Author has written 10 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of Zelda, Card Captor Sakura, and Mega Man. Hello everyone! I have not logged on here in... years! So much of this website has changed... Its evolved into something quite nice actually... Here I am, in my mid twenties, lookng back at the stories that I wrote when I was in high school. Its been almost 10 years since I last wrote a fanfic... That's right, near ten whole friggen years. I would like to think that I have not changed much, but looking on these stories that I wrote gives me a wave of nostalgia. Looking at these things make me feel as if I can pick them up on a whim... Unfortunately, that is not the case. I will not be continuing these fanfictions. I simply do not have the time to do so, not remember most of the plots and twists I had in mind for them. Here's me hoping that you will understand and not hate me for leaving all these stories so very unfinished. If you favourite and follow any of these stories, I am truly sorry, but nothing will come of them. If you have any ideas for these babies of mine, and would like to continue them, contact me. I'll be glad to chat with you about them and perhaps even hand the story over to you. Thanks for reading! |
babie blu (3) C.R.B.K.E (3) Coco4 (2) crazytomboy1 (6) CreamPuffs-15 (3) Heartless Queen (3) | KuroKarasu (1) Marshall Banana (11) Ranma Higurashi (5) ryoubakurafan013 (1) Shade Azuna (17) | ShadowWarrior6 (4) tasukisfan (3) The Flash (0) |