![]() Author has written 6 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Silent Hill, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. Writing down whatever I feel like it since 2007. About me: I write whatever I want. I think of things to write and I just do. I love anime and I'm just a cool anime geek. J/k. Just call me Demise and leave it like that. I'm back, hopefully for a longer time than before. I'm in college, so I'm gonna be busy but updates will happen... eventually. Fave quotes: Kyoko Honda: "I'm always an idiot. I always have to lose my way once or I can't reach my own answer." Kyo: I knew. Really. I knew. Just like there is rejection in the world, there are people who will hold out their hand to you." Shigure: "Mingling with people, hurting them, getting hurt by them... That's how you learn about others and yourself. If you don't, you'll never be able to care about anyone but yourself. "It (the sunset) reminds me that even though there's so much darkness in this world, so much grief and pain; that there are still somethings that are beautiful and peaceful. During the say, everything is always so busy and everyone is always in so much of a hurry, that we forget tp just slow down and enjoy ourselves. We take everything for granted and forget that we don't live forever. And if the only way you can appreciate life is to walk out into the frigid cold, then so be it." "...each color represents a different friend. Each has its own persnality, it's own traits. Independently, a color would just be another spec in the spectrum. It goes unnoticed. But when you bring those colors together, it creates something beautiful. Each color plays its own part in the picture. Each complements another. It's the same thing with friends. Friendshp is like the big picture and each friend is a different color. Independently, a person would go unnoticed. You're just another person walking down the sidewalk. But when you bring them together, you create something like the sunset... When I see the sunset, it makes me grateful that I could be a part of something juts as wonderful." -Yugi, Fading Sunset by Tragedyluver Kyoko Honda: "To be left behind... or to leave behind... I wonder what hurts more?" My Current Stories as of Now *Not dead people! Will update when my muse comes to me! Will still update* Message in a Bottle: Complete Love is Short but Eternal in the Heart: Complete Restless Dreams and Fantasies: Silent Hill 2 story. Full Summary: In Mary's restless dreams, she see that town... Silent Hill, or rather, she ends up in that town. Confused by her sudden return to health, she looks for her husband James. Is it real or is it a fading dream? How much has her life changed... and how much has her beloved changed? MaryxJames and slight MaryxPyramid Head. M for language, disturbing images, and sexual content like any Silent Hill game. On Hold for now. Love, Truth, and All of the Above: A Gauken Hetalia story. It follows the stories of Feliciano Vargas, Arthur Kirkland, and Wang Yao. It contains lots of pairings, language, sexual content, and angst for some chapters. Pairings: GerIta, USUK, RoChu, slight GiriPan, slight LietPol, mentioned AusHun, slight PruCan, slight FrUK, FrX"Joan of Arc" and slight SpaMano. This is my first Hetalia story and I will only continue it if it gets lots of love. As of now, it will be updating slowly because of school. The Old Man and His Cat: Complete. Blue Eyes: After a traumatic event, Feliciano Vargas has been marked as mentally unstable and sent to a mental institute to regain his sanity. One day, he gets a visit from a journalist who is strangely interested in his story. Can this new found ally help Feliciano regain sanity and stop the person who destroy their lives? Rated M for blood, character deaths, sexual content, rape, language, angst and more. Pairings: GerIta, one-sided USUK, and slight Spamano. Future Stories That May Come Within the Year or so Hetalia unnamed fic - 8 year old Alfred F. Jones has never met his father, and it's never been a problem until Father's Day approaches and all the children's fathers appear in class for a Father's Day celebration. He begins to ask his mother about him. Little did he know that he would bump into his father soon, literally. Nyotalia, chibitalia but rated T (R-15) for slight language (by the adults, of course). Pairings (no guarantee that they will end up together though!) : UKxFem!USA, UKxFem!Canada, FrancexFem!Canada, GermanyxFem!Italy, ItalyxFem!Germany, SwedenxFem!Finland and others yet to be announced. - Also being created as an ask blog as well for those with Tumblrs! |