Is There Another Way To Go? A Les Miserables Rp
A Les Miserables Rp where anything could happen. Change the fate of your favorite Amies. Allow some to live, kill others. It is a free for all rp, anything is possible. Oc's are accepted. Come join the June Rebellion and help turn the tide of battle.
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Girl in the Tiger Kimono

Alrighty now, we should know the drill, but in this the year is 1812, and there are Pirates running rampant, espeically the formidable French Pirate gang, 'Les Amies' and they have been known, to pillage HMS label ships, carry of noblewoman for ransom, and even leave no survivors... Let the Ships Sail!

2/7/2013 #1
Feral Piper

(*giggles* I'm excited!)

2/7/2013 #2
Girl in the Tiger Kimono

(I know, me to!!! XD *fangirl squeals!*)

2/7/2013 #3
Cosette Fauchelevent

(who to start then?)

2/7/2013 #4
Feral Piper

(Umm...*shrug* Oh, Katy? Can you take Enjy? Please?)

2/7/2013 #5
Cosette Fauchelevent

(OKay then. Damn, I have the Chief, the Centre and the Guide)

2/7/2013 #6
Feral Piper

(*giggles* Right then! I'm starting this shit!)

Grantaire lounged in the bar, grinning slyly at one of the women in the back. She looked up and giggled, rolling her eyes.

2/7/2013 #7
Cosette Fauchelevent

"Flirting again, Grantaire?" asked Courfeyrac coyly, a smirk playing on his lips

2/7/2013 #8
Feral Piper

"We've been at sea for months Feyrac! What else is there to do?" He smirked, leaning back and grabbing a mug.

2/7/2013 #9
Cosette Fauchelevent

"Go and find Canne's famous femmes de la nuit?" he grinned cheekily, tousling his hair beneath his tricorn hat, "That way you don't flirt"

2/7/2013 #10
Girl in the Tiger Kimono

(Heh, would Kay still be on the ship or out about in this new town? Ahhh fuck it, she's out an about but with a Pirate escort to keep her in check...)

KAylee had an ankle chain under her dress and it was hooked to a man named Robby Santiago, one of the Pirate extraordinaires... He came in with another woman on his arm.

"Oi, boy's, my shift of watchign little miss Princessa, here is done, you're up, have at it.." He said handing her chain to Courfeyrac along with the key.

"she escapes, your head not mine." He said taking the woman he had with him to another room...

Kaylee scowled with a fury. she wouldn't look at anyone's face she was already ins simpleton's clothes, no need to make it anyworse... She had a scowl that could boil water by this point muttering somethign in a forgien language...

2/7/2013 #11
Feral Piper

"Who's this pretty thing?" Grantaire smirked, ignoring Feyrac's comment and gazing over at Kaylee.

"One of Santiago's play things I think." Feuilly muttered, lifting his head from the table with a yawn.

2/7/2013 #12
Girl in the Tiger Kimono

She scowled more and spat at him.

"Leave me alone!" she growled, as she moved away frmo them as fast as possible with the chain at ehr ankle and she couldn't get too far away but enough to move...

2/7/2013 #13
Feral Piper

"Oh ho! She's a fiesty one!" Grantaire laughed, grinning darkly. One of the bar maids came over and cuffed him over the head.

"Oh leave the poor dear alone Nick." She smirked, dancing back as he took a swip at her.

"Piss off Maddie..."

2/7/2013 #14
Cosette Fauchelevent

"You lot sicken me," Cecile scolded, "women are people too, you know"

"Women, Cecile, are damn good in bed!" Courfeyrac proclaimed, "Which you'd know if you'd let me fu-"

"Not on your life, you twat"

2/7/2013 #15
Feral Piper

"Easy Cess..." Maddie huffed, rolling her eyes as R made yet another grab for her. "No need to bite his head off."

A young boy walked into the bar, glancing around nervously before sinking into a seat in the corner. Feuilly looked at him with a small air of interest.

"Say...Didn't the captain say we were one short of a full crew?"

2/7/2013 #16
Girl in the Tiger Kimono

Kaylee was in the corner, she was borderline crying... as (Note, Jesse isn't her brother in this XD hell he isn't even related to her, his last name is shared with Robby in this...)

Jesse walked in...

