Author has written 5 stories for Sailor Moon. Pen Name: Aimee Hime E-mail: kuwai_ako@ Birthday: November 7 Favorite Pairings: (top 3 listings only) Usagi and Mamoru (Sailor Moon) Sakura and Syaoran (Card Captor Sakura and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles) Tohru and Kyo (Fruits Basket – in Japan, it’s known as Furuba) I’ve never really been a fan of the English names, especially for Sailor Moon, so in my stories, I would be sticking to the Japanese names, and the plots would center on a combination of manga and anime or AUs. I mean, it kinda defeats the purpose of them being "rabbit of the moon" and "earth protector" if you change it to Serena and Darien. Not to mention their pet names of "my little rabbit" and "my protector" (AKA Usako and Mamo-chan). Besides, I would prefer calling Mamoru / Darien as Mamo-chan compared to Muffin, wouldn't you? LOL I think an adult Li Syaoran comes to a close second after Mamo-chan’s uber hotness! (Yeah, baby! XD) Also, I was originally a Tohru x Yuki fan, but as I followed the manga, Furuba, I just got to love Kyo’s cuteness in dealing with his feelings for Tohru (btw, the story of furuba is almost done, so yay!) Favorite Anime' / Manga: Sailor Moon -- isn't it obvious? Card Captor Sakura Tsubasa Reservoirs Chronicles Ranma Furuba Magic Knight Rayearth Chobits Rouruni Kenshin Fushigi Yuugi Genbu Kaiden -- OMG! Have any of you read this manga? You should! You should! X3 I'm also in love with Uruki! XD Full Metal Panic (I think Fumoffu is the best out of the three, don't you?) Reason for Joining FFN: I started reading fan fiction, I think around latter 2005. I never really even heard of fan fiction, until I decided to join a yahoo group which featured manga pictures, wallpapers, AND fan fics of Sailor Moon. I started surfing for a site which featured such Sailor Moon fan fictions, when lo, and behold! Google listed down first drum roll -- Fanfiction.Net. So it’s been like, a couple of months now that I’ve been reading such works, and let me tell you, a lot of the authors here would actually make Naoko Takeuchi proud! (If you don’t believe me, check out my fave authors list and read their stories). So there I was, an anonymous reader for a while, when all of a sudden, an idea popped into my head. -light bulb flashes on- Hey, I can write my OWN fanfiction! Now the question, why Sailor Moon? This anime has been my favorit-est anime since like FOREVER! I remember when I was in grade school; I would actually count the days for the weekend to come ‘cuz the show’s aired once a week. They stopped airing it in the middle of the R season for reasons unknown. I was devastated! During my college years, it was suddenly aired again on a new channel, still during weekends, and I was again hooked! They decided to finish the entire anime’ that time so I was quite ecstatic! I’ve since graduated college (thus the reason why I did not put my year of birth in my personal profile XD …I’m actually quite astonished as to how young and TALENTED some of the writers here are!) but I still consider myself a big fan of Usako and Mamo-chan. So there! Hopefully, I’ve given you a sneak peak on what’s to be expected from me, and I hope I can expect REVIEWS from you guys in the future! It would really help me improve my …ehem… writing skills. Arigatou, minna! -- Aimee Hime |