Author has written 18 stories for Bleach, Final Fantasy VII, Doctor Who, Pirates of the Caribbean, and Supernatural. Hi there all. I'm Ante Down and this is my very short profile page. I doubt you're interested in a/s/l, and I'm hesitant about giving it out.As of time of writing, I've got stories here for Bleach, FFVII, Doctor Who, PotC and now SPN. However, I lurk in quite a few other fandoms, especially the HP one. Recently I've gone out on a limb and written a SPN goes nothing. I only started watching the show about three months ago. Most of what I write is gen or, at its warmest and fuzziest, friendship. This is because I suck at writing romance. Usually my stories are angsty (hopefully not wangsty) darkish gen, though. A warning: if a fic of mine says 'complete', I mean it. No use putting alerts up on it. Sorry. If it doesn't say complete, don't lose hope, I may update it at some stage. And a note on my methods of updating: I go through moods. Sometimes I just don't feel like writing for a particular fandom. Sometimes I don't feel like writing at all. My updates may well be erratic, and I apologise in advance for that. So, anyway, if you decide to read, enjoy. If you can bring yourself to, please review as well. |