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Joined 06-11-18, id: 10860199, Profile Updated: 06-06-20
Author has written 1 story for My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア.

Hello everyone! I'm ionlycamefortacos but you can call me Courtney! I am an author and fanfiction enthusiast. I also love my readers to death!

You can find my fanfiction here on FFN or Ao3! But if you're looking for something original, I also have a novel that is updated every Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday on Wattpad. It's a science fiction novel called Dashi and you can find it under the same username: ionlycamefortacos.

I'm also on Twitter! My handle is @onlycamefortaco.

I am so lucky to have such amazing readers so I post responses to every review here on my profile page! I even respond to guest reviews :)

You guys are so great and I hope you are enjoying All Grown Up! Special thanks to the readers who have checked out Dashi as well. I appreciate you all!


Responses to reviews on Chapter 36:

Godavariflowsby: Ahhh I'm so glad you enjoyed the Teller VS Bakugo fight! I won't lie, it was super difficult to write Bakugo in that chapter. His style is so brute force and in-your-face and it was really hard to come up with ideas for the fight that didn't automatically tilt things in his favor. It was a challenge but a welcome one at that and I'm glad it was well received! Did you get any cool ideas from it? If so, I'd love to know more on how it inspired you! As always, I think you're AWESOME and thank you for another wonderful and sweet review! I really hope you enjoy chapter 37 and the next 8 chapters to follow. Thanks for sticking by me for so long and I hope that the conclusion of the fic doesn't let you down :) XOXO

Inumie: Ahhh you are way too nice to me. I'm so glad you have not only the patience to read my fic that isn't in your natural language but also to learn new words from it! I look forward to your review every week because it always makes me smile so much! You are such a sweet person and I deeply appreciate all your kind words every week. I am so excited for you to read the last 8 chapters because we need Kacchako-y fluff and since we're reaching the climax, I will do everything in my power to make it so fluffy that it knocks your socks off! Thank you for staying with me all this time and being such a loyal reader and friend. I truly appreciate you XOXO

WingingItLass: AHHHH THANK YOU! I'm so glad you liked it!! XOXO

Guest: Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it and I hope you like the new chapter as well! xoxo

Bytheriverside13: Wow that is some high praise! Thank you so much!! aslkghosidflsj It means so much to me that you thought it was real enough to see in your own head. I mean... THANK YOU! It's just getting me hyped up for what is to come and goodness knows that I NEED that right now lmaooo! Thank you so much for your constant support and for sticking with me all this time! AGU might be coming to a close soon but I will never forget how much fun it is getting just as excited for chapters as you guys! I really hope you like the remainder of the fic and know that I appreciate you so much. Thank you XOXO

Clarissa Kirishima: Lmaooo I love your review :) I was hoping someone would be rubbed the wrong way by Mirio because honestly, I'm kinda basing his character off a person I know in real life that sorta reminds me of Mirio. Lest it be said, that person and I don't really talk anymore lmao But hey, Mirio is still such a great guy but he's been jaded a bit in adulthood. I'm so happy that you're excited to find out more and I hope chapter 37 answered a few of those questions for you! And I am sooo excited for the last 8 chapters. You said you wanted some fluff? Oh honey... I have some fluff coming down the pipeline that will knock your socks off if I'm lucky! I'm super duper excited to write it. I've been saving the chapter idea in my head for so long now that it's morphed into something that is ready to explode onto the page. I'm so excited omg. Give me just a few more weeks because girl, it's going to be good. Thank you so much for sticking by me for SO long. You've been here since the start of this fic and it means a lot that you're still here, two years later. Thank you for your amazing reviews and kind words all this time. It means a lot and I deeply appreciate you. You're awesome and thank you again XOXO

Dragon.Chan: Well, it's not exactly Fanfic Friday this week but it's close enough lmaooo I'm glad you enjoyed the fighting in the last chapter because the best of it is yet to come in the last few chapters of the fic. I really am so excited! Thank you as always for your kind praise and I was to make sure I take the time to properly thank you for being such a consistent, kind reviewer every week. It means so much to me, especially as we get close to the finale. I hope that the rest of the fic keeps you on your toes and that you enjoy every second of it. Thank you so much for everything XOXO

JaneyBaney: MY GIRL! I was wondering what happened to you! Welcome back! I hope you're well :) I'm happy that you're a bit nervous about the Mirio situation but don't worry, I've got a plan for that! And you came back just in time because you have another new chapter today and you left a review right as I was penning my review responses. It couldn't have come at a better time. Thank you for sticking around all this time, especially as we come to the end of the fic. I hope you enjoy the rest of it and I'm super excited to hear what you think. I hope you're happy and kicking life's butt and thank you for all your support. XOXO

Responses to reviews on Chapter 35:

Inumie: As always, you are such a sweetheart! I love that you're questioning that the heroes will win and that you're excited for more action. It feels good to write something other than angst for a little bit and I'm super happy to know that you're up for it. It's also super funny that alter and quirk are the same word in french so I'm sorry for the confusion lmao! Thank you as always for your super kind review and I hope you're doing well. I also hope you like what happens in chapter 36! Thank you again XOXO

Akaginu: Wow thank you sooo much! I am so happy to hear that you're enjoying this fic every week. It really makes me smile to know that you stop by on Fridays to give my work a read so thank you! And I've been dabbling with my Zutara idea but I haven't settled on the official plot yet. Keep an eye out for it because I think that it might be my next big project after AGU is over :) I'm thinking I'll drop a few chapters in the near future but I'll be sure to let you guys know as soon as I do :) As always, thank you so much for the kind review and I hope you love chapter 36 as well XOXO

Margaret7188: I promise to keep it up! Thank you for the review and please enjoy chapter 36! XOXO

Guest: You bet I can but I think you're just jealous lmao. Thanks for the review! XOXO

Skybridgebarrow: Thank you so much! I am so glad you're excited for chapter 36 and I hope you like it! XOXO

Davene: Thank you so much! I hope you like chapter 36 and I hope the wait was worth it. Thank you for the review! XOXO

Enchanted-nova: Thank you again! Action can be a challenge to write sometimes but I'm glad to hear that you enjoyed it. As always, thank you for the review and I hope you like chapter 36! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Ahhhh you are so sweet! I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying the OC quirks and characters. It can be mind-numbing to characterize them sometimes but I feel like it's paying off. It's going to be another action-packed chapter this week so I hope you enjoy it! As always, thank you for the review and I look forward to hearing your thoughts! xoxo

Godavariflowsby: HMMM YOU SMART COOKIE lmao! I thought a few of you might catch on and I'm glad you did! I hope you like the new chapter and the next handful of chapters to come! As always, thank you for your review and I hope you're well XOXO

Wingingitlass: I'm so glad to hear that you liked the last chapter! *thumbs up right back* And keep an eye out for a Zutara fic because I'm thinking it's going to be my next big fic project after AGU. I've been working on it a little when I have time and I'm feeling pretty alright about it. Of course I'll be sure to let you know when it becomes available for you guys to read :) Thank you as always for your review and I hope you like chapter 36! xoxo

Kawaiicherry: LMAO I love your review so much! It made me giggle and smile so thank you for that! Read into it however you would like because I'm still tossing around ideas for the ending. I haven't really decided on how to wrap up kacchako yet so I guess we'll both be surprise lmao! Thank you so much for your review because it was such a joy to read. I hope you are well and that you enjoy chapter 36! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 34:

JaneyBaney: Ahhh as always, you are TOO SWEET. Thank you so much and I hope that the anticipation didn't hurt your heart any more than that! Let me tell you that leaving cliffhangers is so much fun but I know you guys get antsy for the next chapter lmao I hope you're well and happy and I look forward to your thoughts on the newest chapter! XOXO

Enchanted-Nova: Hello again and thank you! Breaking 500 reviews was a personal best for me but I'm not done yet lmao. I can always aim higher, right? Also, I read the first 3 chaps of your fic and I gotta say... I see you were quite inspired by my fic and I am very flattered! It's very well written and I really adore the friendships you managed to cultivate between the characters. I plan to read the remaining chapters over the weekend and I will be sure to leave a review once I'm caught up! Good job. And as always, thank you so much for your review. I hope you're having a great week and I hope you like chapter 35! xoxo

Pandapartay: You are so welcome for the update and yes, I am well :) I hope you can say the same! I definitely drew inspo from Eri's character but I'm trying to shake it up a bit. With any luck, it turns out the way I hope it will and gets you guys excited for the action to come! Also, I'm super excited for you guys to learn about Teller's quirk! I think it's a pretty interesting one and it suits his character well. I'm stoked to hear what you think! As always, THANK YOU for your review and I hope you have a great week! XOXO

Skybridgebarrow: As always, you are so welcome! Thank YOU for the many, many reviews you have left here! I am so grateful for it! I hope you enjoy the action and don't worry, fluff is incoming reaaaal quick. I have so big ideas! I hope you enjoy the newest chapter and that you have an awesome week! XOXO

Inumie: Thank you so much! Or should I say... Merci beaucoup! I'm glad to hear that you're excited for the action because we all know by now that it tends to lead to fluff, right? I'm just as excited as you are! I hope you are well and happy and please enjoy the newest chapter! XOXO

Godavariflowsby: Thank you so much and I'm not entirely sure how long it will be exactly but I'm aiming for 45 chapters tops. I already have the finale roughly planned out in my head and I know it's coming up soon. I'm just wrestling with some Viper bits in my brain and once that's sorted out, I'll be able to give a more definitive answer. I'm thinking it will finish up close to the end of July or August so there isn't much left. As always, thank you for your review and I hope you're having a great week! XOXO

Knext22: Thank you so much! I felt like the story was lacking something so I tried to introduce a new element (as well as an old one in coming future) and it seems to be working out well. I'm glad that you're excited for the action because I know I am! It should be a fun few chapters and I'm so happy to see you're back again this week. Thank you so much! I hope you're well and that you enjoy the newest chapter! xoxoxo

Aminaaxis: Wow thank you so much! I am so happy to hear that you've enjoyed the fic in it's entirety. It means a lot! I really hope you enjoy the newest chapter as well and I appreciate your incredibly kind review! XOXO

Davene: Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the newest chapter as well! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Yes, I agree that slow and steady wins the race! That's why I take an entire week to write a chapter lmao. I spend waaaay too much time in the editing process but it seems to pay off. Thank you as always for your many reviews and I hope this new chapter doesn't let you down! Thank you and have a great week! XOXO

Bytheriverside13: *gleeful laugh* THANK YOU! You are so sweet! I'm so flattered by your kind review! I reaaaally hope that the new chapter lives up to your expectations because I definitely tried to make it worth the read. As always, I so appreciate your review and I hope you have a wonderful week! XOXO

Badwolf123456: Thank you so much! I haven't seen you around in a while so it's great to see that you're still reading! I'm so grateful for the kind review and I'm stoked to see that you're excited for the new chapter! I hope you're doing great and having a wonderful week! Thank you so much and please enjoy the newest chapter! XOXO

Kaleidoscopemyst: Wow thank you SO MUCH. I really am so flattered by your review. I strive every week to put forth my best effort for you guys and it's always so great to hear that someone is enjoying the emotions I am trying to convey. I often draw inspiration from my own experiences, so I guess in a way, the characters and I share those emotions. I'm so glad to see a new face in the review section and I am so glad to hear that you've enjoyed the fic. I hope you have an amazing week and that you enjoy the newest chapter! XOXO

Janett Esquival: AHEM... I do this because I love you guys. Trust me... This is for the best :) But hey, the new chapter is out and you get to see what happens next now! I hope the wait wasn't too long for you. Thank you as always for your endless reviews and support. I hope you are doing well and staying happy! Please enjoy the newest chapter and have a great week! XOXO

Sarahnez1: AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH for your exceptionally kind and excited review! I hope you're well and that you enjoy the newest chapter! Thank you again! XOXO

Responses to reviews on Chapter 33:

Skybridgebarrow: Awww thank you so much! And of course Kirishima is a great friend! I mean... Have you met him? Lmao and don't worry, Bakugo and Uraraka will sort everything out really soon! Thank you as always for you friendly and sweet reviews. I hope you like the new chapter! xoxo

WingingItLass: Thank you so much for your kind words. It is definitely difficult to have a family member pass so suddenly but we're getting by together. It's brought my family closer together so there has definitely been a silver lining. I hope you are also doing well and thank you as always for your many kind reviews! I hope you have a great week and please enjoy the newest chapter XOXO

Janett Esquivel: No need to apologize! Life gets hectic sometimes and I'm so glad to see you're back and reading! And you are SO RIGHT that Bakugo needs to thank Kiri for being a good friend. He really is an ungrateful ass lmao. I would LOVE to write a KiriMina fic sometime soon and I've been brewing a bit of an idea in my head about it. Hopefully I'll be able to start on it sometime soon but I have to do my kacchako week prompts before I can start :) Hopefully I can put one out in the next few months because I'm dying to write about those two lmao. Thank you as always for your many reviews and I hope you are well. Enjoy chapter 34! XOXO

Pandapartay: Yeah it can be hard sometimes to reign in the impulse that I want the characters to have. I have to spend a lot of time reminding myself that they're adults and they won't make split second decisions the same way they would if they were teenagers lmfao. But I'm so glad to hear that you're excited for the sparring between them! I am also looking forward to writing it. I have been tossing around the idea of including a spar during kacchako week so you might be able to get a little bit from that too! Thank you as always for your kind reviews and I hope you are well. I also hope you enjoy the newest chapter! XOXO

Inumie: I totally understand what you mean about long distance relationships. My boyfriend and I also dated long distance for several months. It can be so tough! And I hope you and you boyfriend get to see each other very soon. I also definitely encourage you to write a kacchako fic! If I ever get the time to learn french, you know I'll be reading it :) Perhaps I could just google translate it... Hmm yes, that is a good idea lmao. I'm so glad to hear that the last chapter evoked some new emotions out of you and I'm hoping to do the same again soon. Glad to hear that you're doing well and I hope you have a great week! Thank you for your review and please enjoy the newest chapter! xoxo

Majin Gaetan23: Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the newest chapter as well XOXO

Clarissa Kirishima: Wow, a teacher? That's amazing! I am so glad to hear it and I wish you all the best with it. You're so close to finishing so just know that I'm rooting for you to finish out your schooling with a bang! And yes, I do have a lot going on in my life but writing is the only escape I really have. I just felt bad recently because I haven't felt like what I've written is cohesive or good but I just keep reminding myself that not everything I write will be perfect :) And they didn't really "break up" yet so don't worry! They're just putting it on hold for a little bit. Just hang on for a few more chapters because AGU will be finishing up soon and there will be plenty of fluff to go around. I hope you're doing better now and I look forward to hearing from you again soon. XOXO

