![]() Author has written 9 stories for Dragonriders of Pern series. What happened to me? Laziness...? A decreased interest in this site? Both? Yeah. Check out my Quizilla if you want to find me. Other than that... Wait for me to come back? Don't hold your breath, though. I don't need to be a murderer. Love Penname: Eminempern. Why? Love both - Eminem (rapper) and Pern (world from amazing book series)! Personal info: Don't care to share much. My name: Shelly Accounts elsewhere on the internet: I have an account on Quizilla (where I'm known as "[Unapologetic[Apathy") and there's a link to that above here, where it says "homepage". Quizilla is an AWESOME site. I also have a fictionpress account, which the URL to is 'http://www.fictionpress.info/~eminempern' or 'http://www.fictionpress.info/u/547424/'. Below is information about my stories and their statuses (is that a word? Would it be stati?). I'm back in school now, so don't expect consistent updates.Stories: Firelizard Hatching: Chapters: 1 Remember where Menolly Impresses her nine firelizards in "Dragonsong"? This is the story from the POV of the queen who laid them. This story is a oneshot, pretty much, because it's not like I can make up more story. Although I might do the queen's POV of the part where Menolly saves the eggs... But I'm not planning to. Green and Proud: Chapters: 6 A story more focused on the lesser dragon colors. Metallics are overrated. Yes, I actually have a plan for the story. I really wrote out an outline and everything. (-Shock-) This is, like, a major thing for me. I UPDATED! Chapter six is up and ready for concrit. (My favorite character in this story is T'nas - sorry, I know he's annoying! But it's fun!) Also, just FYI, T'nas secret isn't that he's gay. Sorry. Lia and Madeth: Chapters: 3 Lia is a girl, and she Impresses (SPOILER ALERT) a bronze dragon. Now, she must deal with everyone's reactions and find her own place on Pern. Chapter three is up! I forgot to mention my amazing beta, KiaraAlexisKlay, in the author's notes, so here's her shoutout: Thanks for all your help! On Their Own: Chapters:15 First off, two queens rise to mate, practically at the same time. They both lay clutches at the same time, on the same Sands. Therefore, there are more weyrlings than usual. These poor weyrlings have an accident while going -between- for practice, and end up somewhere very strange... I actually had originally planned it to be much longer, but you know, I started it a long time ago and lost interest. So it was murdered a little sooner than originally intended. Almost literally. (News: Anyway, it's time to begin machete-ing this baby. I'm displeased with a lot of it. The old chapters one and two have been revised and combined.) The Art of Writing a DRoP Fic: Chapters: 4 A poor, terrible fanfic author, Marjory, has posted a story on fanfictiondotnet. It's really awful. I didn't really think much of this story, aside from it being a way to vent about poor grammar, etc. But then, my friends said they really liked it, so expect more soon! I have up chapter three now. Marjory now has a new story - a Mary-sue taking the starring role. But fortunately, she now has a beta (fortunately for her readers, NOT for her beta!). Chapter four is up, with more of b-e-a-utiful Alai and Sledawhatsherface. The Color Bronze: Chapters: 1 A oneshot. My first posted story on this site. Two snobby twins, one humble boy. Who gets a dragon? I think we all know. Cliche or whatever, but I'm rather attatched to it, for sentimental reasons. I hope my writing has improved since then. Seriously. Now that I think about it, it was pretty bad. Bond: Chapters: 4 In the story, two female dragons rise to mate at the same time, and... Well, we all know what happens. A rider is left dragonless, and must cope, with the help of his friends and perhaps a watch-wher... I've already written the whole story, long ago, but it needs major tweaking. This story is ON HOLD. Yes, I have written the whole thing. But I am not at all pleased with it. Sorry, but you'll probably have to wait a while before you get more of this one. The Only One: Chapters: 2 Originally it was going to be a short little oneshot about a girl who almost didn't Impress, but in the end, a miraculous thing happens and... But then, I got a very true review as to why my ending wasn't plausible. So, chapter two is an alternate ending. There's no duplication. But I don't think the story will be changed/added to. Unless I get another smart reviewer. The Story In A Story: ...Is AU! The name is temporary, if I can get a better one. It is, as named, a story inside of a story. Someone in my story is telling a story. Pause a minute to think that one out. Anyway, Breil, the story-telling extrordinaire, is telling how Fenalzae took her Brezeth between while pregnant. Now, the dragon hatchlings are... somewhat different. My reviewers, however, think it's unlikely that going between could affect Brezeth's clutch. Don't worry, I'll have an excuse soon... uh... right... Well, I guess it's just AU. Oh, and now everyone's arguing over whether the name Z'keiko is too long. What...? I kinda like it, so if it's all the same to you... Besides, since when can anyone yell "G'narish!" quickly and easily? "T'gellan!"? On Reviews: I know it annoys some people when people beg for reviews, but how is my writing supposed to get better without constructive critisism? And "good story!" reviews are always nice, too. I allow anonymous reviewers, so even if you aren't registered on this site, you can still review! Please do!Friends on this site: Siamesehamster: Friend from school. Writes "The Clique" fanfic. I'm her beta-reader. Please read her story! I haven't read the books, and I get it, still! I just needed her to explain that the girls were kicked out of their previous school, and then it made sense. Please review her story, too! Rubarb-is-my-love: Another friend from school. "The Clique" fanfic, again. Hers is slightly different. Visit her, too! Shaniegirl101355: I'm going to be her beta, too. Not sure what kind of fanfics she does, but I'll know soon! Hottboycrazy is sitting right next to me. She claims she's going to write, but I dunno what.. xxapril is also sitting next to me. She's not going to write anything... Whatever, Rpalog. There's someone else I know who's registered on this site, but I can't find her. She says her name is Dkaulgirl or something, but oh well. Description of Favorite Authors: I know this is unnecessary, but I want to put a quick, brief description of what my favorite authors write. Whenever I click on "Favorite Authors" on someone's profile, it bugs me, because I can't tell what they write (unless, of course, their name is something like "harrypottersgirl"). So: Opifex the Singer writes Eragon fics. They're really good! Better than Chris Paolini's work! (And he's the original author!) Sharap'n Persephone has really funny Harry Potter fics. Unfortunately, she's quit writing on ffdotnet, but her stories are still up to enjoy! siamesehamster is my friend from school who writes "The Clique" fanfic. (See the above "Friends on this site") KiaraAlexisKlay is an author of a couple Pern stories and many other stuffs like Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Dark Angel, but I haven't read anything but the Pern ones (-sheepish-). But she's also my friend under fire, and I'm her beta! And she's now my beta. She's real good. I'd recommend her in a minute. July 16, 2006 I would like to dedicate this profile page to Joe the Moose, for the sake of my sister. Go Joe. |