Author has written 4 stories for Danny Phantom, and DarkWing Duck. February 18, 2010, on a Thursday. O_o Haayyllo. If anyone's checking my profile, just thought I'd take a minute to update it. Warning: don't expect anything too coherent. I'm tired and getting over being sick. Lots of stuff has been happening. My Christmas break was non existent- but on the bright side I got an internship. Wooo. At an audio post production facility, in which I mostly observe, take down track sheets, and do menial tasks. And school has started back. And my grandpa passed away, tragically. Nope, I'm not being light hearted about that last bit, I''m being completely serious. I've also been sick. A lot. Maybe I have something wrong, like...mono (extremely unlikely). Or a parasite. Ewurg. Things have been hard for me lately- of course, this is coming from the perspective of a person who has generally led a pretty protected, happy life. I'm not starving, not fatally ill, haven't...fallen off a cliff or anything. But in my life, in my own perspective, things have been busy and difficult, and emotionally very draining lately. So...yeah. In case anyone is wondering, will finish my story, and still plan on the sequel too. I just have no energy right now, and am behind in class already due to missing classes due to illness, and of course that comes first. Eh...I'm a dork. My apologies. I'm a senior, and this is my last semester of classes. Whoopee. _ Things will be better this summer. Brighter, for one. I miss the sun. I'm used to more of it this time of year. o_O And I miss running. Or something. Tai Chi would be awesome. For health. Time for bed. Tootles. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo My Stories: Catalyst: Danny Phantom universe. Features Danny, Sam, Dan, Vlad, Jazz, Tucker, Clockwork, and Sam and Danny's families pretty much in that order of importance. It's a drama, a mystery, and a bit of an action/adventure with a romance thrown in. Ultimately it's about the characters- their relationships with one another, what makes them who they are, and how much pressure they can take before they crack...eheh. Just kidding about that last one. There's some evil plotting, some not so evil plotting, some laughs and some fights (verbal and with ecto blasts)...and hopefully it's entertaining to read. I'd love to give ENORMOUS thanks to those of you who have taken the time to review. It means more than you know. Thank you! Double Vision: A very (very) quick one shot about Valerie. I need to revisit this one, as it is extremely short, with a very long author's note. ; Perhaps I'll make it a series of one shots someday, all relating to Catalyst in some way. Blood: A very dark Darkwing Duck one shot. A very sweet cat of ours died that week. The story isn't gory, but it's not happy either. It was therapy for me, mostly. Future Stories: I plan to write a sequel to Catalyst in which Vlad plays a prominent role. :) ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Arrrrrrg!! Youtube keeps removing stuff I like! Here are (hopefully all still there)... Music Videos You Should Check Out: A video that's just fun to watch...and listen to. If anybody know how the heck I can get this song, please tell me:) Please? It's titled "RandomDPMV". And it's by anonymous. lol http: / /media. putfile. com/ RandomDPMV Okay, this video is about Dan, who I like, so...yeah. It's to the song "Somewhere I Belong" and it's by dannysmyman. http: //www. youtube. com/ watch? v= uJEppZjFkLo& feature= PlayList& p= A4F90FF4FABD7D19& index= 16 Arrg! And the other video I really, really loved by dannysmyman is gone...sniff. And it totally worked for my fanfiction Catalyst, too. Sadness. It was titled "Everything She Said" and it's from Danny's POV talking about Sam. Here's my original speal I gave for it: He's feeling confused and guilty, and wonders about himself, if he's "crossed the line". Just as that line plays, there's a clip of when he shot Valerie unconscious in outer space, and he's looking at his hands. It's as though he's wondering, and worrying if he went too far in the fight, if he lost control of himself, or was too violent- and it works so very well for my story! And there's a million other things that are great about this video. Just the intro alone is amazing- she's truly good at video editing. And it works for my story! WEEE! (Did I mention that already?) So please check it out, it's only a few minutes long:D (Er, wait, except for the bit with Gregor. That doesn't work for my story. Oo) If anyone can find this online and tell me where it is...I'd really love you to death. :) Okies...and here's two more videos I found lately that I also like: Broken, by RevolutionChick: http:// www. youtube. com/ watch? v= gqHRcGBUvzA Tis about The Ultimate Enemy, and it's really, really well edited. Extremely worth the watch. And...An Ultimate Enemy Tribute by zita1419: http:// www. youtube. com/ watch? v= VhS7Yh7IHy0 Very sad, and the images work well with the music. This is also the song I listened to on and off while writing the angsty scene in chapter 21 from Catalyst. |