Godavariflowsby: Hehehe I knew I was going to bring some disappointment with last weeks chapter but that's okay! Kacchako will find a way! I know they will :) And wow, thank you SO MUCH for your incredibly kind praise in your review. I was blown away and I feel so flattered by it. I've been feeling down on my writing lately but your review really lifted my spirits a lot, so THANK YOU. And hey, don't be down on yourself either! Writers are just as tortured as any other artist and it's only because we're especially critical of ourselves. If you love to write, then don't worry about the nitty gritty details of how you write. The beauty of writing is in the imperfections and subtleties that only the writer knows. It's not supposed to come easily and believe me when I say, every Friday comes around and I stare at the newest chapter like it's a dumpster fire that's about to explode lmfao. Don't let your self-doubt keep you from writing. It takes real courage to pick up the pen and tell yourself you can do it. I believe in you so put down whatever you're reading this review with and go write something. ANYTHING. Just write something YOU want to write and don't think about the what-ifs. Let me know what you come up with! And thank you as always for your review. I hope you love the newest chapter and I look forward to getting and update on your writing :) XOXO

NumberSixteen: Thank you so much! I hope you love the newest chapter as well XOXO

Aminaaxis: Oh honey, NO DON'T FEEL LIKE AN ASS OK? I update every week anyway so you should never feel bad for wanting to know what comes next. In fact, pestering me for an update only gets me more hyped up to do it. I appreciate you and your review SO MUCH and I want to personally thank you for it. I hope you are also doing well (I'm doing better btw) and I hope you love the newest update. XOXO

Dragon.Chan: Hello my dear! I am so glad to hear that you're writing again. I went to go look up your Ao3 profile but couldn't find it! Is it under the same username? Please let me know and I'll check it out :) And I'm so excited for you. I hope you are enjoying your time writing and of course, I'm still rooting for you. I am also glad that you enjoyed the last chapter and I hope you're enjoying the new one as well. I always look forward to hearing from you. As always, thank you, and I hope you have a fantastic week! XOXO

Kawaiicherry: Ahhhh YES I am also excited for the steamy laughs! I'm the type of person that laughs at my own jokes but I tend to laugh even harder when a character I'm writing does something funny too. I'm very much looking forward to the coming teasing and I'm glad to hear that you are too. Thank you so much for your compliments on the fic and I'm so glad to hear that you tune in every week for it. It is so much fun to have a new reader and I thank you for it! I hope you love the newest chapter as well XOXO

Kat: Thank you so much for your kind words of support and I offer you the same. I hope you are staying strong and keeping your chin up. I'm so glad for your read and I hope you love the newest chapter :) Thank you! XOXO

Enchanted-nova: Thank you so much and I actually started reading your fic on Wednesday :) I really enjoy your writing style so keep an eye out for a review soon! I'm so glad you appreciated the relationship between Bakugo and Kirishima because I had a lot of fun writing their little duel. I can't wait to write another one in the near future too! And of course I reply to all my reviews. If you guys take the type to write out something nice, I can do the same :) Besides, it's a lot of fun to get to know my readers and due to the quarantine, it's a healthy social interaction that keeps my mood up. I appreciate you guys and I always look forward to this part of updating. Thank you for your reviews and I so appreciate your kind words. I hope you love the newest chapter and I hope to see you again this week! XOXO

Responses to reviews on Chapter 32:

Guest: Wow thank you so much! I'm so glad you like it! I hope you like chapter 33 as well :) xoxo

Leaviel: I'm so glad you liked the KiriMina moments! I honestly had such a great time writing it. Sometimes it is so refreshing to break away from the main characters for a bit and I think it was a much needed break from all the drama. Thank you so much and I hope you love chapter 33 as well! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: Lmao yeah, I took Mina in a totally different direction last week but I gotta say, I'm glad I did. I think it humanized her a bit and created a different sort of dynamic between her and Ochako. Mina is super fabulous in her own way but that doesn't really stop her from looking at someone else, even her friend, and wanting something better for herself. That's why it felt like the perfect opportunity for Kirishima to grow a pair and be like "HEY I LIKE YOU" lmaoooo. I hope you schooling is going well and that you're not too overwhelmed! Are you in college? If so, what are you studying? As always, thank you so much for your super kind review and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this newest chapter as well. You're awesome and I hope you too are staying healthy. XOXOXOXO

Skybridgebarrow: Kacchako fluff. Yes, we definitely need more of that adorable kacchako fluff! I don't want to give away any spoilers but hang onto your seat, my dear, because we're all taking the train to Kacchako fluff town real soon! I am SO EXCITED to write it that I'm probably going to start on the next chapter once chapter 33 is posted and over with. I have too many ideas for the future but I'll give you a little hint... Listen to a song called Beach House by The Chainsmokers because that's what I'm going to base the kacchako fluffy chapters off of. It definitely inspired me and I hope you get a little taste of what is to come :) As always, thank you SO MUCH for your review and I hope you are well. I just adore you and I hope you love chapter 33 as well! xoxo

Inumie: I looked up Cap ou pas cap and I was so chuffed with how similar the ideas were. It was such a pleasant surprise and now I want to see the movie lmao. I am so glad you enjoyed the KiriMina chapter. It was nice to take a break from the drama that always seems to hang over Kacchako and have a simple love story take place in between it all. I have to say that I agree that French is a difficult language to learn. I was actually the french club president when I was in high school but that was five years ago now. Is english a common language in France? If not, how did you learn it? I'd love to know :) As always, thank you so much for your many kind reviews and I'm so glad to see you have a profile now! I looked you up and wow, you seem to be quite an impressive writer yourself! I will have to try and read some of your work as I am also a Fairy Tail fan :) I hope you are well and happy and I hope you love the newest chapter too! XOXOXO

Davene: Thank you so much! I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed a little KiriMina. I'm sure you're anxious to get back to the Kacchako so I hope you love the newest chapter as well! XOXO

Sarahnez1: Wow thank you so much! I was definitely worried to publish last chapter because I had taken a different turn with Mina's character but I'm glad to hear that someone appreciated it. I'm so glad to hear that you liked the KiriMina moment (would you be interested in a KiriMina fic?) and I hope you love getting back to some Kacchako with the newest chapter! Thank you as always XOXO

JaneyBaney: I honestly could not agree more but on the other hand, social media tends to motivate me in a way. It's hard to explain lmao. I guess it keeps me honest in a way? Idk. I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the KiriMina moments in Chapter 32 because I had a great time writing it and exploring their dynamic. They're a lot of fun to write, especially together, and it paid off. I hope you are doing well and that your show is coming along too. With any luck, we'll both be able to crawl out of this pandemic hole with a bigger creative arsenal than we had going in. As always, thank you so much for you support and love. I look forward to hearing from you again soon XOXO

Enchanted-nova: AHHH YOU ARE SO SWEET! Thank you so much and I'm so glad you have enjoyed the entire fic. It's so refreshing having a new reader join up and share their thoughts. Sometimes I forget what has happened in the last 30 chapters so it is certainly a treat to get such a great reaction to it. Thank you! I LOVE that you're interested in the new obstacle Kacchako has to face and I'm so glad that you're reminding me that Mirio is a person in this fic lmao. I agree, that man needs some closure! I'll be sure to tie up that loose end in the future (as well as another certain someone from Uraraka's romantic past). I bookmarked your fic so I can read it when I get a chance. Hopefully I will get the opportunity tonight :) It's so great to see that you're writing again, especially when there is a dire need for more quality Kacchako fics! Thank you so much again for your kind reviews and I hope you love the newest chapter as well XOXO

Guest again: Thank you so much and YES we will be getting more Deku in the future, I promise. The timing isn't quite there yet, though. Poor guy got his heart broken and now he's thousands of miles away from the girl he loves but don't worry, he will be making a comeback at some point to get his fair share of closure (or drama!). Thank you for the review! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: I am so happy to hear that you're motivated to write again. I know I kinda put the pressure on you last week, but honey, that's what I was aiming for! I loved your bit when you said that if you love writing it, then what do you need the reviews for? It made me sit back and rethink the way I write because you're completely right about that. I find that I get easily discouraged too when people don't love my work right away and I'll constantly refresh the page in hopes that someone will say "wow!" and honestly, that's not why I started writing in the first place. I don't know if you ever saw my youtube video I did where I talked about my inspiration for writing AGU but it wasn't the same reason I write it now. In the beginning, it was a way for me to cope with ending a long and painful relationship and it was helping me to move on. When I started writing the fic again after a year long hiatus, I was doing it because I had promised to finish it and I didn't want to go back on that promise. Now, I write it because it gets me writing every week and it's opened a door to a whole new opportunity for me. I really want to express my deepest thanks for enlightening me to that. I hadn't reflected on my reasons for writing in a long time and you helped me find a new little nugget of confidence so THANK YOU. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish, Dragon Chan. I gave you a follow and I will be checking up on you :) I look forward to your next AGU fic, even if it's short. I hope you are well and once you're done reading the newest chapter, I expect you to sit down and write something! With love and luck, thank you. XOXO

EuphoriaSolace: Wow thank you so much! I am just blown away with your kind words. I always feel so blessed when someone new joins and feels strongly enough to leave such a kind and thoughtful review. I really can't say thank you enough. I can't tell you how many times I have binge-read entire fics overnight. Oh my, all the all-nighters I have pulled in my day! Lmao I am so glad to hear that I could do the same for you. It really does mean so much and I hope you LOVE the newest chapter! I update every Friday on what I like to call "Fanfiction Friday" so you'll never be waiting long for a chapter! Thank you again and I hope you love chapter 33! XOXO

Responses to reviews on Chapter 31:

JCarrasco: You got it! You can count on me! Thank you again xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: Ahh thank you so much! I so appreciate it! Thank you as always and I hope you love chapter 32! xoxo

ExplodinPonies: Ah I'm so happy to see you're back! I hope you loved all the chapters and thank you so much for all the reviews! I know you're worried about Uraraka and Bakugo's relationship (as we all are) but I'm sure they'll find a way, right? :) Thank you again for all your kind reviews and I hope you love chapter 32 as well! xoxo

Godavariflowsby: I like that you're thinking that he's going to break it off because truthfully, I haven't fully decided which direction I want them to go yet. I'm sure once I get to actually writing it, I will know :) We will see, won't we? And wow, thank you so much for reading the responses as well! I love getting to know you guys. It's the best part about the writing process. I'm just so glad that you're considerate enough to leave a review on each chapter. It's so kind and I appreciate it. All I can say for now is thank you and I hope you love chapter 32! xoxo

Inumie: I took french in high school but I'm afraid it's been too many years since I've conversed in french to remember much :) I've always wanted to try and learn it again but I haven't taken the time. I'm feeling rather inspired to do so now! So salut! I am so amazed to have a reader across the globe from me! I hope life is well in France and that you're staying safe :) I'm so glad you were caught off-guard by the agency rule. I was rather proud of myself when I thought of it so I'm glad it went over well with everyone. I hope that it doesn't frighten you because as we all know, Kacchako will win the day! They always do but I'm intrigued by your thoughts on the aftermath of it. Will Bakugo ask her to transfer so he can be with her? I don't know :) I guess we'll all have to find out together! Thank you as always and I hope you love chapter 32! A la semaine prochaine xoxo

JaneyBaney: Awww you are so cute! I am so excited to hear more about your show! I haven't been able to be as active on social media over the last two weeks but I will keep an eye out for it! I can't wait :) I'm so glad you liked the softy boy that is Bakugo. It's rare but definitely needed sometimes :) I hope you love the newest chapter and we'll see how Uraraka and Bakugo play out soon! Thank you as always XOXO

Dragon.Chan: You guys inspire me every week so the feeling is reciprocated. By the way, don't ever lose your confidence in writing. Most of the chapters I post every week feel like they'd be better suited for a dumpster fire but it's the consistency that helps change that. Writing makes you a better writer. You might hate it or worse but it takes real courage to put it out in the world. Even if most people don't read it, the few that do will support you and encourage you. I know you have what it takes so keep it up! I am so overjoyed to hear that you've picked up the pen after all this time because I am sure you'll create something amazing and I can't wait to see it for myself. If you have an idea for a long-form fic, you should write it. I challenge you to do it and keep me updated on how you feel about it! I believe in you! For now, thank you as always for your amazing support. You are so wonderful and I can't wait to read your review this week. With all the love I can possibly send, good luck! XOXO

Enchanted-Nova: *cries* omg thank you so much! I just checked out your profile and I'm definitely going to read your fic at the first opportunity! I am so flattered to hear that I could be an inspiration and I want you to know that it's reviews like yours that inspire me too. It can get really difficult to keep up with the writing sometimes but keep it up. I look forward to seeing your progress! I am so excited to hear what your thoughts are on the rest of the fic so I'll be keeping an eye out for it. I update every week so you'll never be waiting long for an update :) Thank you SO MUCH for you kind review (I will treasure it!) and I hope you love the newest chapter as well XOXO

Guest #1: I'm only responding to your review because I have promised to respond to all reviews, even the annoying ones. Truthfully, I feel bad for you. It must suck to live in such a spiteful state of mind. It's sad. Here's a little bit of free advice: Go outside, friend. Get some sunshine and hang out with your friends or something. Hug your mom or sibling or whoever in your life matters to you. I think it would do you some good. I hope you're doing well and thank you for your review. It helps my stats and I'm sure my readers will get a kick out of it. By the end of today, it will be long forgotten and your opinion won't matter anymore. I hope you get better, friend. I really, really do. Get some help. XOXOXOXOXO

Guest #2: Thank you so much! I am so glad you love the fic! I hope you love chapter 32 as well! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 30:

JCarrasco: As always, you know I will :) Thank you again for another sweet review XOXO

Skybridgebarrow: I hear you on the fluff factor and I agree lmao! And of course I'll stay safe as long as you do the same :) Thank you so much for another kind review and as always, I hope you love the newest chapter! XOXO

CocoaFirefly: AH THANK YOU! I'm so glad you love it and I hope you love the newest chapter as well! xoxo

Guest: Wow thank you SO MUCH! You're so very sweet for reading so much of my work. It means so much to me, I really can't say thank you enough. I am so glad you're enjoying AGU and I promise to continue to provide consistent updates for you. Also, I love your thoughts on the future chapters. I like how you're worried that Bakugo will grow bored and that they need to face the media attention. As far as meeting Uraraka's parents... We'll just have to wait and see, right? Again, thank you so much for the review and I hope that the next time you leave one, you'll leave a name for me to use! I'd love to say thank you personally. I appreciate it and I hope you love the newest chapter! XOXO

