people who end up reading this. I sort of torture anime characters - mostly Hinata and the other Naruto characters. So if I disappear one day they've probably offed me. And if I suddenly reappear that means Roger's taken mercy on my soul - if you can call it that - and has sent me back to continue this pointless circle. Because ninjas just don't give up! If characters come off a bit sarcastic... My apologies. I tend to be sarcastic and it shows in my writing. This obviously means that characters will be OoC. Just to forewarn you. Every one bow down to my beta Merks. She makes it so you can understand what I write! I LOVE writing AU. So don't be surprised when I completely ignore the characters universe and use my own. Most all of the time. I try very hard to come up with something that isn't your average high school fic. Whether or not I accomplish this is up to other people. Because well, I'm rather inclined to say that I do. == I know I'm rather hypocritical all things considered but work with me here. I'm practicing. Give a girl a break. why don't ya? My favorite coupling of all time is: /.\ x u.u = Translation: Itachi x Hinata. And I'll tell you why. Hinata, slightly Histrionic. What I mean by this is she craves approval from those she trusts and admires. Itachi, somewhat Anti-Social. What I mean by this is he hads a lack of empathy, remorse, emotions, and respect for rules, laws, morels, and ethics. If you're wondering what this has to do with anything, the point is; I am to a very small extent both Histrionc and Anti-Social. So I guess I can see how they'd end up together. It also proves that its an entirely plausable couple, since I do in fact exist. Or at least, that's what I thought. Maybe I should just tell you people about some future ideas. Prognatus Denuo: AU, and when I say AU, I mean very much so. Its going to have multiple couplings. But really, just take a guess as to the main one. I guess I should probably think up a summary for it. But anyways, the point is, it takes place in a world completely different from Naruto, and there's some very funny outfits. Among other things. Also, Merks is helping me with ideas and such. So she deserves credit for this one as well. = Okay, for anyone that cares this one has been put on hold. It's only staying up here because otherwise I'll forget all about it. Incomplete Salvation: Too dark to be a , too pure to be a , she smelled of salvation. Oh don't worry, when I actually put this up I'll fill in the blanks. There are others. They just aren't quite ready for any unveiling yet. = I lie. That's all I have to say for now... |