![]() Author has written 4 stories for Kung Fu Panda, Devil May Cry, and Monsters Inc.. Hello there! I've been on fanfiction.net for a long time already, believe it or not. Yet, no matter how much I attempted to write a good fanfic, all my attempts fell flat. So rather than being shameless and right away post a rushed and poorly done work I refused to post a thing and limited myself to write reviews (the analitical and elaborate kind of reviews, none of that "omg this is so cool! write more plz!" kind of reviews) As you can see, however, after years, I've finally began to upload works. Finally I feel like I can produce a good fanfic when I dedicate myself into it. Plus, I'm such a big brainstormer that fic ideas just rush in and stay in there, but only the good ideas I know I can work with and make a good fic out of ever come out (so far, it's only been one). Oh, and, don't expect much activity from me. Sadly, I happen to be a busy student who also has already enough hobbies (playing flute, drawing and making small flash animations for instance) to make writing something regular. So far I'm limiting myself to simple one-shot stories, though I'm already developing more complex and elaborate plots for multi-chapter stories. That said, though, don't expect me to publish anything from the former just yet. Only time will tell. As you may have guessed by my favorites and my few works so far, I'm a fan of Kung Fu Panda. A huge one, that is. It's not my only favorite franchise, however, but definitely the one I think of fic stories the most for, currently at least. Well I guess that's all to say. Once again, don't expect me to be writing very regularly, but whenever I do, I'll do my best effort to deliver an entertaining fic that hopefully you'll enjoy! -x-x-x-x- LJ Drabble Meme Well, I don't have LJ, but after seeing what this is about I thought it'd be a nice and fun way to make myself write up a little without overbearing myself with it. For those who don't know what is it about, it's simple: I'll write up to five drabbles between 300 to 800 (or maybe a little longer but not by much) words long for those who send PM requests about it using the template below. I feel most comfortable writing about Kung Fu Panda at the moment, but I feel like I could also give it a go to different franchises as well, but only if I know enough about them. So for now, I can only take requests for the fandoms I've listed above in my profile. The template: Character(s): I do NOT accept entries requesting OCs of any kind, not even if their role is minor. I may or may not choose to expand the roles of extras or background characters if I see it has potential for a short draft and if it already has a more or less established personality, but it's unlikely. Other than that, I accept requests of any canon and well established character in said series. Prompt(s): It can be from simple keywords or be more elaborate and specific so I can get an idea of what the point of the story you'd like to be. I will work on entries the order I receive them (if you're the first to send it, you'll be the first to get it). I may, however, not accept your entry if it doesn't follow the guidelines or if I find a more extraordinary reason to do so. Guidelines: First of, keep in mind that these guidelines aren't so I don't write things I don't like to write about, but rather so I can write things I know I'm best at writing. Don't be scared if the guidelines feel like I'm being very strict about this. I might be flexible in some of them but for the most part I'll stick to them as they're here. -I may or may not write humor drabbles depending on the approach of humor you request it. Please, refrain yourselves from requesting any sort of "crackfic" or "randomfic" drabble or else I'll disregard it. Humor requests will be either easy or hard to consider depending mostly on the franchise you're requesting. -For the sake of an interesting drabble, I may tolerate that I character may be written slightly out of character, so long as it's not overdone. If I believe the character is acting far too OOC, I may disregard the request to write that. - One submission request per person. Also, I accept no requests that are submitted as reviews. Only PMs are accepted. Please be aware that I may take certain artistic liberties with your requests. I'll try to keep its core as close as possible to what your requests describes, but keep in mind I'd also like to have freedom with my creativity input with what you give me. This doesn't mean I'll completely trash away your idea and replace it with my own, it means that the way I execute your idea might be a little different than yours. Again, because of how busy and inactive I can be, I give no guarantee that your drabbles will be ready soon. All I can say I'll try to do them when I can and have currently no other major priorities. So by sending me a request you're aware of this. I guess that's all I can say about it. Hopefully I can get any requests soon, but I'm aware that I may get little to none in quite a long time. I'm taking my chances. |