Clarissa Kirishima: AWWW You are so sweet! As always, I look forward to reading your reviews. It's become a highlight of my weekends. It's wonderful to hear that you're doing well and continuing to push yourself through school. It's hard work but it pays off big time! And I for sure relate to the feeling of weirdness in new relationships. It can be so confusing and uncomfortable but Kacchako is PERFECT so I'm sure they'll get through it all :) Well... Maybe. Perhaps they need just a tiny bit more drama lmao. I guess we'll see! Thank you as always for your kind reviews and I appreciate your critiques as well. I hope you have a wonderful week and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the newest chapter. XOXO

XEmilionx: Awww thank you so much! I am so glad you liked chapter 30 and that you seemed to enjoy the slower pace of it. I love that you're interested in the foreshadowing I'm trying to set up because it just gets me more excited to write it! I especially liked your thoughts on Uraraka mentioning her parents to Bakugo and I actually really like the ideas you put forward about it. Perhaps I will use one lmao I guess we will see! Thank you so much for the very kind and thoughtful review and I hope you love chapter 31 XOXO

JaneyBaney: As always, you blow me out of the water with your kindness and thoughtfulness. I am very intrigued by your one woman show! You will have to tell me about that when you have some free time. I wish you the very best luck with it but knowing you, I'm sure it will be a tremendous hit! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the last two chapters and I really think you're going to like the newest one as well. By the way, thank you so much for your interest in Dashi. It's kinda nerve-wracking to write it sometimes so any support is very valued and I am so grateful for yours. I really hope you love chapter 31 and I hope you love Dashi as well. As always, I adore you and wish you a great week with a little more rest than the last few weeks. Thank you! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: You are so sweet and I am so lucky to have a reader like you! Your excitement for some KiriMina meddling has me brewing a few ideas (just for you!) so I hope you like what the next few chapters will have in store. It's just so much fun when I get to find some fun inspiration from people who read the fic and yes, fanfiction is meant to be for fun! It's hard work but it pays off in its own way. It makes me happy to make you guys happy so I'm just going to keep grinding onward with it. Thank you as always for your support and many, many reviews. I am so glad you're still around and I hope you love the newest chapter! xoxo

Janett Esquivel: Hello one of my biggest fans and welcome back! No need for apologies, by the way :) Life can get a little hectic when you least expect it so I'm just glad you found some time to take a break and read. It means so much to me that you choose to spend that time reading my work. I truly appreciate it. To answer your question, I am doing much better now. Losing my job was SUPER rough and unfortunately, I haven't been able to find another one. But don't worry, I have a plan :) Now is the time to chase my passions so I've been devoting every day to writing and doing the things I love. Perhaps I could make writing my official job one day :) I hope school is going well for you and I wish you the best of luck with it. School is hard work but it pays off so keep it up! I'll reward you for it with chapters lmaoooo Thank you as always and I so appreciate your endless support. I hope you have an amazing week! Thank you! xoxo

Guest: Wow thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the fic and I hope you continue to read it! I'm so thankful for the high praise and I hope you love the newest chapter as well! xoxo

Mesip: Ahhh your reviews are just so sweet and thoughtful. I am so glad you like the way I depict Bakugo in the fic because he's the one I worry about going off-character the most! He's so complex and I have so much fun writing him but man... he's complex so it can be so difficult lmao I am so glad to see you back again this week and your excitement has me excited as well. As always, thank you so much for your kind review and I hope you love chapter 31! xoxo

Davene: Thank you so much and I'm so glad you liked the filler chapter :) I just hope you like chapter 31 as well. Thank you for the review! xoxo

Hiroki Hayashi: Wow thank you so much for the high praise! It is always such a privilege to have a new reader join and enjoy it enough to leave a review. I can't tell you how many times I've stayed up all night reading fics I love so I can for sure relate to that feeling. I am so glad to hear that you have liked AGU and I hope you enjoy all the chapters to come. I update every Friday (I call it Fanfiction Friday) so you'll never have to wait long for an update :) Thank you again and I really hope you enjoy the newest chapter! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Ahhhh thank you so much!! You are too kind and I so appreciate your reviews. I can definitely relate to how you feel. I feel the same way about a number of Wattpad books and a handful of other fanfics out there. I tell myself that once I've written all my chapters for the week, then I can spend the weekend binge-reading whatever I want :) I hope life is treating you well and that you're staying super productive. Have a great week and please enjoy the newest chapter! xoxo

Aminaaxis: I come back every single Friday for Fanfiction Friday so don't worry :) You'll never be waiting long for an update! Thank you so much for the review and I really hope you love the newest chapter as well! xoxo

Jessya: *cries* wow thank you SO VERY MUCH! I'm just... I'm speechless! I can't even begin to say how grateful I am for your incredible praise. I try and put my best foot forward every single week for you guys and I'm so glad to hear it's paying off. I feel so blessed to have loyal readers that return every week, even anonymous ones, and enjoy the fic. Your review honestly made my entire week and I really just want to make sure I thank you for that. I will never lose my desire to write as it is my greatest love and passion so you never have to worry that I'll fizzle out. This fic is my proudest work so I'll see it through to the end and I'm so glad to have people like you along for the ride. I hope you love the newest chapter and all the ones to come. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you again soon XOXOXOXO

Responses to reviews on Chapter 29:

JCarrasco: Of course! I’ll keep it up! Thank you for the review and I hope you love chapter 30! Xoxo

WingingItLass: You’re welcome! And yes, I am feeling the stress but I really can’t do anything about it right now. I hope that you love chapter 30 and thank you for the review! Xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Thank you so much! And yeah, the lay off sucks but I’m just going to keep on doing what I love. Thank you for the review and I hope you love chapter 30! Xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: Awww you are so sweet! Thank you so much! I am so glad you loved the last chapter and I hope you love the newest one too! Kirishima will definitely be the glue to Kacchako right now so hopefully he can keep the momentum for them! Thank you as always for your review and I hope you love chapter 30! Xoxo

Rikki Shiratori: Ahhh thank you so much! Yeah the layoff sucks but it just gives me more time to chase my writing dreams so it’s not all bad :) Thank you so much for leaving a review and I really hope you like chapter 30 as well! I’m always so overjoyed when I see a new username in the review section so it’s a nice treat to have one this week. Thank you so much and please enjoy the newest chapter! Xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: You are so awesome. I mean it when I say it. I have to hand it to you for calling me out from time to time. You’re completely right when you said that Kirishima was a bit *much* in the last chapter so I completely agree. I think I was trying to write a nice filler chapter in between the next plot point but I got a bit carried away with Kirishima in chapter 29. Maybe when I go through to do the final edit on AGU once it’s complete, I will tone him down a bit lmao. Thank you as always for your amazing review and like me, I hope you are finding something to keep you busy during the quarantine. I appreciate all you sweet words of encouragement and I wish you all the best. You’re awesome and I really hope you enjoy chapter 30 xoxo

Godavariflowsby: Oh you are so right! Kirishima has a NOSE for Bakugo’s shit, I’m telling you! Of course he’d be the first one to figure it out lmao! I’m so glad you enjoyed it and I really hope you love chapter 30 as well! Thank you so much for the review! Xoxo

Knext22: I am so touched by your last review. Thank you so much. I am so lucky to have such amazing readers and you’re one of them. You review every week and it really makes my entire day. I am so glad that you enjoyed the last chapter, especially since I was down in the dumps and struggling to keep up the momentum. I am so happy to have you and I can’t say thank you enough for your many kind reviews. I really hope you love chapter 30 as well. Thank you again xoxo

Pandapartay: Wow thank you so much! I am so glad you liked the time skip. I was worried when I published chapter 29 that I would get a bit of blowback for the skip but I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the readers seemed to like it! I wanted to domesticate Kacchako in a way that worked for the fic and I’m glad it worked. Part of me wishes I had gone with Katsuki’s mom as the intruder but at the time I felt that it would have been premature. Kirishima has his wits about him and is willing to keep their secret so it worked out a bit better. I’m so glad you like it! Thank you as always and I hope you like chapter 30 as well! Xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Yay thank you so much! You’re such a faithful reader and I am so glad to have you here! I knew that somebody outside of Bakugo and Uraraka had to be able to tease them about it and Kirishima was the PERFECT option for that. I am so happy to hear that it was well received. Thank you as always for you incredible and consistent reviews. I hope you are well and I hope you love chapter 30! Xoxo

Ori Heartlyng: LMAO seriously though. Bakugo is such an old man! He’s the “get off my lawn” type of man and I have to be honest, I LOVE IT. He’s so anti-Uraraka and it really makes them a great fit, am I right? It’s so much fun to write and I’m so glad to see a new reviewer this week! It reassures me that I’m reaching new audiences so thank you so very much for reading. It means so much. Thank you and I hope you love chapter 30! Xoxo

Marcus (GUEST): THE BEST BRO. Kirishima is probably my favorite character to write. I tend to get a bit out of hand when I write him because his character is so limitless. An awfully great friend to Bakugo indeed lmao. Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 30 as well! It’s always nice to see a new face in the review section. Thank you xoxo

Inumei: *cries* YOU ARE SO SWEET OMFG I LOVE YOU. I am so gosh darn lucky to have such a wonderful person reading my work. I am so sorry to hear about your loss of your job as well. We are all struggling right now and I am comforted to know that I am able to provide something in return to you all. You guys have helped me more than you know and getting to see your reviews every week makes it all worth it. You have been a faithful and kind reader, posting a review every single week with a thoughtful praise. I am so fortunate to have you and I am so glad to hear that you’re still checking in here every Friday to read. Thank you so much and I hope that you are well. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and I hope you enjoy chapter 30. Xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 28:

JCarrasco: Thank you again for your review! I will keep it up! :) xoxo

Skyler: Wow thank you so much for your many reviews! I can’t say thank you enough! And YES! If you would like to cosplay this fic, you are more than welcome too! (You just have to tweet me a picture lmao) I’m glad you’re enjoying this and I can’t wait to see what you do with the cosplay! Xoxo

Mesip: Thank you so much! But let’s be honest here lmao Bakugo is totally a softy but he does a good job at hiding it. I’m glad you enjoyed the last chapter and I hope you like the new one! Xoxo

LovelyDream306: *jeopardy music plays while I wait for the next chapter of TFTWTL* …...WHEN WILL YOU GIVE IT TO ME?... Anyway lmao I’m so glad you liked chapter 28! I hope it caught you off guard a bit lmao! You’re so sweet and your review was EVERYTHING haha Thank you so much for your interest in Dashi too! Every read counts while I try and get it off the ground hahaha well I won’t eat up any more of your time because I want you to get to work on bringing us the new chapter of TFTWTL! Go! Write girl, write! Xoxo

JaneyBaney: LMAO you are too sweet! I’m so glad you liked it that much! And thank you so very much for your interest in Dashi. It means so much to me, you have no idea. I have to ask, did you like the re-read of chapter 28 just as much? Thank you so much for all your amazing support. You’ve given so many reviews, followed on twitter, checked out my new book, and all the rest. I can’t say thank you enough. THANK YOU! And please, enjoy chapter 29! Xoxo

CocoaFirefly: Wow thank you so much! I was aiming for a much softer feel to the scene and I’m so glad you picked up on that. It was certainly a challenge to write but I wanted to make sure it was set apart from the typical narrative that fics like mine have. I guess I just wanted to challenge myself to create something truly original and based off your review, I know that I somehow managed to achieve that. I’m so happy to hear that you liked it and I hope you feel the same for the coming chapters! Thank you! Xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: You are too sweet! Thank you so much! That “fuck I like you too” line was just so BAKUGO wasn’t it? I was super proud of that line hahaha I’m so glad I caught you off guard and your excitement has gotten me excited too! I hope you love the newest chapter just as much! Xoxo

Godavariflowsby: YAY KACCHAKO! Haha thank you so much! I hope you love the newest chapter as well! Xoxo

Inumie: Wow thank you so much for your interest in my newest book! It means so much to me and I really can’t say thank you enough for that. I really hope you like it! And yes, I completely agree that Bakugo is an intimate and passionate character. He’s not just anger and lust all the time, he’s more complex than that and I love it! As always, thank you so much for your review and I really hope you love chapter 29 too! Xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Ah thank you so much for your review and yes, I am in total agreement! I’m glad someone is excited about the villain timeline other than me lmao. It’s going to be so much fun to write and I can’t wait to share it with you guys. As always, thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 29! Xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: Hello my friend from Chile! I have always wanted to visit Chile. It looks beautiful there. It’s hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that we live so far away from each other but we’re connected through fanfiction! It’s awesome! I’m so glad you liked the last chapter of the fic and yes, I am in total agreement. I’m hoping that they don’t mess it up either! Lmao! I hope you got a chance to read my new book and I’m so excited to hear what you think :) Let me know! Until then, please enjoy the newest chapter of AGU and thank you for your review! Xoxo

Janett Esquivel: Hello my biggest fan! You’re so FREAKING SWEET OMG. You deserve the endless applause, not me! Your review was just so wonderful to read and I was speechless! I mean, you have given me the highest compliments a writer can hope for. I can’t say thank you enough and I feel more motivated than ever to continue pursuing my writing dreams. You are absolutely one of my biggest fans and I’m so blessed to have you! I hope you really love the newest chapter and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Xoxo (P.S. YOU’RE SO AMAZING TOO)

Bytheriverside13: Awww you are so sweet! I’m so glad you like the fic that much! It really means so much to me and I will try to bring you guys the same results every week. Thank you so much for your kind review and I really hope you love chapter 29! Xoxo

Pandapartay: LMAO I loved your review! And if you have already ready chapter 29, then you know that you pretty much read my mind lmao. We haven’t seen a sparring match between Bakugo and Uraraka yet (right? I’ve written almost 30 chapters now so I can’t remember lol) so I might have to throw one in sometime soon. I feel like it would be a ton of fun to write and definitely a challenge :) Thank you so much for your many reviews and I hope you love chapter 29! Xoxo

Margaret7188: Ahhh thank you so much! I’m so glad it blew your mind because I was aiming to catch you guys off guard lmao! You’re so sweet for leaving two reviews too! It really made me feel like I did a good job so thank you! As always, I appreciate your reviews and I hope you really love chapter 29! Xoxo

Nyma: Wow thank you so much! I am so glad you remembered me and enjoyed it so much. It means so much and I’m just so happy to have another reader join us again. I’m sure you know that I update weekly (except I’m one day late this week, oops!) but you’ll never be waiting too long for a new chapter. Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 29 too! Xoxo

Guest: You’re so welcome! Thank you for the review and I hope you love the newest chapter! Xoxo

Rooscha: Wow thank you so much! I’m so glad to see a new username in the review section and it means so much to me that you’ve enjoyed this fic enough to leave such a kind review :) I update weekly so you’ll never be waiting long for a new chapter. I hope you love chapter 29! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Thank you so much and I’m so glad to see that you’re back again this week! As always, thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 29! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 27:

Sarahnez1: Ah thank you so much! I am so excited to release Dashi and I am so glad you’re going to read it! I promise to continue hustling hard and I am so grateful for your review! I hope you love chapter 28 xoxo

Janett Esquivel: Omg I grabbed a box of tissues after reading your review. It was so sweet and thoughtful and ahhhh…. It made my entire week. No. My entire MONTH. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so unbelievably lucky to have someone so wonderful and so kind reading my work. The very fact that you’re going to read Dashi means so much to me, you have no idea. I’ve put so much work and thought into it and I hope it succeeds. I hope you love it and chapter 28 of AGU. I am so grateful to have you here. ILY so much xoxoxo (P.S. I love Kiri too! He’s the most fun character to write!)

