Author has written 24 stories for Numb3rs, and Supernatural. Greetings, and thank you for stopping by. I've dabbled in fanfic for the better part of a decade. I'm also in the process of writing an original piece (though it has been stalled due to the need for further research). Some of my older fics that no longer have homes might find their way here, but mostly you'll find my more current items. Please be aware that the general rating for these pieces is the rating of the shows they reference. Some might be lighter; heavier stuff will be designated accordingly. Questions? Feel free to ask. As always, special thanks go to my wonderful beta and fic enabler--er, encourager--Izhilzha. Even if she's not listed in the Author's Notes, it's a pretty good bet that she's the one who betaed the story. Many thanks, hon. May 1, 2007 - Several months ago, Round 2 of the Numb3rs FanFic Awards began. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that four of the five stories I had posted at the time were nominated. Imagine my further surprise to find myself nominated for Best Author. (I'm not being modest here. I actually was surprised. My work in my previous two fandoms has never received any sort of "fandom-wide" recognition.) I don't have a site where I can put the nifty "Nominated for . . ." icons/buttons, but here's what happened: Reciprocal Function - nominated in the Angst/Dark and Drama categories. Domestic Disturbance - nominated in the Crack and Humor/Fluff categories. Inequal Expressions - nominated in the Before/After and Drama categories. Reflection - nominated in the Episode-Related category. The competition was tough. Thank you for your support and encouragement. And thank you to my readers and reviewers here at . I truly value your words of encouragement and appreciation. I know reading takes time, and writing a review takes even more time. I'm delighted that you decide to spend some of your valuable time with me. September 24, 2007 - Who knew "Claddagh" wanted to be a series? Apparently, it does. So though the first chapter says "finis," apparently, it's not. Ideally, the series will be a collection of vingettes centering around . . . well, I think the first chapter is pretty self-explanatory. My readers are intelligent. You'll figure it out. :-) Happy reading, and enjoy the show. |