"Robby said he was able to snag a rich man's daughter, where the thing at, he said she was a dman pretty one..." He said walking in and taking a seat as he skimmed the lot over...

"Oh, well, he wasn't kidding, I wonder, you think she's a virgin?" He asked with curiousity befitting a child with a new toy.

2/7/2013 #17
Cosette Fauchelevent

"I think so," said Cecile, "not that we'd know, Enjolras has only gone and buggered off with Combeferre again."

2/7/2013 #18
Feral Piper

"What's one more? The boy in the corner looks good. Fit for his age." Feuilly muttered. The boy in question looked increadibly awkward in his seat, looking around with a nervouse expression.

"Must've heard of us." Grantaire snickered, leaning back.

(Wait...What're the pairings in this thread?)

2/7/2013 #19
Cosette Fauchelevent

(Cess' asex, I think Prouvaire may be gay, Enjolras is straight/Enjolraic, Combeferre is I haven't a blinkin' clue, Courf's with Kaykay, Benoit's straight, Marius & Eponine are straight and basically everyone else of mine is unless stated otherwise)

"Les Amis de l'ABC," Courfeyrac said proudly, "The most feared crew of pirated this side of Asia"

2/7/2013 #20
Girl in the Tiger Kimono

(Kaylee and Feyrac so far established XD)

Kaylee looked around with nervous eyes.

Jesse smirked walking over there and looking at ehr.

"Hey, Princess, why don't you come keep me warm to night?" He smirked with a devilish grin, she recoiled hitting the back of the wall.

"L-Leave me alone..." She repeated caught off guard, then he reached a hand to stroke her face, she bit it, hard. He growled and yanked his hand back...

"Little viper, she has a temper boys, look out... she bites, hard to!" He chuckled shaking his hand as she scowled, the girl looked about ready to cry...

"How'd Robby ehre get her anyways, I doubt she went willingly with a tempah like that!" He scoffed shaking his hand in pain...

2/7/2013 #21
Feral Piper

Feuilly laughed, standing.

"Shall I buy him a drink or two?" He smirked.

Maddie glared at Jesse, rolling her eyes.

"Oh away with you! Can't you see the poor dear's frightened?"

2/7/2013 #22
Cosette Fauchelevent

"Jesse Santiago, leave her alone you bastard," Cecile snapped, "Or I'll make a hole in your head"

"Poor lad looks like he needs about ten!" Courfeyrac smirked

2/7/2013 #23
Feral Piper

"All the better then!" Feuilly laughed, snatching up a mug and making his way through the crowd to the boy.

2/7/2013 #24
Cosette Fauchelevent

"oi, don't leave me out!" Courfeyrac said, springing to his feet and bounding alongside Feuilly

2/7/2013 #25
Feral Piper

"Fine..." Feuilly huffed, righting his cap. "Just don't scare this one off..." He muttered under his breath, dropping into the seat opposite the boy, who instantly stiffened and looked at them with a horrified expression.

2/7/2013 #26
Cosette Fauchelevent

"Heya mate, what's your name?" Courfeyrac asked brightly

2/7/2013 #27
Girl in the Tiger Kimono

JEsse pouted.

"Why, she looks like she'd be a good role around you know... but she's got an iron will." Kaylee's had enough..

"What the baise is wrong with you men?! Do I look like I came ehre of my own free will?! NO I didn't my god, leave me alone or take me home that's the only way I'll even look at you!" She shouted angrily...

Jesse gave a slow clap.

"Well then, that was rather clear, girl's have fun keeping her company... I'm not gonna bother with her till she's calmed down...

(I present to you, the mini Birch, the real one will be when she realizes she likes the ship, he comes to 'rescue her' but she doesn't want to be rescused anymore... Feyrac may dispose of him as he sees fit XD)

2/7/2013 #28
Feral Piper

"A-alex?" He stuttered, inching away. Feuilly shook his head, grinning.

"Don't worry! Ya don't need to fear us!"

"W-who are you exactly?"

2/7/2013 #29
Cosette Fauchelevent

"My name's Etienne Courfeyrac, put the particle in if you must, and this is Gilles Feuilly. Skipper and crow of the Les Amis de l'ABC on the good ship Patria"

2/7/2013 #30
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