Leaviel: Wow I have so much to thank you for this week! A review, a follow on twitter, and a future read on my book?! I am so lucky! Thank you so much!! I am so glad to hear that you’re enjoying AGU and I hope the weekly updates are helping you stay less bored over the weekends lmao. I hope you love Dashi and I hope you love chapter 28! Thank you! Xoxo

Kreshi: Thank you so much for another review! I am so glad to see that you’re back again this week! I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

Platinum: Eh they’re just trying to fill the boredom during the lockdowns. I don’t really mind them and I’m glad you don’t either! Lmao thank you so much for the review and I really hope you love chapter 28 as well! Xoxo

SaltQueen: Wow thank you so much! And yes, I had known I needed to tie up the Mina/Baku situation for a while but the opportunity never felt “right” for it until chapter 27. I will expand on that more in the future :) And thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! Reviews like yours make me feel like I’m on the right path and that sense of accomplishment helps me to push through the writers block days and put out a chapter every week. Soon I’m going to be putting out chapters every other day in between AGU and my novel! *nervously googles “how to prevent carpal tunnel”* I am so happy to hear that you’re enjoying this enough to check in every week and I hope that I see you again soon. I appreciate you so much and I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

PandaPartay: You are so sweet! Thank you so much! Yes, I am staying safe even though I’m still working and writing full time. It’s been a challenge to get everything in order for my book release this weekend through the mayhem of the world but truthfully, now is the time that the world needs it the most! Kirimina meddling is by in large the most fun part about this fanfiction. If only everyone had a Kiri or a Mina in their lives lmao. Thank you so much for all your support and I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: Kirishima is so improvisational and I love it. Such a fun character to write! There’s nobody in the world better at teasing Bakugo and I live for it! I don’t think you’ll be waiting too much longer for Kacchako… lmao Thank you as always for your review and I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

HIcruz18: Thank you so much and yes, my work life has been difficult but coming home to writing every night helps a lot. I love getting to push out a chapter every week and I’m glad you’re still reading! I hope you love chapter 28 too! Xoxo

Dragon.Chan: I’ll have to take a few hours this weekend and read your fic before the craziness after my novel release! I don’t know if I’ll have time to so much as sleep after Sunday lmao. I’ll make sure to check it out! And yes I agree. I feel like I’m such a Mina kind of friend. Super nosy but in a good-hearted way lmao. If you have friends like this, I’m sure you value them greatly and they love you too! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

Davene: It’s no problem at all :) I love to write so I count myself very lucky to have people like you that want to read it. It’s so much fun getting to know all of you as well. I am very grateful for your review and I hope you love chapter 28 as well! Xoxo

Guest: Happy Saturday morning! I hope you slept well lmao it’s so strange to me that people have little routines they go through now when it comes to Fanfiction Fridays. Some readers have told me that they read it right after work, some read it in bed, others wait until Saturday night when their husband is at work to read it. It’s so fun to get to know how people carve out time in their weekends just to come read something I wrote and ahhh… I am so lucky. I value you all so much and your review helped me remember why I do this every week. Thank you so much and I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

Margaret7188: You are much too kind and idk how much more inflation is good for my ego! LMAO Thank you so much and I adore you! I’m so glad you enjoyed Mina and Kiri’s meddling because I honestly enjoy writing those interactions the most. Bakugo and Uraraka will get their issues resolved soon, I promise! Thank you as always for your review and I really hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

JCarrasco: Thank you so much and I promise that I will! I hope you love chapter 28 xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: I’m from the United States! Specifically the state called Arizona. I don’t know if you’ve ever been to Arizona, but it’s basically just 50 shades of beige. A HOT desert place but I really can’t complain. I lived in a snowy climate for 15 years and I don’t miss the snow at all! Lmao I promise I will try and expand on the Baku/Mina incident sometime soon but in a flashback I didn’t want to get stuck on a rabbit trail lmao. Thank you as always for your review and I look forward to hearing more about where you’re from too! I hope you love chapter 28! Xoxo

Mesip: Wow thank you so much for your many, many reviews! It was so much fun to get to read all of your thoughts after each chapter and I found myself looking back to remember what happened in each one lmao. It honestly reminded me why I write weekly updates for you guys. I escape the crazy world right now through writing (which is why I’m taking on a much bigger load for the next few months) and I’m able to offer the same to readers around the world. It’s an interesting dichotomy as we help one another through this and I am so grateful to have readers who enjoy this enough to continue coming back week to week. Your compliments are sincerely appreciated and I am so grateful to have such wonderful and loyal readers. I can’t thank you enough! I hope you love chapter 28 as well! Xoxo

Godavariflowsby: I totally agree with you haha I am pretty sure that if I were reading a fanfic like mine, I’d be pulling my hair out by now! But on the bright side, you don’t have to wait long at all for the Kacchako-y goodness to start! I am so excited for the coming chapters and I hope you love chapter 28! Thank you as always for your review Xoxo

JaneyBaney: Yeah, they’re definitely both a little ridiculous but hey, isn’t that part of being human? Lmao And wow thank you so much! You checked out my video and everything? *tears up* thank you so much and I really hope I deliver with something worth reading. I’m nervous af to share it! Lmao thank you so very much, honestly, and I’m glad you’re excited for the giveaway! It’ll be so much fun for everyone and I look forward to being able to do something special to say thank you to all of my readers. I feel so lucky and I really am excited to see where the future takes me on my writing journey. I promise I’ll continue to work hard and provide good content to read! I’ll see you next week and I really hope you LOVE chapter 28! Xoxo

VaneChu: Wow thank you so so so much! I’m so glad to see you’re still enjoying this after all this time! And yes, I promise I’m taking care of myself but I find that keeping to a deadline helps me deliver good work. And you guys always know when the next chapter will be out! It works out for everyone. Thank you so much for your amazing compliments and I will continue to try and remain true to the characters. It can be a challenge some days but it’s super fun too! Thank you for the review and I hope you love chapter 28! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 26:

Badwolf123456: Awww thank you as always! I am so glad to see you're back again this week! I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: I know how you feel when you're talking about the quarantine stuff. It's destroying my country and costing us all so much. It's been hard so I consider myself lucky that I get to write something to help everyone through this. And I'm so glad you liked the interview! And yes, Uraraka is such a little bean! lmao I'm glad to see you back once again and I am so grateful for your many reviews over the last 26 chapters. My original novel will be published next week so keep your eye on the authors notes today and next week! I hope you love the new chapter and it brightens your day up a bit. Xoxo

Knext22: Awww thank you so much! And yes, my family and I are muddling through. Times are tough but we will get through this together. As always, thank you so much for your review and I really hope you enjoy chapter 27! xoxo

MoeLester13: Ahhh you are so kind! I surely am trying to do my best and I'm so privileged that you're enjoying this enough to leave a review. I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Janett Esquivel: You are one of my absolute favorite reviewers lmao. I love your comments so much! They always leave me feeling so good and it knowing that you're enjoying the fic enough to leave such kind reviews makes it all worth it. And of course that interviewer wasn't going to push our little sweetheart around! She's got guts these days. Perhaps Bakugo is rubbing off on her a bit, huh? lmao thank you so much for your continued reviews, I deeply appreciate you. Please enjoy chapter 27! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Aw you are so sweet! I hope this chapter helps answer some of the questions you had from chapter 26. Mina and Kirishima are just my absolute favorites. They're not only amazing friends, they're amazing people too. They're so much fun to write. As always, thank you so much for your many reviews and I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

JaneyBaney: Wow thank you so much, omg. You want to read my novel? I am speechless and I really hope you like it. It would mean so much to me if you read it. But aside from that, your speculations about this fic are always so fun to read. It's like you pick up on the subtle clues I'm laying down lmao and then you ask the right questions! Hopefully this chapter helps answer some of those questions lol. As always, thank you so very much for your continued reviews and your support across platforms. I appreciate you. I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Margaret7188: Wow thank you so much. I am endlessly surprised by how considerate and kind all of my readers are. Your review was inspiring and thoughtful. I want to express my deepest thanks for it. I appreciate the review and you as the reader. It's amazing to me that you're reading this fic from Chile! You're so far away from me, but here we are and it means so much to me that you would be willing to read my novel. I am so grateful for that. I really hope you enjoy it and the new chapter of All Grown Up. I hope you like Mina's reaction to the Bakugo situation as well as all the interactions coming in the future! Thank you so very much for your review xoxo

SaltQueen: Wow thank you so much! It's always wonderful to get such thoughtful and inspiring reviews. Your review did trigger some new ideas in my head regarding the Mina/Baku situation and I felt inclined to agree with you a bit. I didn't really notice it before you mentioned it so I want to thank you for such a thoughtful critique. And yes! Uraraka needed some character progression! She's one BAMF so she deserves to behave like one. Plus, she's back to doing hero work now, so hopefully we get to see some more of that side of her. Thank you so much for your review and I really hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Inumie: As always, you're such a sweetheart. Your reviews always bring a big smile to my face and I've come to look forward to them every week. I am so glad that this fic is able to bring a smile to your face during these difficult times we face together. It's the little bit of excitement I can bring to all of you and I'm so glad I can do that. I appreciate you and I really hope you enjoy chapter 27! xoxo

Guest: I promise it won't last much longer! They'll be friends again soon :) They're just getting their bearings on their new feelings lmao. Nobody is that great at romance so I want to reflect that in them. We're all just weirdos searching for love, right? lmao I'm so grateful for your review and I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

LovelyDream306: IT'S MY FAVORITE GURL. I'm wiggling my eyebrows at you because I am DYING for the next chapter of your fic! PLEASE tweet at me when it's released okay? I'm literally going to drop everything, climb into bed, and read it 100 times. I get so much inspiration from your fic and I really love the premise of it. It actually inspired another novel I've been dabbling with over the last few weeks and I'm hoping that I'll be able to share it with you in the future. You're a very talented writer and I am always impatient to see what you'll do next. And your reviews... I LIVE FOR THEM. They make me laugh out loud! You're so sweet and I just appreciate you so much. Thank you as always and please enjoy chapter 27! xoxoxoxoxoxo

ShanaDumblond: Of course! And yes, Uraraka needed to stand up for herself a little bit. She's gotten quite the beat down as of late, so she needed a win :) Thank you as always for your many reviews and I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

RandoFox: Oh honey... Being that salty can't be good for your health. Maybe you should try meditation or something. But hey, thanks for the review! Every single one helps. If you don't like my fic, then you should check out my novel that I'll be publishing on April 5. In the meantime, you should check out chapter 27 of All Grown Up. xoxo

Godvariflowsby: Um excuse me but YOU'RE THE QUEEN HERE. You have left so many reviews and I am so grateful for it! And you should know by now that angst is my JAM but... I want kacchako as bad as you guys do! lmao thank you so much for your reviews as always and I really hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Jorjipotato: Omg lmao your two reviews were such a roller coaster of emotions! I felt it and it made my entire day! I am so glad you joined in with the rest of us here at the All Grown Up party because we like to have fun here. I update every week on Fanfiction Friday so you'll never be waiting long for an update. Thank you so much for your reviews and I hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Guest: Wow thank you so much! What a kind and thoughtful review! I really cannot express my appreciation enough. I agree that people who don't like a certain ship should keep that to themselves, but on the other hand, I relish those sorts of comments. It shows me that I'm doing something right. Nothing I write will please everyone. Some people are just bitter and that's their own fault, not mine. I'm so glad you enjoyed chapter 25 and 26. I've been having a lot of fun figuring out who the characters would be like as adults and I feel that I'm getting better at it every week. Uraraka is such a dynamic character so she deserves every bit of badass-ness that comes with being a woman! I am so glad you're enjoying this and I really hope you love chapter 27! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 25:

Knext22: Oh honey, I know what it's like to have a hurting shipping heart! But that's why there has to be some turbulence! Kacchako has to come naturally and I know my fic is long, but I'm so excited to see where it goes from here! Fluff fluff fluff from here on out, my friend! Uraraka is finally free of Deku so now she and Bakugo can be together! But... can they? hehehe I guess we all will see what awaits! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Pandapartay: Lmao you're too perceptive! The jacket is a fun plot point and I"m excited to see where it takes Uraraka on her little love adventure lol. And OF COURSE Mina and Kirishima are going to have fun with this! Now that both Bakugo and Uraraka are single, I'm going to go to town with their shenanigans! Thank you as always for your review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Piano-lover22: Wow thank you so much! And AHHH! I am totally on the same page! I had so much fun writing about their little steamy moment and ugh... It got me so hyped for the future chapters! And I am so happy you caught onto the jacket detail because I have some ideas about that... lmao thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Janett Esquivel: No need to apologize! lmao and ahhh, thank you so much for your uplifting review! It truly means so much to mean to earn such high praise from readers. I spend about 25 hours or more a week writing just this fic so reading reviews is so much fun for me. I always learn something new from you guys and it only spurs me to continue writing. It's a difficult time for us all so it makes me so happy to know that I can bring a little nugget of joy to you guys every week. As always, you are such a gem and I deeply appreciate and value you as a reader. Thank you for your continued support and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

JCarrasco: Thank you so much! And you should know by now that I won't give up on you guys lmao I appreciate your reviews week to week and I will continue to work so hard! I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

JaneyBaney: You know, I love all my readers so much so I try to remember each of you as well as I can. And let's be honest, you're such a supportive fan! You're super active here and on twitter and girl, that makes me feel SO SPECIAL OK. And don't be heartbroken lmao it is a Kacchako fic so while the timing isn't right at the moment... It will be very soon! But ugh, I am so glad I am able to evoke that sort of emotion in you! Thank you so much, as always and forever, for your many reviews and I really hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

