![]() Author has written 30 stories for Pirates of the Caribbean, EastEnders, Torchwood, and Hollyoaks. Mercurial at your service :D Currently sailing for Stendan. Current in progress fics and updates: "Under Protection": Truly overwhelmed by the responses for this, (the supremely talented) Kabr and I have been rather addicted to writing it so I hope everyone continues to enjoy reading it :) There is a lot of darkness ahead. "Bedroom on Forever Close": So this is gonna be three chapters and an epilogue - the writing happens very slowly! But it will get there I promise (and the plots very loose so you don't need to follow the whole thing). "Another Forever": has taken a little backseat for a while until I finish bedroom, I shall be returning to it though and I look forward to clearing time so I can! There will be twists and turns but a "happy ever after" is on the horizon. (random M one shots, currently also working on the following PWPs:"Ten uses for a pair of handcuffs" for babydoll 85 who is an incredible reviewer and such a doll! "The Celebration" drunk Ste/posessive Brendan. And "Songs of Innocence and Experience" (which is a two shot) which does exactly what it says on the tin). About me: Although I don’t accept (or give) prompts, I do try to amend my fanfic to how the reader likes it – it’s for me and you! Just leave me a little note to let me know if I can do anything for you – con/crit is the drawbridge and every review creates my castle! I’m very bad at completing fics, it’s my worst flaw and I’m really sorry to everyone that annoys, including myself! I do love clicking that little “fic completed” button though so that’s a sure fire way of ensuring a plot fic is actually finished before you read it (or if I say it’s a one shot!!) Eventually I’m going to sort of these fics on here, make it clear which ones will never be finished. I seriously love every little review they all make me smile, so a special thank you to every kind soul who’s ever put finger to keyboard. For anyone who wants to find out a little more: 1.When did you first start writing fanfiction? Ooooh about 15 years ago! 2.What was your first ship? Het: Holly/Patrick, Casualty. Slash: Chryed, EastEnders. 3.What fandoms and pairings have you written in Casualty (Holly/Patrick), ER (Abby, Lucas, Carter triangle), Pirates of the Carribean (Jack/Elizabeth), The OC (Sandy/Kirsten), Torchwoord (Ianto/Jack), Eastenders (Shannis and Chryed), Hollyoaks (George/Callum; Stendan). 4. Do reviews affect how you write in any way? It’s always great to know people are reading and enjoying – spurs the bunny’s into action. If a criticism is well-founded and I can do something about it I will – same goes for requests. 5. Do you use a beta? Occasionally if I think my characterisations a little off, my dyslexias playing up, or I need a little motivation. 6. What ratings do you read/write? Write: Even if I try to write something less than an M it normally ends up quite adult anyway! Read: I prefer M’s but if I’m really into a character I’ll read anything. 7. Favorite writer/writers? In RL Dorothy Koomson In fic land Remuslives – she’s a bloody star and her Janto is some of the best I’ve ever read. long should a chapter be? Ideally between 1,500 and 3,000 words, I’m very pernickety about that!! This is changing now - UP's chapters are all coming out about 5,000 :/ What are your thoughts? 9. Do you write/read drabbles? Occasionally if my bunnies are being inactive, but usually even if I try to write one shots they end up 6,000 words long anyway!! 10. Any warnings you avoid? M-Preg is the only warning I avoid – it hurts my brain to even think that way! 11. Do the number of reviews tell how good a story is? I try not to think so, I’ve been at the end of having “too few” reviews and “too many”, but as a confession if I’m just browsing a fandom I will go for the most reviewed fics first. 12. How many fanfictions have you written? Seriously? Like so fucking many!! I post on here and on LJ, and other random portals. 13. What genres do you write? Angst and smut are my regulars. 14. What story of yours do you like the best? Of my current ship (STENDAN) my favourite is Homebound. Or our current one - Under Protection (in colab with Kabr) we're only a third of the way through but its still so exciting! I feel accomplished. Of all time Concealed Exile (Chryed) was the story that took the longest and most motivation, and I wouldn’t have ever finished it without lovely friends. 15. What story of yours do you like the least? Of my current ship (STENDAN) probably The Leap – I love the title but other than that it was the curse of the 4am plot bunny. Of all time probably The Truth Will Out – it gets 0 marks for characterisation and it also has my regular flaw of not actually being finished. 16. What do you think of het stories? It’s where I started, and as a straight woman probably where I should be, but I just don’t ship that way anymore. |