Author has written 4 stories for Sonic the Hedgehog, Roman Dirge, and Jhonen Vasquez. Hello!! I have some fanfiction, but I don't know how to post it!! If there is anyone out there reading this, please message me on what I must do!! (I feel so pathetic -_-) Never mind the top part (except the part of me being pathetic) I have finally put in my fanfiction! It's a working progress _. Also for those of you reading Futures present mishap, the story is still under production! It's currently in chapter 7, but I still need to type it so it might take awhile ; I was also working on a Naruto fic. but... I got bored with it so its only in its first chapter, unless something inspires me to continue it, which will most likely be a no. Likes: JTHM, Lenore, Pokemon, Invader Zim, sonic x, Naruto, and xiaolin showdown Dislikes: Anything that sickens me, like slashes that make your stomach churn (but I do like slash, dont get me wrong) I am also looking for an idea for a Lenore x Ragamuffin idea, because i like this couple, But I dont have any starting ideas o_0 edit ok never mind! got one! Thank you for visiting_ ~ Crystal, Sarah, and Ryan (Nightmare-NNY-fan) (yep ther's three of us =) )(you can find some of these stories on our Deviant art) |