ShanaDumblond: LMAO your review was so great omg. "A quick dip in the batter" was such an amazing line lol I laughed out loud! You're so sweet and don't worry, I will feed you very soon. We're working up to it, I promise! lmao thank you so much for your continued reviews and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

xEmilionx: Wow, what an amazing review! I loved reading your insight on the future of this fic. It honestly inspired me and motivated me to write something a little more Uraraka-based for the new chapter. It's true that this fic is very slow and somewhat dramatic but that's because I'm kinda basing it off my own life experiences and I want it to feel reasonable. And I don't think it's a secret to you guys that Katsuki has some pretty major feelings these days for Uraraka so I'm just trying to build up to that. It just gets me as excited for the next chapters as you guys! Thank you as always for your reviews and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Sarahnez1: Wow thank you so much! I am so glad you're enjoying this fic and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Margaret7188: You are so sweet! And yes, I'll continue to update weekly for your guys until this fic ends and the next one comes along! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Davene: Wow thank you so much! I will continue to update weekly for you guys and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: Ahhh you are so sweet as always! And hopefully the new chapter answers some of your questions! And remember, when Bakugo left Uraraka in her apartment, she didn't start to cry until he was gone :) But it should make for a few interesting chapters in the future lmao. I am excited to write how Bakugo and Uraraka get through this and HOPEFULLY find each other soon! Thank you as always for your reviews and I am so excited for your to read the next few chapters! xoxo

Bytheriverside13: Omg you are SO SWEET AND SO CUTE. I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Bakugo too at this point! (tell my boyfriend I say I'm sorry lmao) And let's be honest, Uraraka was kinda rebounding with him ;D But that's why Bakugo walked away! Now they can start again from a good place! It will be a fun few chapters to write in the future so I hope you enjoy them. Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Power through the writers block! I believe in you! Sit down and force yourself to write, ok? (my secret is that when I'm done writing a chapter, I write the first page of the new chapter before I shut my laptop so I have starting point when I have more time to write!) And as always, I am so happy to see you here again! I love all your reviews and your support means so much! Thank you so much for all your kind words and I'm hoping that I'll have some time to read soon. I will check out your fic the moment I have the time to do it! xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: YES I LOVE YOU TOO LMAO And don't feel rushed to read as you have 7 days between chapters to catch up! I'm just glad to see you back again this week and I'm so glad you enjoyed it (despite how much you wanted to curse Bakugo lmao)! As always, thank you for your continued support and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Inumie: Ahhhh no need to thank me! I should be thanking you! You're coming back week to week and it makes me feel soooo special! I have come to look forward to your reviews and I'm so happy when I see a notification from you! As always, thank you so much for your continued support and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Omfg I know what you mean lmao! I have a 3 year old (black) cat so that's actually where I got the simile from! lmao all I can do is hope that I nailed what it's like to be drunk :) And as always, thank you so much for your continued support and I'll continue to work hard to update weekly! Thank you and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Guest: Wow thank you so much! And yes, I'm sorry for being such a tease! This fic is really picking up speed now so hopefully it won't take more than a few more chapters to see more Kacchako fluff and much more! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Hlcruz18: Ah thank you so much! I am so glad you're enjoying it and I will continue to work hard! I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Kreshi: Once again, I am so glad to see you returning for the update. I have to ask, do you usually read on Thursdays or do you re-read it before the new chapter is released? :) I'm curious! Thank you as always for your many reviews and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Guest: I will write more chapters! I will update weekly until this fic is done and I move onto the next one! Thank you so much for the review and I hope you love chapter 26! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 24:

Skybridgebarrow: THE FLUFF OH YES THE FLUFF! Guuurl you have no idea! I'm 25 chapters into this story now and suddenly I'm like "Wait... how tf do I write fluff?" lmao I guess when you write 100k words building up to something, you sorta get idealistic with it. I am SO GLAD you liked it because I was worried that it wasn't going to be good! I really hope you love chapter 25 ;) It's going to be a good one! Thank you so much for another review and I'll see you next week, yes? xoxo

WingingItLass: Oh girl... Will he shoot his shot? I mean... IT'S BEEN 24 CHAPTERS SO DAMN I HOPE HE DOES! Lmao I am so glad you were excited for chapter 25 and I hope I don't disappoint! Thank you so much for your review and I can't wait to hear what you think! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: You never need to apologize for a review! I honestly look forward to yours every week! You're so sweet and thoughtful in them all and I really appreciate it! But to answer one question you had, Katsuki is not a virgin in my fic but he has been celibate for quite some time. He's just... inexperienced? He's been waiting for the right girl to come along and BAM HERE COMES OCHACO, BEST GIRL EVER. Thank you so much for all of your amazing reviews and just know that I adore you. xoxo

Conchito: You are so welcome! I am so very flattered that you love this fic so much! I really have so much fun writing it every week but I have even more fun writing my review responses to you sweethearts! I hope you love chapter 25 and I look forward to hearing what you think! xoxo

Piano-lover22: Drunk Kacchako is so freaking cute tbh. Uraraka is specifically fun to write when she's drunk. She's just... ME. Lmao I guess you're going to have to read chapter 25 to find out what happens with them and I am so excited to hear what you think! Thank you so much for your review and I hope to see you on the next fanfiction friday! xoxo

Sarahnez1: Mood. Lmao thank you so much! I really appreciate it and I hope you love chapter 25 as well! xoxo

Iamthewerepire: Ahhh thank you so much for the follow! I got quite a few follows last week so you'll have to tell me which one you are! I really like to interact with my reviewers on twitter because you guys are what make me successful on this site. I'm of the mindset that you guys should get the most attention from me! Thank you as always for your review and I am so excited to hear what you think of 25! xoxo

Jannett Esquivel: GURL I LOVE THE FACT THAT YOU REFERRED TO IT AS AN EPISODE. Like... I took that as a huge compliment. I literally was like "same" because to me, it's like this fic is a movie that I'm writing lmao. As far as the rest of your review... You'll just have to read chapter 25 to see for yourself. Thank you so much for your review and I'm so excited to hear what you think! xoxo

JCarrasco: I absolutely will and thank you so much for your review! I hope you love chapter 25! xoxo

Margaret7188: Awww thank you! And yes, Mirio is a sweetheart but he's just too much of a sweetheart! Ochaco needs a little nitty gritty in her life, am I right? Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 25! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: I didn't have the time to read your fic this week but I will as soon as I can! I hardly had the time to reach my page goal this week for my own fic lmao. I am so glad you loved jealous Bakugo because I have a feeling there will be more in store for the future but I hope you love chapter 25 for now! Thank you so much for your review and I'll see you next fanfiction Friday! xoxo

Kibagaaralover18: Yes! What a clash of worlds right? Mirio vs Bakugo was actually so much fun to write because they are SO opposite from each other. It was like my brain kept having to switch from nice guy to not-so-nice guy in the spanse of seconds as I was writing them and it was super jarring. But that's the fun in writing, right? The challenge is half the fun and hoping you nailed it is the other half. Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 25!! xoxo

LovelyDream306: Ah girl I have had such a crazy week that I didn't find the time to message you! I just messaged you today so lets brainstorm some ideas! We'll have to think of a fun announcement for it too! Also, I want to bounce a few fresh ideas off you! Maybe you'll be able to offer some valuable insight as a fellow writer! I'll be in touch! Thank you as always for your review and I promise, AGU is heating up! There's still so much more to come but for now, I'm just having some fun with it. ILY and thank you! xoxo

JaneyBaney: Ahhhh okay I think I finally connected the dots! You follow me on twitter, yes? I twitter stalk all my new followers and dang girl! You are amazing! I can write but acting is a whole different kind of ball game! I'll tell you what, when I manage to write an original book that's worth making a movie out of (shooting for the stars here), I'm calling you first! I hope you love chapter 25 and thank you so much for your continued support! xoxo

Inumie: Ah girl you have NO IDEA! I can't even wait for you to read the coming chapters! Ahhh it's going to be so much fun! Thank you as always for your continued reviews and I hope you love chapter 25! You're so sweet and so cute and I love your reviews week to week! Thanks for joining the AGU crowd! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Wow thank you SO MUCH!! I really feel so very blessed to have readers that are so loyal week to week. I am just as excited for the coming chapters as you are and I hope you love chapter 25! xoxo

Lulu: OMG wow thank you so much! What a wonderful and thoughtful review! I'm not sure if I'm worthy of such high praise but I want to make sure I express my deepest thanks. It really means a lot and it motivates me so much as a writer. I am so glad you love the twist with Mirio and I am just as excited as you are for the coming chapters! It's going to be a fun ride for all of us and I look forward to seeing where we end up. Thank you so much again and I hope you love chapter 25! xoxo

Big fan: Wow thank you so much! I can relate to that sort of review so hard! I feel that way about so many fics I love too! I will continue to work so hard for readers like you and I hope you love chapter 25! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 23:

Skybridgebarrow: Ahhh you're so sweet! Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the interaction between Bakugo and Mirio because it was definitely my favorite part about that chapter. Also, I FREAKING LOVE YOU TOO. You're so awesome for your continued support and I'm so happy to have you here! I hope you love chapter 24! xoxo

JaneyBaney: I literally died laughing at your review omfg it was SO RELATABLE. You are beyond sweet and I will treasure that review forever. It made my entire YEAR. I hope you love this new chapter too and I can't wait to hear what you think! I think it's a good one this week... *wink* Xoxoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: LMAO well the funny thing is that I didn't really plan on Mirio liking her until I started writing the part where Eri healed Ochaco. It sort of just happened organically and I was like "yeah okay, I think I'll run with this." I'm just excited that I finally get to start writing some kacchako! I hope you love this new chapter and thank you for your review! xoxo

ShanaDumblond: I know how you feel! lmao Mirio is just too naturally charming, isn't he? Thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 24! xoxo

WingingItLass: Ahhh you're so welcome! Baku/Mirio was so much fun to write and I can't wait to hear what you think! Thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 24! xoxo

Inumie: Wow you live so far away from me lmao. I live in Arizona but I've always wanted to visit France. Maybe one day I will :) I'm so glad you're enjoying this fic enough to leave a review week to week and I hope my late update didn't mess with your routine too much! Please enjoy the extra long chap to make up for it! xoxo

LovelyDream306: Awwww I'm so glad you loved my Kirimina moment! I ship them just as hard as kacchako tbh lmao. And YES, I would love to work with you too! I had a crazy as hell week but I'll DM you on twitter and brainstorm some fun collabs! Maybe we could ask for prompts and run with one we both like! Be expecting a message in a few days girl :) xoxo

Dragon.Chan: I noticed that you followed me on twitter this morning and I was like "she's probably wondering where the hell the update is" lmao. I checked out your profile and when I have some free time, I'll check out your Kacchako fic! I was so touched when you wrote that you felt inspired to write again. That's how so many fanfic authors have made me feel over the years and I'm just... SO MOVED that you feel the same way. You're such a gem and I hope you love chapter 24. xoxo

Conchito: LET ME BEGIN BY SAYING YOU ARE AMAZING. You left a review on EVERY chapter and I was just... ugh... I am so flattered omg. I wish I could hug you because it made me feel so special and it was so much fun to read your reactions as you read. I love it! Thank you so much and I hope you absolutely love chapter 24! xoxo

Iamthewerepire: I love the enthusiasm! I am so glad you got hyped up for the new chapter and I hope it makes up for the late update! Thank you so much for all your reviews and I can't wait to hear what you think! xoxo

Hannaverian: Welcome to the Kacchako party! I'm so happy to have you and don't worry, I update weekly so you'll never be waiting long for an update. I loved reading your thoughts on how I portray Uraraka and Bakugo because you're right, they can be tricky to write sometimes. It's funny to me that you feel that I have a harder time writing Bakugo but truthfully, I struggle much more with Uraraka. Writing men is easy for me but women are super hard (which is ironic because I'm a woman too lmao). It's been ages since I've read Fairy Tail and I haven't finished the anime yet. I once wrote a Fairy Tail fic a long time ago but I don't know if it's even still available haha. I spend most of my free time writing so I really only have time to read when I'm on my lunch break at work but I will check out your fic as soon as I can! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 24! xoxo

Kibagaaralover18: Ok I had to re-write your username a few times and I'm still not sure if it's right lol. But that's how I know you're a new reviewer! Welcome! I'm so glad you are enjoying this enough to leave a review and you're right, Bakugo better put his big boy pants on and win over Uraraka! I hope you love chapter 24 and thank you so much for your review! xoxo

Yarazard: Hello and welcome! I'm so glad you like this fic enough to leave a review! I can't even tell you how many times a fic has sucked me in the same way. I'm now remembering all the all-nighters I've pulled and I'm so touched that I could do that for you! The good news is that I update weekly so you'll never be waiting too long for an update. Thank you so much and I hope you love chapter 24 too! xoxo

PandaPartay: LMAO yeah, I kinda figured someone would call me out on that but I'll be honest, I didn't really intend to write Mirio as competition. It sorta happened organically and I was like "this is happening and I cannot stop it" while writing it. Sometimes the creativity has a mind of it's own and I'm just along for the ride lmao. Thank you so much for your continued reviews and I hope you're just as hyped for chapter 24! xoxo

xEmilionx: Yeah Mirio's interest in Ochaco was totally unplanned for me as well. I was like "oops" while writing it and by that point it was too late. The idea was there and there was no changing my mind. Plus, it gives me the chance to write some jealous Bakugo and who can argue against that logic lmao. Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love chapter 24! xoxo

Kreshi: Ahhh thank you! I'm ready for jealous Bakugo too! I'm so excited for you to read chapter 24 and I hope you really enjoy it! Thank you for your review as always xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 22:

Clarissa Kirishima: As usual, I'm touched with your review and the fact that you stay up late to read the updates makes me feel so special. I hope it isn't too late for you :) I always appreciate your kind words and I am SO IMPRESSED with you. English isn't your first language? I never would have been able to tell if you hadn't said so lmao. I am so grateful to you for your continued reviews and you high praise. I hope you love chapter 23 so much! xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: *suggestive eyebrow wiggle* oh honey, the timing is almost right. Kacchako fluff is RIPE and all that's left to do now is get it written down :) Thank you so much for your adorable and totally relatable review. I hope you love chapter 23!! xoxoxo

Iamthewerepire: OMG THANK YOU! I am speechless!! Bakugo is so much fun to write because he's so stoic on the outside and soooo squishy on the inside. Plus... I get to write the f work a lot lmaoooo. I always have a good time when I'm writing him and I am so glad you're enjoying it too! I am so deeply flattered that you have such high praise for this fic because I have worked so hard on it. Comments like yours make me feel like I achieved my goal and it makes the writing that much more fun. I am so excited to hear what you think about chapter 23! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Omg that is so cute that you felt nervous for him because I'll tell you what, he was sweating bullets in my mind lmao. I'm so happy to see another sweet review from you and I'm glad to see you're coming back week to week. Thank you so much for everything and I hope you love chapter 23 too! xoxo

