![]() Author has written 54 stories for Harry Potter, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, and iCarly. I haven't written in a LONG time. I've been so busy with the rest of life. I miss it dearly, and I hope that someday I might return. If you love my stories so much that you want to just know what happens rather than wait for the possible future when I finish them, feel free to PM me and I'll share my dreams for them. Hello, hello. My name is DramioneLurver, a name I came up with many many years ago back in my freshman year of high school, back when the Dramione ship was my everything. Since then, however, I've grown to love many other fandoms and pairings. Here's a few of my favorites that I typically read fanfic for: Harry Potter: Draco/Hermione, Neville/Luna, Rose/Scorpius, Hugo/Lily, Teddy/Victoire... and many more. Avatar the Last Airbender: Zuko/Katara Star Wars: Kylo/Rey, Ben/Rey, Matt the Radar Technician/Rey... :D The 100: Bellamy/Clarke Stranger Things: Jonathan/Nancy Veronica Mars: Logan/Veronica Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Spike/Buffy, Wesley/Fred, Willow/Oz, Dawn/Connor Alias: Jack/Irena, Sydney/Sark Merlin: Merlin/Morgana Doctor Who: Nine/Rose, Alt!Ten/Rose, Amy/Rory Sherlock: Sherlock/Irene Once Upon a Time: Neal/Emma, Rumple/Belle Smallville: Clark/Lois, Chloe/Jimmy, Lex/Lana Teen Wolf: Stiles/Lydia Wizards of Waverly Place: Justin/Alex iCarly: Sam/Freddie Life with Derek: Derek/Casey, Lizzie/Edwin Hunger Games: Peeta/Katniss NCIS: Tony/Ziva, Tim/Abby Chronicles of Narnia: Peter/Susan How I Met Your Mother: Robin/Barney Warehouse 13: Pete/Myka I love, love, LOVE reading. I love learning. I'm rather friendly, I promise, so feel free to contact me! Here via PM works! I also have an account on ao3 and a tumblr (but that's under a different name so you'd have to ask for it). |