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Joined 03-17-18, id: 10492103, Profile Updated: 09-30-20
Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.

UPDATE- 1 October 2020 - I just posted a new chapter: 16 - The Gift that Keeps on Giving; as per usual, it got a bit away from me, and this section was 10k words that provide a few explanations, tie up some loose ends, give insight into some events in Daphne’s, Ron, and Hermione’s lives, and show some of the presents Harry received for his birthday. Chapter 17 WILL have the Wizengamot session, and it is already underway. There will then be a final chapter (or two) that cover Harry’s final days before becoming a first year cadet. They will contain a sneak peek at Harry’s new course schedule and book list to connect ”Transitions” to its sequel: Harry Potter and the Auror Academy: Year One. Transitions, however, can stand alone.

Harry Potter and the Auror Academy: Transitions (cross-posted at AO3 under the story name Juxtapositions and Transitions) is an 18 or 19 chapter work in progress, covering the end of Harry and company’s Hogwarts career, the final battle, and preparations and shifts to the next phases of their adult lives. Currently there are 16 chapters of this fic posted.

Auror Academy:Year One will deal with Harry’s first year as a cadet, with academic and physical challenges as their cadet class decrements from 32 to a mere 10. Will Harry make the grade, or will he decide that his future lies elsewhere? New spells, new friends, surprising partners, and romantic intrigue await. This will also be a roughly 15 chapter Arc.

I have never stopped reading fan fiction, but I have been out of the writing game for a while. I am excited to dive back in now that I have a little more time on my hands. I have expanded my interests across multiple fandoms, but I am most comfortable in the realm of Harry Potter. I hope to try my hand at a cross-over or two once I get my sea legs back under me, so to speak. Happy fic hunting!

The story I am working on here is the first in a series I have planned covering Harry’s transition from Hogwarts, attendance at the Auror Academy, and eventual rise through the ranks of the DMLE.

Harry Potter and the Auror Academy: Transitions reviews
NEW CHAPTER Posted 10/1/2020! Relationships develop and political intrigue awaits! With the Auror selection process and Voldemort's defeat, this is the 1st part of a story arc covering Harry's rise through the Auror ranks. The story has AU elements, Characters included in the fun but not tagged are: Augusta L., Moody, Ron, Dean, Neville, All the Tonks, and Remus
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Humor/Suspense - Chapters: 15 - Words: 114,548 - Reviews: 84 - Favs: 99 - Follows: 148 - Updated: 9/13 - Published: 7/4 - Harry P., Hermione G., Susan B., Daphne G.