JaneyBaney: You survived! You made it to Fanfiction Friday and chapter 23! I am so glad you feel that Uraraka is getting stronger because I write her the way I want to feel as a woman. She's such a badass and I love her so much for it. And yes, jealous Bakugo is EVERYTHING. I can't help but want to write a little bit more of jealous Bakugo soon lol. I hope you love chapter 23! xoxo

JCarrasco: Thank you so much for your continued reviews and I'm so glad to see you are still reading :) I hope you love chapter 23! xoxo

Inumie: Ahhh of course he had to tell her! It's like I've said before. Bakugo is such a hardass on the outside and soooo squishy on the inside lmfao. It's too cute for me to even write sometimes! Thank you so much for your continued reviews and I hope you love chapter 23! xoxo

Kreshi: Ahh thank you for all of your reviews so far! I am so glad to see that you're still reading this and enjoying it enough to leave reviews. I truly appreciate it and I hope you absolutely love chapter 23! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Oh wow thank you! Weekly updates are so much fun for me too. I feel like I'm using my time outside of work for something productive and fun. Plus, I get to interact with amazing people like you! I hope you love chapter 23 and can't wait to read your review next week! xoxo

Chocolatteee: Nonsense. You are not a lowly pigeon feasting on crumbs! You are magnificent peacock feasting on crumbs! lmaooo I am so glad you loved the hug from behind enough to DRAW SUCH AN AMAZING FANART. I downloaded it and made it my phone wallpaper hahaha how could I not?! It makes me feel so unbelievably special. I'm so glad to see you love fanfic fridays too and I hope you LOVE chapter 23! xoxo

LovelyDream306: *hugs and kisses back* girl you can do no wrong in my eyes, okay? I am so glad you finally got the chance to sit down and read this week because your review is EVERYTHING. So cute. So sweet. I adore you and I'm IMPATIENTLY waiting for your next fic update! Your fic is the only other Kacchako fic I follow religiously too. I've read through a few other fics but yours is the only one I actually love (hence why it's the only fic on my favorites list bc I want all my readers to read yours too). I am so glad you love my fic this much because I have great respect for you as a writer and I think we should consider partnering up on a fun one-shot sometime. Would you be interested? As always, ILY SO MUCH and I hope you LOVE chapter 23! xoxo

PandaPartay: Awwwww thank you so much! You're so very sweet and I appreciate you. I am so glad you're onboard with my pacing and the subtlety I'm trying to convey week to week. They'll fall in love eventually, right? lmao but truly, I am so happy to see you come back every week and enjoy it enough to leave a review. I am so happy you're here and thank you. I hope you really love chapter 23 xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 21:

ShanaDumblond: I'll be honest, I went into writing that fight with Deku and Bakugo with the intention of making them physically fight but in the last new moments of their argument, I realized that they were adults now and the odds of them fighting were much slimmer. Like... They've learned that lesson. A fight just wasn't in the cards and I remember feeling like "Aw man!" But hey, if it didn't feel right, I wasn't going to force it lmao. I'm glad you weren't expecting Eri! haha that was the goal. It was supposed to be a surprise but it's not just a conveinent plot piece. There will be more of it... mwahahaha... Thank you as always for your continued reviews and I hope you love chapter 22! xoxo

Kreshi: You're really great! I am so glad you're still enjoying this and ugh, I am still so jealous of how cool your username is. xoxo

Mintystarlights: You are such a sweetheart, you know that? I've seen you on the twitterverse. You've liked pretty much all my tweets since you followed me and then you were like "Thank you for making my day" and UM EXCUSE ME. YOU MADE MY DAY TOO OKAY?! I went home that day and was like "BABE you have to see this tweet I got today after I followed one of my readers!" It was like... ugh. I don't even know how to describe it. You made me feel so... *squeal* THANK YOU for your support and I can't even say how much that means to me. I am so glad you're enjoying this fic. You are the BEST! I hope you love chapter 22! xoxoxo

Jade Sphinxx: Thank you so much! I am so glad you enjoyed chapter 21 and I hope you love chapter 22 too! Thank you for your review and I hope I don't disappoint! xoxo

Tiguylerobot: I agree with you 100% about Eri but I gotta hope that Horikoshi has bigger plans for her. Like... What a unique quirk she has! She will be a fine hero. I guess we will all have to wait and see! As far as my fic goes, you'll just have to wait and see what happens with Eri and the others! *wink wink nudge nudge* Thank you for your continued reviews and I truly hope you love chapter 22! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: AHHH YOU ARE SO SWEET OMFG I LOVE YOU. Truthfully, I'm not too concerned with the haters either. They're just... well... haters lmao! They're critical from a bitter place and hey, that's not my problem. I'll just giggle that they felt strongly enough to leave a review because don't they know that HELPS me? lmaoooo and GIRL you are so right. I want nothing more than to write so much kacchako fluff that it makes me puke but I gotta keep it casual. You're right that it would be too weird to make them all cutesy now (I can't stop thinking about the "now kiss" meme lmao) but hopefully chapter 22 gives you a little taste of what's to come. I am just SO EXCITED and I adore you to death! ily and thank you so much for your reviews and support. I truly hope you enjoy chapter 22! xoxo

Chocolatteee: Oh girl you are damn good. You're one of the few that doesn't forget this fic is rated M for a reason lmao. I literally can't wait to get to the intimate parts because I think you're all gonna FREAK OUT. I've never written an intimate scene but I already have it figured out in my mind (picture the meme of charlie from IASIP with the red string investigation board) and I'm just so excited to get it in writing. You guys are going to love it, I already know that. BTW, I tried to set your drawing as the cover of my fic but I guess I have to make it my profile pic too or something. Are you cool with me doing that? I'd really like to. I'll post credit to you above in my bio :) Thank you for your reviews and please let me know so I can get that done this week! xoxo

JaneyBaney: Ahhhh I am just so happy to see you again! You're such a gem! You're here every week and whenever I write my review response to you, I smile. You're always so thoughtful and you leave such kind comments! I'm so glad to hear that you seem to view Uraraka in the same perspectives that I do. I get the vibe that you understand where I am coming from when I write her. I appreciate all your reviews and I am so grateful to have you here to read week to week. Thank you so very much and I really hope you enjoy chapter 22!! xoxo

Davene: I don't believe I've seen your username before! (Please correct me if I'm wrong because I would be SO embarrassed lmao) Thank you so much for your review and I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying this fic! I hope you love chapter 22! xoxo

Knext22: AHHHH I AM SO GLAD YOU'RE ENJOYING THE UPDATES! Omg you're so cute and THANK YOU! It's Fanfiction Friday every week!! So I hope you enjoy chapter 22 as well! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Eri was a surprise for me too, tbh lmao. It came to me in a dream and I was like "oh yeah more plot" and then I rubbed my hands together and laughed maniacally because it gave me SO many ideas for the future! Kacchako interactions will be making a comeback now and I am just as excited for them! I can't wait to get back to the fun bits now that the plot is really moving along. Thank you so much for your continued reviews and I hope you enjoy chapter 22! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Thank you for your review and OF COURSE I have to respond to my reviews! You guys are what make me feel successful! I really couldn't keep this up if it wasn't for your guys' support. It's so fun to get to know each person that appreciates my fic and I often find inspiration in my interactions with everyone. You guys are so thoughtful and fun to talk to. It also keeps me loyal to my deadlines because I know that readers like you are waiting for me to update! I also feel like it's just a good practice to have. You guys are just wonderful and you deserve something extra. Thank you for your many reviews and I truly hope you enjoy chapter 22. I'll see you next week, yes? xoxo

Iamthewerepire: Askhdglkskjdf I am just so HONORED that my fic is the first BNHA fic you've read! I mean, wow! Thank you so much! You left a review and everything, oh my gosh! I hope you're happy to know that I update weekly on Fanfiction Fridays! It's always a party in the ionlycamefortacos profile page because you guys are what make this all so much fun! It's more than just a hobby for me at this point because I've really grown to love my each of my readers individually and I am so touched to have someone new join in! Welcome! I truly hope you love chapter 22 and I'll see you next friday! xoxo

Inumie: I've come to really enjoy reading your reviews and whenever I get a guest review email, I just assume it's you. You've really become a part of the community now and I am so happy to have you back week to week. Thank you for your continued support and I will say that a typical confession probably won't be a part of my initial plot so you've hit the nail on the head there. I'm aiming for a more kacchako feel to it. Bakugo is too macho for a run of the mill anime confession, right? Plus, they're in their twenties in this fic so it should feel like it fits. Just wait, my dear. I don't think you're going to expect how Bakugo 'confesses' to Uraraka (or vice versa lmao). Should be a good chapter when it finally comes around! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you enjoy chapter 22! xoxo

Godavariflowsby: Ahhh thank you! I am just so glad to have you back again and I'm glad to know you're still reading this fic. I truly hope you enjoy chapter 22 because it can only get more fluffy from here, right? lmao I'll see you next week! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 20:

Margaret7188: I am so glad you are hyped up! We're getting so close to the kacchako moments! Thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 21! xoxo

WingingItLass: Lmaooo I can only imagine how a parent would feel about it! Ah yeah, It's difficult to write breakups but I wanted to kinda break the norm and Deku doesn't strike me as one that would take bad news poorly lmao. Thank you so much for your update and I hope you loved chapter 21! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Wow thank you! I am glad to see your username once again! Thank you so much for your continued reviews and I hope you love chapter 21! xoxo

Guest: There was no username but thank you! I am always so happy to know I was able to hit you in the feels lmao! I hope you love chapter 21! xoxoxo

ShanaDumblond: Lmao well I'm not sure about the ass-beating but I definitely tossed around the idea for a while. I wanted to write about them breaking out into a fight but I wasn't sure lol. I hope you enjoy chapter 21 so you can see for yourself and THANK YOU for your continued reviews! xoxo

Skybridgebarrow: Yay! A new username! I am soooo glad you're here! I always feel so lucky when I see a new reviewer :) Thank you so much and I update weekly so you don't have to worry! I'm a hardcore kacchako shipper as well lmao so I was soooo relieved when I could finally end the relationship between Deku and Uraraka. It finally frees me up to write all the fluffy ideas I've been storing away for ages! Thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 21! xoxo

Ravenskyys: Oh you want to throw virtual hands huh? Lmaooo I don't know if you're ready for that! I am so glad you loved chapter 20 and that you felt like there was a semblance of realism to my fic! It always makes me feel like I'm doing a good job and I can't say thank you enough! I hope you love chapter 21! xoxo

Rikki Shiratori: I wanted the readers to feel bad for Deku so I'm so glad you did. He's not a bad guy honestly. He's a sweetheart that just couldn't get it right this time. I'm glad you're excited about regular updates too! Thank you for your review and I hope you love chapter 21! xoxo

Inumie: I am so glad you were excited for chapter 21 and I hope you love it! And OF COURSE it's gonna be kacchako feelings! lmao Thank you for your continued reviews and I hope you love this new chapter! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: You are not a bad person for being happy! haha it was a relationship that had to end one way or another to make way for KACCHAKO! I am so glad you're enjoying this still and girl, I just need to say once again that I LOVE YOU and I am so grateful for all of your support since the beginning! I am truly blessed to have readers like you. I'll be interested to know your thoughts on chapter 21! xoxo

IziyaTakahashi: Oh wow thank you! I am so glad you felt all the emotions I was trying to convey in chapter 20 and I can only hope you feel the same about chapter 21! I am so happy to know that you're excited for the upcoming plot and I will work hard not to let you guys down! xoxo

JaneyBaney: I am so glad to see your username again! I am glad you felt bad for Deku because I was kinda aiming for that and I am just so glad that I'm not the only one that wants more Kiri/Bakugo friendship moments! They're just so much fun to write and I love your analogy of Kirishima being made of butter. Thank you so much for your continued reviews and I hope you love chapter 21! xoxo

Hubblej49: Well hello there! Another new username! Wow, I am so glad you're here! Thank you so much for your review! I am so glad you're enjoying it and I am so unbelievably happy to hear that you're one of my original readers. Thank you so much and I will keep it up! I hope you enjoy chapter 21 too! xoxo

RandyFap: Well I think you're going to love chapter 21 based off your last review and WOW thank you so much for your comment on my writing! It makes me feel like I'm doing something right. And yeah, Bakugo is the BEST BOI OF THIS STORY! He's gonna have to best boi his way all the way to Uraraka's heart now lmao I hope you love chapter 21 and thank you for your continued reviews! xoxo

Kairos.xo: WOW thank you so much! I absolutely loved your review because it helped me understand that my readers are picking up on the subtle parts of the plot that I'm trying tie off. I am so glad you enjoyed it and I really can't say thank you enough to you for your continued reviews and support. I am so lucky to have readers like you and I hope that chapter 21 doesn't disappoint! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: I am glad you love the Kiri/Baku banter too! It's my absolute favorite thing to write lmao. I hope you enjoy chapter 21 as well and thank you so much for your continued reviews! xoxo

Finnadragu: Oh my gosh thank you! Wow, thank you so much. I am so glad you've enjoyed it so much and I will try to maintain that tension and excitement for you! Your review made me feel so good and I really want to express how grateful I am. I hope you love chapter 21 too! xoxo

LovelyDream306: FFS you're such a sweetheart. I mean really, you are. I always look so forward to your reviews and and I am so glad you enjoyed chapter 20. I know that the cliffhangers are kinda a constant for me lmao but when you guys get hyped, I do too! Thank you so much for your continued support and I look forward to your thoughts on chapter 21! xoxo

Davene: Thank you so much for your review and I hope you're just as excited for 22! xoxo

Evanonymous: Eh. Sorry you feel that way lmao *shrug emoji* but thanks for the review! I'm glad to hear you read it all the way through and I hope you continue to read it.

