Author has written 9 stories for Harry Potter, and Tin Man.
In the real world (it does exist!) my name is Nancy. ... Yeah, I prefer the fanfiction world, too.
I'm a seventeen year old girl, so yes, I am a hopeless romantic, but no, I do not want to read fluff. I like plot. Just a personal preference.
I write:
Fics about minor characters.
Canon fics (or fics that are not necessarily un-canon).
Usually shorter fics (because my attention span cannot keep with one story for long).
Plausible pairings.
Susan Bones/Anybody.
Theodore Nott/Anybody.
Zacharias Smith/Susan.
I will never write:
Something not canon.
A Mary-Sue character.
Ron/Hermione (I don't mind it in the books, but it would definitely not have been my choice).
Harry/Ginny (things that make you go... bleeeehhh).
Pairings that would just plain old never happen in the books (Draco/Hermione, Draco/Ginny, Draco/Grawp).
A song fic (though lyrics will be present at the beginning of most of my fics).
I read:
Theodore Nott/Anybody.
Susan Bones/Anybody.
Any minor character fics (that aren't Mary-Sue'd beyond belief).
Well-written, canonical stories (if you want to deviate from canon a little, make it plausible and true to the characters).
Anything not lame.
Note: I also read Scrubs fanfiction, but don't trust myself writing it, so if you have some of that, hit me up.
I will never read:
A story whose title is not capitalized correctly.
A story whose title is horribly misspelled.
A story whose summary is horribly misspelled.
A story whose summary consists of "OmG, I toally lyk... LOVE DRACO! LoLz. Plz review!"
A story whose summary consists of "I couldn't think of a summary" (that's a wow factor right there).
Major character stories, unless I am referred to them by someone whose opinion I trust (they are hardly ever done right, especially Draco fics).
Those fics where one of the characters turns into an infant? It's been done. It is no longer innovative. Please stop.
Any fic in which an OC is present, again unless I'm referred to it. I don't trust OC's anymore.
As for my works-in-progress:
Relativity - Chapter Six up! Chapter Seven will be longer and better.
High Tide or Low Tide - Lavender's up. Seamus next
Copernicus - Just put up Chapter Two. I hope everyone likes it. I'm quite partial to it myself. I don't know how long Three will take. Be patient.
Well, that's all I've got to say. Without Wax,