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![]() Author has written 2 stories for Devil May Cry, and Bleach. Name: Jeffrey Todd Massey (But Don't tell anyone) Age: 21 (But I could pull off 17) Sex: Male Interests: Coming up with awesome story ideas, then abandoning them in a fit of unabashed laziness...Either that, or never actually working on them... Also, writing at 5am fueled mostly by caffeine, and thus excreting a barely legible piece of literature, with nonexistence editing, and only the barest sense of what is actually going on... Things I Hate: Good God there are a lot of them...crap I don't even think I want to do this in one sitting...well for now this will have to suffice. Twilight (Or anything written, and I use that term VERY LOOSELY, by Stephien Myer) - I hate it, quite frankly, because it sucks. No I'm not kidding or hiding an ulterior motive, the damn book isn't worth the paper it's printed on, TREES DIED SO THAT TWILIGHT COULD BE WRITTEN. Do you have any idea how that reflects on our species as a whole? Not good. I mean it's porn for 12 year old girls, that is literally the best way I can think of to describe. And not good porn with you know SOME kinda attempt at writing, or sound effects or editing...no it's basically just random people having sex kinda porn. The characters are two dimensional at best, one dimensional average, and the villains are there seemingly because the author forgot that the story required conflict. And the real sick part is just unswervingly popular this bound paper back wad of toilet paper is. The whole thing sickens me. Made up Statistics in Profiles/People Who Think they are 'oh so Unique/Special' - Now I've got nothing against uniqueness, individuality, or generally being yourself, lets establish that right now. No, what I have a problem with is people who Get Off on how 'unique' or 'special' they think they are. Newsflash people, Cheerleaders, jocks, people who are generally considered 'normal' are unique too, you do not have a monopoly on 'specialness' just because you wear all black, or feign antisocial behavior, or (getting to the point here -) because a totally invented statistic that you made up says so. It's like trying make up a big damn inside joke, without realizing everyone is already in on it so really it's just a joke...and not a funny one either. Here let me give you a demonstration on how these things works: (Insert number over 90 here)% of people would (Insert stupid act here) if (Insert thing generally considered 'popular' by most people here) told them too, if your one of the (Insert number when added to previous number would equal 100 here)% of the people who would (Insert rebellious, possibly childish act here) then copy and paste this into your profile. Really... I can express all I am as a human being simply by copying and pasting something onto a page I occasionally use on the internet...mostly for the benefit of strangers!? Who know Uniqueness came so easy!? The whole damn notion is just so 'High School' and speaks of barely repressed rage against a broad group of people for imagined insults and perceived disdain. Perception is usually the problem, in that the person's is usually limited to their own, and to them they ARE unique, and everything else, with rare exception is just a carbon copy of a carbon copy, who just can't seem to see how special the individual is, the irony being that they fall into the same trap they force on the rest of the world, in that they can not see that every blond haired cheerleader or so called 'prep' is not the same as the last. Which isn't to say they are unique either, but hell at least they don't put themselves on a high horse about it... Truth is TRUE TRUE TRUE uniqueness is hard to come by...hense the whole definition of 'Unique,' and there's a good reason why those people get a bad rap. It's because they're usually serial killers. Hmm...I wonder if there is a made up statistic for that... - Vegetarians - Okay lets establish a truth right here, in the words of Denis Leary, 'vegetables are a side dish...always have been always will be.' You body is biologically, and fundamentally not meant to run solely on the consumption of plants and plant based products. Consider the Appendix, an organ once relatively the size of your liver, it's purpose was once solely based around the processing of raw, and under cooked meats, admittedly it's fallen into disuse with the advent of cooked food, but the fact of the matter is we as a species originally had an organ SPECIFICALLY to help us eat meat!!! And that's not even going into the Gal Bladder, though that's really rather redundant, the point is people eat meat. It started out with cavemen eating mastodon, and became businessmen eating a big juicy chunk of cow. It's not gonna change, and there is NOTHING you can do to change it, because it's NATURAL to eat meat. And if we hypothetically DID stop eating meat, and say released all these domesticated animals back into the...I don't know the 'wild' I guess, they'd all pretty much just become something else's hamburger, or chicken fingers. That's what happens when you raise an animal for thousands of years until you are dependent upon the existence of each other...you kinda become dependent on the existence of each other, which is a TWO WAY STREET!! That said I get the basic concept of it, and I can respect the ideals of better treatment for animals and the like, but it just always seemed stupid to not eat something that was already dead, that someone else was probably just going to eat anyway. And of course vegetarians being smarmy smug little douches about it doesn't really help anyone expect their collective egos. But you know what, that's fine, to each his own and all that, if you