NumberSixteen: LMAO You are so cute. Thank you for your reviews and I will certainly TRY to continue writing for forever lmao! Keep your eye out for a big announcement coming! xoxo

Chocolatteee: You bet I printed it out! I've actually been meaning to ask if I can use it as the cover for this fic! Would you mind? I obviously want to give you credit and a shoutout for it (but WOW did you see the response you got to it on twitter?!) I am so sorry to hear you had a rough week and I hope that I was able to provide some distraction for you. I will continue to work hard and I hope you continue to make your amazing art. I believe in you! I am so glad that I have the honor of getting to know you a bit and I hope you love the newest chapter as well. You're a dear and I thank you xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 19:

Honey346: Oh wow! I am so glad to hear you found me on twitter! And I just love your review because it made me laugh. I really love when people tell me what they're feeling and what they think will happen next! Thank you so much for the support and I hope you love chapter 20! xoxo

ElinorSinclair: I really, really appreciate your review. It was so funny when I read it because I was like "love triangle?" And then I really thought about your comment and I was like "oh... Yeah I guess I am writing a love triangle!" lmaooo I honestly hadn't even really thought about it that way and I'm so glad you pointed it out. To me, it's just a slowburn that is born out of a breakup but your comment really made me look at my story and the plot in a fresh new light. It was eye-opening in an odd way and it made me feel so good. So thank you so much. I am so glad you're reading this and I promise that the triangle has no more than 2 chapters before it turns into a circle. xoxo

ShanaDumblond: Thank you for your review! I am so glad you're feeling the emotions I'm trying to portray. Hopefully you love 20 as well! xoxo

Tiguylerobot: Well if you've already read chapter 20... you know what happens lmaooo. Thank you for the review! xoxo

Janett Esquivel: Ok let me just say one thing real quick. Your review made my jaw drop and my heart race and got me absolutely SQUEALING. I honestly have been tossing around the idea of writing professionally and making it my official career and hearing words of affirmation like yours? Well... It sealed the deal. I have you to thank for that. I've been working on a little... surprise project on the side recently... You'll just have to keep your eye out for a big announcement coming in a few weeks! Thank you so much. I honestly can't thank you enough. It really meant a lot. Thank you. xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: Oh Clarissa, Clarissa, Clarissa. You are such a joy. ily so much. *tear emoji* And you are so right. Fluff is coming. It's creeping up faster and faster now. We're only a few chapters away! As always, thank you for your continued support and all the reviews you have written. You are such an amazing reader and I'm proud to have people like you in my writing community. I really appreciate you. Thank you so much and I hope you love chapter 20! xoxo

Badwolf123456: You are so incredibly sweet. I mean... I'm always so happy and touched whenever anyone leaves such an amazing and sweet review. Thank you so much for your continued support and many reviews. It means so much. I hope you loved chapter 20! xoxo

WingingItLass: THE CAB DRIVER WAS SO THE MVP and thank you for recognizing him! lmaooo I love your little Uraraka comment so much too! I literally laughed aloud when I saw your review! Thank you so much for your continued support and multiple reviews. I truly appreciate it. I hope you love chapter 20! xoxo

Jax.robin: If I'm wrong, please correct me, but I believe that you're a first time reviewer! I am so glad to hear from you! It is always such a treat when someone new enjoys reading the fic so much that they decide to leave a comment. I am so glad to have you here and thank you for your kind words. I will continue to work hard and release chapters weekly for readers like you. Thank you and I hope you enjoyed chapter 20! xoxo

Chocolatteee: GURL I FREAKING LOVE YOU. Before I even comment on your insanely sweet review (seriously thank you), I just want to say OMFG your ARTWORK. I printed it out and hung it up in my game room. I can't thank you enough for not only drawing it, but sharing it and a link to my fic to all your followers! I seriously cannot thank you enough for that. I gained multiple new readers in the days following that tweet and I really want to make sure I express my deepest thanks for that. Second, I am so flattered by your continued reviews. I mean seriously. I always smile when I see your name pop up on my reviews. It makes me grin so much. I hope you enjoyed chapter 20! xoxo

LovelyDream306: Girl, you are just amazing. Like in every way. I really can't say it enough. You're not only an amazing writer on your own, you're an amazing reader and you have been endlessly supportive. I really can't thank you enough and while I impatiently wait for the next chapter of TFTWTL, I will be so thankful that you are enjoying AGU. I appreciate you so much and I can't wait to hear your thoughts on 20. xoxo

Kreshi: I am so glad whenever I see your username pop up on my reviews and honestly, your review kinda made me rethink a few parts of the subplot (I can't say what but I want you to know that happened lmao). I often draw inspo from my readers and yours has certainly helped! I am so glad you're still enjoying AGU and I really hope you love chapter 20 as well! xoxo

Inumie: Wow thank you! Like any artist, pride is not a quality we often have but your review actually made me feel super proud of myself. I am so glad you enjoy this fic enough to leave a review and I really hope you love 20! xoxo

3: I mean... wow. Thank you so very much from the deepest depths of my heart. I was absolutely speechless when I read your review and that is not an exaggeration. I was speechless and then I started tearing up because I don't often think I could have that sort of effect on a reader. Your review made my entire freaking life whole. Like full circle. I have read so many stories and fics that have made me feel the same way and the fact that I could do that for even one person makes me feel just so... ugh, I can't even find a word to fit what I want to say. All I can really say is wow and thank you so much. I will continue to work hard and if I'm lucky, you will feel the same way when AGU's last chapter hits. Thank you so very much and I truly hope you enjoyed chapter 20. xoxo

JCarrasco: I'm keeping it up! I am determined to finish and possibly write another one later down the road... I guess you'll just have to see in the near future! I hope you enjoyed chapter 20! xoxo

JaneyBarney: Wow thank you so much! I am so happy to see your name again and thank you so much for your continued support and multiple reviews! I will try to take it a little easier on your health from here on out lmaooo and I really hope you love chapter 20 too! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Ah I am so glad to see your name again! Thank you so much for your continued support and multiple reviews! It's readers like you that keep me going. I truly hope you enjoy chapter 20 too! xoxo

Ravenskyys: Don't you worry, that detail isn't lost to the characters. It will be addressed soon but in a different kind of way... (I think you're going to like it). Uraraka did have that in the bag but remember, Viper is still out there! I hope you love chapter 20 and thank you so much for your continued support and multiple reviews! xoxo

Knext22: Wow another new username! Thank you so much for your review! I am so glad to have you and I'll continue to work hard! I hope you love chapter 20 too! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: I'm so glad you're enjoying this and thank you so much for your review! And the media will get their scoop sometime soon and you'll understand why I included them at the beginning of 19. Thank you so much and I hope you enjoy chapter 20! xoxo

Evalee: I am so glad you discovered my fic! I am so glad whenever a new reader enjoys it enough to leave a review so thank you so much for that! (I've been on fic binges so many times, I get it) I am so glad you're enjoying this so much and I hope you love chapter 20 too! xoxo

Anni Fer: Love the review and thank you so much for it! I hope you love chapter 20 too! xoxo

Pandapartay: Hehehe... I love when readers get super hyped for the next chapter and your review is no exception! It hypes me up too! Thank you for your continued support and multiple reviews. I hope you loved chapter 20 too! xoxo

Niteshay: Thank you! I am so glad to see another unfamiliar username so thank you for your review! I hope you love chapter 20 too! xoxo

Knarnott: Wow! Yet another new username! Thank you for your review! I promise to keep it up and I hope you enjoy chapter 20! xoxo

Luciiiyiii: Omfg thank you so much! I am so flattered that you binged it (I've been there so I know what it's like lmao) and then you left a review too? Pfft thank you so much. I hope you love chapter 20! xoxo

Cloudlily1990: Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for writing your review! I laughed when I saw it and I am so glad it's one of your favorites! It means so much to me, really. I hope you love chapter 20 and thank you for your continued support and multiple reviews! xoxo

Krystalsidd: Wow thank you! And thank you for your continued support and multiple reviews! I means so much to me. I truly hope you enjoy chapter 20 too! xoxo

XxZensoKyokuxX: If I'm not mistaken, I haven't seen your username before! So first, thank you for your review! And I'm so glad that my fic is on your favorites list! I'll continue to grind and get out new chapters to you guys! Thank you and I hope you enjoy chapter 20! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 18:

Vegetawife14: LMAO! Thank you for your review! It is always so much fun to see reviews with a bunch of capital letters! lol I really hope you enjoy chapter 19! xoxo

WingingItLass: Bruh you were NOT the only one hitting the liqueur cabinet lmao. I've been slowly emptying mine while working on 18, 19, and 20. Sorry I couldn't get 19 out sooner lol I tried for readers like you! I hope you liked 19 tho! xoxo

Patrewe: To answer your question, I'd love for you to leave a review! Those are so much fun for me to read but THANK YOU for getting involved on twitter too! (Your art is AMAZING btw!) To your review, I mean wow. Thank you for the amazing feedback and I was so happy when I read your review because you gave me the peace of mind that I was able to accomplish my goals with 18! I hope you love 19! xoxoxoxoxoxo (ILY)

LovelyDream306: First of all, THANK YOU for finally updating your fic because I was literally gonna die. You're so freaking talented and I'm so in love with not only your writing style, but your amazing plot ideas. Second, THANK YOU for your reviews and all your support on not only ffn, but also Ao3 and Twitter! I'm so happy to have you and I feel like we'd be really good friends IRL. (Update your fic PLS!) xoxoxoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: AH I see why your username is like that now! LMAO I feel like a dummy but thank you for clearing that up for me! I loved your review the most out of all the ones I got for 18 because I could tell you were starting to think about the long-term plot and girl, I gotta say, you're close but not quite on the nose lmao. And HOW COULD YOU EVEN ASK ME NOT TO KILL OCHACO bc let's be honest here, she's the best girl and she gotta live. I appreciate your comments on Uraraka's quirk improvements too because I was super stoked about it and I'm so happy it didn't go without someone noticing! I hope you love 19! xoxo

Honey346: I don't believe I recognize your username so if I'm not horribly mistaken, you're a new reviewer! THANK YOU for your review! It means a lot! And I'm so sorry for leaving you on the edge of your seat! I am so flattered by your review and I'm so excited for you to see where we go from here! I really hope you enjoy 19 and I look forward to having you join our little community here! xoxo

Ravenskyys: Oh honey, we can have words. We can have SO many words because I just plopped down 6.5K words for ya! LMAO thank you for your super sweet review and I'm so glad you read my replies! I love getting to know my readers and starting convos with them! And I am just SO flattered with your last review! It makes me feel like I accomplished my goals! I really hope you love 19! xoxo

Meepers7: Yes hi it's 7 pm where I am and I definitely have time to smile at your review. When I saw your review the following morning, it made me grin all day long. Like... all day long. I am so glad you're enjoying reading my fic and I'm so excited to have a new reviewer! I truly appreciate it and I hope you love 19! xoxo

Chocolatteee: GIRL I ADORE YOU SO MUCH TOO! And I mean, come on, your art skills are so incredible! I'm still waiting to see some more *insert hmmmm gif* I love the fact that you not only left two reviews but you also have been so interactive on twitter! It makes me feel so special and I'm so excited that you're as hyped as I am week to week! Thank you so so so so so so much. I really hope you love 19! xoxo

ShanaDumblond: LMAO I loved how you were like "Deku's gonna get hit in the beak!" It legit made me morph tokoyami and deku together into this like.. something weird i don't even know. But yeah! Hit 'em in the beak! Thank you so much for your review and I hope you love 19!! xoxo

Guest: No username available but I just wanted to say thank you for your review! I'm so glad you re-read this story! xoxo

JaneyBaney: I am so glad you actually were like "yeah I had to take a walk" because I was banking on somebody thinking that was as funny as I did lmao. I am so glad you're into this fic! I really am so lucky to have readers that not only get excited but leave such great reviews! I hope I filled the void with 19! xoxo

Tiguylerobot: I gotta say I was a little bit confused by your review but thank you for it! Do you mind if I use the knock-off groot idea because I actually really dig that and thought it was soooo Bakugo lmao. Thank you and I hope you enjoy 19! xoxo

Aleecia.pjo: Ok so I don't recognize your username so I'm gonna take a wild guess and say you're a new reviewer? First, THANK YOU for your reviews! Second, thank you for how amazing your reviews were! It made me almost spit my drink out because I was so flattered! Thank you so so so so much! Welcome to our little community here and I really hope you love 19 too! xoxo

Brid-Lopez: I don't recognize your username either so first, I want to say THANK YOU for your review! I am always so excited when I see a new name leave a review! And wow, I mean, I am just without words for how kind your review was. I am so thankful and I am so glad you loved it. I truly hope you love 19 as well and I am so happy to have you reading! xoxo

Guest #2: I'm always lowkey angry with Deku too lmao but that's only because I am sorta modeling off my experiences with past relationships so I'm just salty af from the get-go lmao. Thank you for your review and I hope to hear from you again soon! xoxo

Margaret7188: Omg! I promised a quick update and while it wasn't quite as soon as I'd hoped, I still got it out ahead of schedule! I hope you love 19 and thank you for your review! xoxo

Kreshi: I think everyone knew Deku was gonna come out and ruin everything *awkward sweat drop* but that's okay! I feel like I foreshadowed it enough that I covered my butt on it lmao. Thank you for your review and I just want to say, I'm so glad I am seeing your username week-to-week. It really means a lot that you are not only reading this as I update but you're also leaving reviews. I truly appreciate it. I hope you love 19! xoxo

Mddorothy: Wow what amazing reviews! And I don't recognize your username, so I just want to say THANK YOU for your reviews before anything else! I love having new people join this little community! And oh man, I am just SO INSANELY FLATTERED that you've re-read chapter 18 so many times! I mean, wow! I am sooooo happy to have left such an impact! Thank you so very much and I will definitely finish this fic! I have no intentions of giving up! xoxo

MintBlackCAT: Wow. That is a really really awesome username and I am so jealous. I have a black kitty so I'm poking him right now and asking him if he's a minty boi. But man, thank you so much for not only enjoying my fic (and binge reading it!) but also being kind enough to leave a review! I love seeing new people join this little community and I really hope you love 19! xoxo

Dragon.Chan: Omfg wow! THANK YOU for your review! I didn't recognize your username and then I read your review and was absolutely blown away! Thank you so much! I live for reviews like that. It makes me feel like I've accomplished my goals! I am so glad to have you and I really hope you love 19! xoxo

Godavariflowsby: Angst... It is the secret weapon of any fanfic lmao! First, THANK YOU for your reviews! I am so glad you're enjoying AGU so much! I really hope you love 19 too! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 17:

Patrewe: lmao you were like "I hope nobody gets injured tho..." and just know, I'm sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger. ILY and thank you for being one of my BIGGEST supporters! Idk what I would do without people like you! xoxo

WingingItLass: Tell me... Were you winging it with that username? LMAO I love it. And thank you! I'm so glad to know that you're enjoying this fic so much! I'll keep up the hard work! *fist pump* xoxo

JCarrasco: I'm so glad you're loving this! And yes, I'm gonna keep it up! I've been having so much fun since I came back to you all! I can't wait to show you what else I have in store! Thank you so much for your review! xoxo

NumberSixteen: I'm actually tossing around the idea of a Kirimina fic lmao but I haven't decided yet! and thank you for your continuous reviews! xoxo

Chocolatteee: Ugh you're one of my faves tbh. I really, truly adore you. I can't wait to get to the fluffy bits because I'm gonna pester you for another one of your amazing pieces of kacchako art! Hopefully this chapter felt longer for you but I'm sure the cliffhanger will have you wanting to strangle me LMAO. Say hi to me on the tweeter! xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: As always, you leave such a kind review that makes my heart just bubble with happiness. You're such an amazing supporter and I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate you. Tell me, is Kirishima your fave character (per your username)? If so, I'll try and throw in some more Kiri moments just for you! xoxo


