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Joined 11-14-06, id: 1165716
Author has written 1 story for Loveless.

This account is shared by 2 best friends. Our names are Steff and Nat, and we write fanfic together and post them on this joined account. Everything on here is made and writen by us.

Steff's Interests:

Self discipline
_Anime Conventions
_Burlesque models
_Femenin looking guys. Their just hot, so fuck you.
_Outrageous makeup
_Things that are LIME GREEN 3
_Japanese Techno
_Gay Pride
_Myv 333333333
_Marilyn Manson 33333

Nat's Interests:

I sleep with a pillow on me head. Why? Because when i was like 5 i saw this vampire thing, and for forever i thought a vampire would come in my room and bite my neck, so hence the pillow. After i while i realized that the vampire could just move the pillow... but now its just a habbit.
_ I'm a hippocrite. I hate when people talk about other behidn their back, but i do it. It's like a natural thing. I hate when people hate other for no reason. But i do. ETC.
_ I have Confidence problems! with friends im kool, like i dont care about anything but, alone - i might as well curl up into a little ball in the corner.
_ I HATE horror movies
_ I can't spell! that god for wordcheck.
_ I have guy writing
_ I don't have a b.f cause im reallie reallie picky, and probably have some undiscovered issues that also make it impossible for me to like someone.
_ I love reading. I find my life boring, and books put yu in a different word. which is more exciting than my boring life.
_ I wanna be a ninja. So i could be able to do flips and kick ass etc.
_I have many problems
So yeah, I'm a sophmore at Campion, and I find it alright . . . I have a fear of getting shot though . . . I have a unhealthy obsession with anime and Japan . Ask any of my friends, they'll confirm it. Also about them . . . They all have serious problems . . . But I 3 them becuase of it!

Ecstasy reviews
As Ritsuka gets older, loosing his ears is the first thing om his mind. Will Soubi give in to Ritsuka's plead for adulthood?
Loveless - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,468 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 37 - Follows: 6 - Published: 11/18/2006 - Complete