want to spit on the last great sacrifice of one of man's most loyal and unsung allies, that is well within your rights. I, however, choose to honor that final act...with ketchup, mustard, and french fries...on the side of course. More to come... Current Projects: Bleach: The Devils Cry (Title Working) - Devil May Cry, Bleach Crossover. Basically Dante is a transfer student from America, moving to Japan, at the age of 17, in a bid to escape the memories of his past... and the untold multitude of demonic foes that seek to kill him in retribution for his father's treachery. The story picks up near the middle of the first arc in the anime, probably just a day or so after Kon shows up. Expect twist and turns as Dante makes his own distinct mark on the series, as well as a slightly altered DMC3 (my personal favorite of the 4) arc, and an Ichigo Rukia pairing. Vergil will also be making an appearance as a major character (shock horror). As for everyone else from the DMC franchise...don't hold your breath... As a matter of fact, I wouldn't recommend holding your breath at all on this whole concept, as, once again, my previous mentioned lethargy, and extreme doses of apathy, will probably cripple any desire to work on this one at all... for now at least... depending on feed back... Status: Chapter 10 - Complete Chapter 11 - Coming Soon Heaven is so Far Away - A non crossover piece, which is odd considering my other work, but an AU of sorts, with Bleach as a back drop. The basic premise is a war in heaven that the good guys loose. Said losers then retreat to earth to carry on a guerrilla war of sorts all the while slowly getting whittled away by a combination of their heavenly opponents and the demonic esc creatures they allied with. As hope fades all around them, Ichigo, a god of war, is sent along with his partner Renji to retrieve a piece of divine technology that's somehow wound up on the mortal plain, and in possession of one Rukia Kuchiki. Trouble is, they have no idea how to work it, or for that matter what the hell it even does, as all memory of such devices were lost in the previously mentioned war. So Ichigo has to protect this mouthy human girl, who seems to be the only one capable of interfacing with the thing, from an assortment of evil gods, demons, and the darker side of himself. Lots of Twists and turns in this one, and action, crap ton of action. A bit of romance as well, as I always liked to think of myself as a romantic, but it'll take a back seat to the action. Status: Chapter 1 - Complete Chapter 2 - On Hiatus Unless the mood strikes me Possible Future Projects: The Console Wars - The 3rd Generation, PS3 Edition (Title Working) - Massive Scale crossover across multiple titles between all three consoles. I'm looking for a couple of partners on this one, one for Xbox360 Edition, and one for Wii Edition, as doing all three is WELL beyond my scope of literary prowess, if your interested be sure to let me know. Plot wise its sci-fi rendition of the actual console wars themselves. Its set in the distant future where the still new Sony Empire, has conquered much of the known galaxy, driving the former rulers of the stars, the Nintendites, to the fringes of the galaxy. The people welcome the coming of Sony with open arms, as the Nintendites ruled them with an iron fist. All is not going well for Sony however, as a resent surge of rebellions has swept across the western spiral arms of the galaxy, all lead by members of the radical terrorist group Halo. As the increasing levels of Treachery and warfare force Sony into greater, and greater acts of containment, escalation causes both sides to loose sight of their true motives and goals, everything expect the complete and utter destruction of their enemies. Meanwhile on the Eastern Fringe the scattered, war scarred fleets of the Nintendites, wage a desperate gurriella war against a seemingly unstoppable, and mysterious enemy from beyond the bounds of the galaxy. The focus of the PS3 Edition, will primarily be on Nathan Hale (Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2) and his trails and tribulations as he struggles to find a purpose in all the fighting. I really hope I can actually get around to writing this one, but it's all still up in the air. Status: Pending - Edging towards abandonment My Favorite Authors: (Coming Soon...) Favored Quotes: "General Grant is a great general. I know him well. He stood by me when I was crazy, and I stood by him when he was drunk; and now, sir, we stand by each other always." "Once you're crazy and know nothing about numbers, the chances of finding something psychotic and hateful in a Scrabble factory explosion are hovering just around 100 percent." "Heroism is Endurance for one moment more." (More to come) Shameless Plugs: Hey there fans of TheChroniclerX, fans of free form role playing, and indeed fans of wholly original fantasy worlds, do I have a website for you. Then The Realms of Kar`Kaish wants YOU for free-form interactive roleplaying campaigns set in a dark 'mid' fantasy world of varied cultures and nearly perpetual conflict. Painstakingly crafted by myself and a select few over the course of 3 plus years, we are now accepting character submissions for limited campaigns set in the world. Show commitment, a conductive attitude, and creativity, and you may be invited to help work directly alongside us in the continued development of this truly rich world. Those interested simply need to click upon the link under the homepage section of my profile to be taken directly to the site, myself or my associate should be on hand in the evenings to facilitate your understanding of the world proper. Bonus points to people who can guess who I am. (Pro Tip: don't ask directly, that's cheating.) |