Author has written 7 stories for Teen Titans, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Hey there guys. I assume that if you're here then you either like my stories or actually know me. If it's the latter - I'm really sorry... I'm pretty normal, to be honest. Just an average teenager. I go out with my friends a lot, stay in a lot, sleep a lot... I'm sure you understand. If you want to know any more about me then just ... PM me. It's a little strange, but I like to please XD I love reading and always have done. I only started writing a couple of years ago, and while I enjoy myself, I'm aware that I'm no Nabokov or Irvine Welsh, so please - if you like something, let me know. Drop me a line or review one of my stories and I'll try my best to reply. I WILL NOT tolerate flames - I've had my fair share and they're not funny or helpful, so just dont. I see FanFiction as a kind of learning ground. Everyone wants a chance to do well, and anyone who reads their stories should give them a few tips, cause we're all nice people and it's nice when everyone helps everyone else. Talking of helping everyone else, I've recently signed up as a beta reader. Give it a go! I've helped people with writing before and this is a really good chance fo me to help people who actually want help... I have a tendency to inflict my advice on anyone who happens to be looking the right way, but I've given up for new years! I figue that this could be a loophole XD If you want to know something scary, I signed up for FanFiction three years ago, and I'm pretty certain that I haven't posted anyhing for at least a year. I'm not as active as I used to be, but I reckon this could just be a little writer's block. I'm sure I'll come around... I recently deleted one of my stories: 'Beastboy - the early years', simply because I didn't think that it was good enough! I'll improve it and have it back up as soon as possible Peace out, peoples! And please, please review... Darkflame013 |