Badwolf123456: I can't even BEGIN to express how much I appreciate your many, many reviews. It's like you're on a mission! It makes me feel very valued and special tbh. Your little observations seriously make me feel so good and THANK YOU for your reviews! I'm curious how you'll feel after this chapter! xoxo

JaneyBaney: Wow it's always so wonderful to see an unfamiliar username in the review section! Thank you so much for your review and I hope I don't disappoint with this newest chapter! xoxoxo

Kairos.xo: OMG YOUR REVIEW THO. Lmao I adore reviews like yours so much. It makes me feel like I accomplish the goal that I set out to do! I really hope you don't hate me for two cliffhangers in a row lol! xoxo

Kreshi: Your username is so elegantly simple. I'm kinda jealous lmao. And I'm so glad you enjoyed the last chapter! I hope you love this chapter just as much! xoxo

Ravenskyys: HEY GURL HEY! I know you! You follow me on that twitter thing. And wow, you're one of my biggest supporters on there, so thank you for that! Your review on the last chapter was so great and I was truly very honored to have such kind words written about my fic. Thank you so much! I hope you love this cliffhanger-y chapter! xoxo

PandaPartay: asdghasldnncosijsjlsf Your review tho. I mean, your review was seriously everything to me. I read it like 10 times tbh lmao. I was soooo flattered! I even went and read it to my boyf and he was like "damn babe that's freaking cool!" I just want you to know just how much I appreciated it. I really, truly hope you love this new chapter and all the following ones as much! Thank you so very much. xoxoxo

Renzie17: Gosh, I love all of you guys so much too! I'm so glad you're enjoying my fic! Yeah it's funny that you mentioned that relationships can get like this irl because I actually based a lot of Uraraka and Deku's troubles on issues I've faced with ex-boyfriends. In fact, those experiences inspired me to start writing this fic in the first place :) Thank you so much! xoxoxoxoxoooooo

RandyFap: I was honestly so nervous to write that chapter from Kiri and Mina's povs but thanks to reviewers like you, I know that I made the right decision! Thank you so much for your review and I really hope you love chapter 18 too! xoxo

Krystalsidd: It seems like the common theme is annoyance at Deku being stalkery lmao. Perhaps I laid it on a little thick but hey, lesson learned :) I'm so glad you're enjoying the action tho! This new chapter has much more action so I'm hoping I nailed it! Thank you for continuously reviewing! xoxo

Guest: So idk how else to address you but hi stranger! lmao I am so glad you're excited for the new chapter! Thank you for the review! xoxo

Responses to reviews on Chapter 16:

NumberSixteen: ASKDGHOSDKFDO I KNOW! Thank you so much for your review lol! I'm glad you are this pumped! I really hope you enjoyed the new chapter! xoxo

Patrewe: Omfg I freaking adore you so much. When I saw your review I literally broke into the HUGEST grin, girl. I am PRAYING that you like Chapter 17 because omfg it was stressful to write but I KNEW that I had to push through it for the readers like you. Come say hi to me on the tweeter! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO (you my bff)

Pandapartay: You have such a fabulous username omfg. I'm jealous of it. I want to go to a panda party now. Also, thank you so much for your review! I'm so flattered to hear from readers that I haven't seen before! I hope you like the new chapter! xoxo

Distractionforyourthoughts: Thank you so much for the warm welcome and an even bigger thank you for your review! I'm always so stoked to see unfamiliar names leaving reviews. It means I'm doing something right! I hope you stick around and enjoy the new chapter! Let me know what you think :) xoxo

Clarissa Kirishima: Guuuuurl I was WAITING for you to see Chapter 16 because I just knew you were going to be so stoked about it LOL and I'm so glad you liked the last chapter! With any luck, you'll like the newest one too :'D You need to find me on twitter girl because I'm dying to chit chat more! xoxo

HooNo's: First, let me give you a huge thank you for not only loving this fic back in it's heyday, but for coming back again AND leaving a review. I am deeply appreciative of it and I am so very flattered that you left such a kind review. Thank you so much and I truly hope you love Chapter 17. It's the readers like you that motivate me to continue grinding when I'm doubting myself. Thank you so much xoxo

RandyFap: Another name I don't recognize! I'm so grateful that you've left a review and I really hope you enjoy Chapter 17! Thank you so very much for not only taking the time to read my fic, but also leave a review! xoxo

Chocolatteee: *finger guns* I know you! You're the amazing artist that found my twitter first! Ahhhhh I LOVE YOU! I really cannot even begin to express how much I adore you. Thank you so much for not only reading my fic, but taking the step to meet me off-platform. CHAPTER 17 IS DEDICATED TO YOU! XOXOXOXO

Roseyjinx: Thank you so much for your review! I feel terrible that you had to wait SO LONG for an update, but I'll try and make up for it now by actually FINISHING this fic for readers like you. Thank you so much and I hope you really love Chapter 17! xoxoxo

Badwolf123456: Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying this story so much :) I really hope you love the newest chapter! xoxo

Responses to reviews: on Chapter 15:

Fi0ra: Thank you so much! I hope you have stuck around throughout the years and I hope this new chapter is worth the wait lol

Patrewe: GURL I HAVE MISSED YOU XOXOXO I really really really hope you don't hate me and I just want you to know how sorry I am. I think you're fabulous and I am so lucky to have readers like you. I hope I didn't disappoint you with this new chapter and I will be back for more soon. Hang in there!

Clarissa Kirishima: You are such a loyal fan and I frickin love you for it. You are a huge part of the reason that this fic has stayed with me for the last year. Your excitement and the messages you have sent me are wonderful. I hope you love this new chapter and I can't wait to hear from you again!

Penrose Quinn: If there is anyone I need to thank, it's you honey. You are such a loyal fan and I really want to send you a hug through this screen. *hugs* I really want you to know how appreciative I am to have a fan like you that has stuck through since the start of this fic. Chapter 16 is for you gurl. XOXO

xXBrittyBabeXx: Thank you so much for your reviews! I know it's been a long time, but I love having newer members in my little reviewer family. I like to have the conversations with you all so thank you so much for the review. I hope you LOVE chapter 16!

Kreshi: It's been soooo long but I hope chapter 16 lives up to your standards too! Thank you for your patience xoxoxo

MelodySincerelySong: Gurl yes! It's nice to hear from you! Thank you so much! I hope you love the new chapter!

ElinorSinclair: Your last review was a ROLLERCOASTER to read! I actually know exactly how you feel and that's how I got the inspiration to write it the way I did. Sometimes I feel like the characters I am writing are reflections of my own experiences. It makes us more human, you know? :) thank you for your review and I hope you love the new chapter!

TheVincenzio: HEY THERE! Omfg I am so embarrassed because for the last YEAR I thought of you whenever I thought about this story. Idk what it was but I LOVED conversing with you day to day and I just want you to know that you're a huge part of the reason I am starting this fic back up again. I hope life is great in Belgium and I look forward to hearing from you again. I really hope you enjoyed the new chapter :) xoxoxo

WiOvlx: Thank you so much for your review! I really hope you enjoy this new chapter as much as you have enjoyed past ones. I love reviewers that try and guess what is coming next in the plot so reviews like yours always make me smile so much. Thank you! xoxoxo

minor-heat: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS ABOUT MY WRITING. Like omfg thank you so much. You can for sure hug me lol *hug*

sevas007: HEY FRIEND! Thank you so much for sticking around all this time! I am so fortunate to have readers who get a smile on their face when they see an update so I hope that this new update put a big ole smile on your face! I can't wait to get back to our little conversations! I have missed all of you so much. xoxo

TheDragonLady92: Wow I am such a jerk for not updating while you were on bedrest. GOSH I AM SO MEAN AND I AM SO SORRY! I hope you pick this one back up again. XOXOXO

witchspit: Hey there! I am so glad you're enjoying this despite it going against your cannon pair. I am trying SO hard not to make Deku out to be a bad guy but I definitely want to include the emotional impact that comes along with ending a long relationship. It'll be a tricky balance but I hope you enjoy this new chapter and continue to read!

XxLostInTheMusicxX: THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND WORDS! I get super self-conscious about my writing so I always thrive off of reviews like yours. I am so glad to have you join my little club of reviewers and I really hope to hear from you again. XOXO

bnha-kacchako: Your review said 10/10 and I gotta tell you, you're a 10/10 too for leaving such a flattering review! Thank you so much and I really hope to hear from you again soon. Please enjoy the new chapter!

rikki shiratori: Thank you for your review! I am so glad to see new reviewers and I can't wait to hear from you again! I really hope you enjoyed the new chapter :)

AnonKiwi505: Thank you so much for your review! It flatters me most when people tell me that they're leaving a review and that it's unlike them to do so. Thank you so so so much and I hope to hear from you again soon. Please enjoy the new chapter! xoxoxo

poprocx: First of all, THAT IS A FRICKIN GREAT USERNAME I'M JEALOUS. Second, thank you for your review! I hope you loved the new chapter and I look forward to hearing from you again soon! xoxo

zaddyshima: thank you so much for your review and I'm so glad you're enjoying this fic! Please let me know what you think of the new chapter :) xoxo

GingerLove93: First, I love your username because I gotta tell you, my man is a red-head and I am definitely on that ginger-lovin train. Thank you so much for your review and even though you don't review often, I hope to hear from you again. XOXO

mistichiumichan: Thank you so much for your review and I really hope to hear from you again! xoxoxo

Repulse: I am so unbelievably flattered that you binge read the entire fic. Honestly. I am so sorry that you have had to wait so long for an update but IT IS HERE NOW. I'd love to hear from you again! Xoxoxo

VaneChu: Thank you so much for your review and I really hope you pick this fic back up again! I look forward to hearing from you. Xoxoxo

Zeensu30: Thank you for your review and worry no more! I'm back!

Rach: Girl your reviews was like a reflection of myself and how I feel about stories too! Thank you so much and I REALLY hope to hear from you again because I need to have you in my little reviewers club omfg hahaha I'd love to hear more from you because I feel like you and I are one and the same! xoxoxo

KhaleeHellcat: thank you so much for your review! I am back now and I really hope you love the new chapter!

Badwolf123456: You left a number of reviews and I am SO grateful for it! I am so glad you discovered my fic and I really hope you enjoy the new chapter! xoxoxo

Nyma: Well die inside no longer my friend! I am back with a fire in my belly to finish this fic! Thank you so much for your reviews and I hope to hear from you again!

Snazzywifi: ugh I love your username omfg. Thank you so much for your review and I really hope to hear from you again soon!

Krystalsidd: I have binge read so many fics in my life and I am on the same page girl. I hope you love the new chapter and I would love to hear from you again! xoxoxo

Charismatic Sammi: Thank you so much for your review and thank you even more for the compliments in my writing. I hope you love the new chapter and I'd love to see you again soon!

Vegetawife14: My dear, this fic is NOT over until the fat lady sings! I have bounced back and I will finish this fic :) thank you so much for your review!

kacchako007: Oh honey I know what it's like binge reading a fic lol and I'm so sorry for the long wait. I am here now though and I would love to hear from you again soon! Please enjoy the new chapter :) xoxo

morganalafeye: I am so sorry about the wait but I have updated! I really hope you love the new chapter and I really can't wait to hear from you again :) xoxo

Javakitty2: I will count myself the luckiest writer in the world if this is still somehow your favorite fic :) Thank you so much for your review and I look forward to hearing from you again! xoxo

Vixenexiv: I haven't given up on this story yet, I promise! I am so glad you love it so far and I hope you will continue to read in the future. Thank you! xoxo

Shadow Hollow: The kiss is coming my dear, I promise it is! Thank you so much for your kind words and I can't wait to hear from you again! xoxo

BlessMyHart: Okay I'm blessin' your heart, my dear, with an UPDATE! Now you can finally finish the story so far and I REALLY hope you love it! Please let me know what you think when you reach the current chapter :) xoxo

Unoyoko94: I am always so flattered when a reviewer tells me that they couldn't put the story down. Thank you so very much and I hope to hear from you about the new chapter xoxoxo

Snowleopard3464: Hahaha I've left reviews exactly like yours before and I gotta say, I'm flattered. Thank you so much! I hope you loved the new chapter xoxoxo

Cloudlily1990: Your username is so cute, I love it. And thank you for your review! I'm back now so I hope you love the new chapter! xoxo

Jade: I have continued! I will prevail! LOL I hope you love the new chapter and thank you for your review! I'd love to hear from you again! xoxo

MOONECLIPSEHQ: ALSDGKSNDLMGBNSDIDCNS I have updated! I hope you're just as excited as I am! Thank you so much for your reviews and I really really hope to hear from you again. You seem like the kind of reader that reacts to stories the same way I do! lol xoxoxo

nyx.clotho: Thank you so much for your multiple reviews! I am well now and on the road to success! I hope you LOVE the new chapter and I have had some thoughts about doing a little side fic when I'm done with All Grown Up with just Kirishima and Bakugo goofing off together lol

renzie17: Lol I didn't give up, I promise! It just took me a while to get to a point of wanting to write again. I am so glad you love my fic so much to leave such a kind review. I really hope to hear from you again! xoxoxo

ypatchakorn: Thank you so much for your 3 super kind reviews. It touches my heart that after all this time, people were still picking up my fic and enjoying it enough to leave a review. I really hope to hear from you again soon. xoxo

The Flower, The Wolf, and The Lamb by LovelyDream306 reviews
They both gazed at one another, neither of them saying a word, her gaze piercing daggers into his soul until she was the first one to break the deafening silence. "To think that I would fall for someone like you," she began, voice sincere, "even when my heart belonged to another… I would still like to believe that it is you I'm destined to be with." (BakuRaka Royal AU) IzuOcha
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 13 - Words: 87,064 - Reviews: 67 - Favs: 106 - Follows: 167 - Updated: 6/2 - Published: 9/23/2017 - [Katsuki B., Ochako U.] Izuku M.
All Grown Up reviews
Uraraka finds herself finally moving to Tokyo three years after high school. Her relationship with Deku falls on the rocks while she adjusts to her new job and reconnects with her old high school friends. Bakugo is settled into his routine, but Kirishima isn't going to give up on finding him a lady. Could love really be so simple? (KACCHAKO)
My Hero Academia/僕のヒーローアカデミア - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 42 - Words: 278,239 - Reviews: 597 - Favs: 346 - Follows: 458 - Updated: 7/10 - Published: 6/12/2018 - [Ochako U., Katsuki B.] Izuku M., E. Kirishima