![]() Author has written 8 stories for Vampire Knight, Naruto, Katekyo Hitman Reborn!, and Young Justice. (Previously "akai-sora") All stories currently complete. Location: the Batcave Favorite Anime: Baccano!, FullMetal Alchemist, Katekyou Hitman Reborn, Ouran High School Host Club, and Soul Eater Personal Info: I'm a relatively average, Christian girl with a penchant for reading and writing fanfics. I'm also a major procrastinator, especially with writing. Chances are, if I'm not doing it while I should be doing something else, it's not getting done. Sad but true. Thank you very much to all the people who take the time to read and/or review my stories. If it weren't for all the awesome support you guys give, there wouldn't be any point in posting stuff here. So, a big thank you to everyone! Rokhi on Writing: "You must learn to overcome your very natural and appropriate revulsion for your own work." -William Gibson - I have yet to write anything with which I am completely satisfied, and I have a feeling it is not going to happen anytime soon, if ever. However, doing nothing gives you nothing. "For anyone who is: just keep writing. Keep reading. If you are meant to be a writer, a storyteller, it'll work itself out. You just keep feeding it your energy, and giving it that crucial chance to work itself out. By reading and writing." -Robin McKinley - It's true. As overused as it sounds, practice makes perfect, and the best way to practice writing is to write and to read good writing so you know what it looks like. Speaking of which, I have a book calling my name... "It's hard for me to believe that people who read very little- or not at all in some cases- should presume to write and expect people to like what they have written. Can I be blunt on this subject? If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time- or the tools- to write. Simple as that." -Stephen King - Now I know the few people actually reading this are going, "Wait a second! Those last two quotes said to keep trying and get your stuff out there and everything! What gives?" I'm not saying that people should stop writing because they never read or because they aren't very good or anything like that; but I do agree that slapping a load of letters on a page without any sense of what sounds good or reads well while expecting people to love it is not a good idea. Besides picking up some good books to help improve your skills, ask a friend or editor of sorts to look over your work and help smooth it out until you know what to look for yourself. And even then, there's no such thing as too much revision. Rokhi on Characters: "I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose." -Stephen King - I can't guarantee that everyone will like the original characters I create. In fact, if I ever do make one that no one in the world dislikes in the least, I will probably die of shock. I do the best I can to make them somewhat likable, but flawed enough to be human. Whatever happens next happens. Qué será será. Rokhi on Writer's Block: "When in doubt, blow something up." -J. Michael Straczynski - I would not recommend literally blowing something up every time you are not sure where to take the plot or character, but don't be afraid to be a little spontaneous. Worst case scenario: you write down the first stupid thing that enters your mind and keep writing until something better hits you. Then, you can go back and revise. It might sound like a lot of extra work, but your best writing should be revised anyway, right? Rokhi on Life: "I hated school. I don't trust anybody who looks back on the years from 14 to 18 with any enjoyment. If you liked being a teenager, there's something really wrong with you." -Stephen King "Destroying the world solves everything." -Sands of Destruction (This cracked me up.) Rokhi on Death: "I do not fear death." -Aragorn, Lord of the Rings "The last enemy to be destroyed is death." -1 Cor. 15:26 "Oops, sorry. My fingers slipped." -Death the Kid, Soul Eater |