In a world far removed from our own, exists an alternate reality in which only a select few individuals are evolved from beasts of the highest calibre. It was here amongst the humans and those bestowed with the powers of beasts, that the beasts had special abilities that occurred in conjunction with their animal forms.

Within this world a single man ruled over his country with an iron fist. All bowed to him and no-one dared betray his trust. For he was bestowed with the evolution of the wolf, a creature that had long been extinct through the ordinary humans misconceptions. And this wolf was jet black with deep golden eyes that lit up his beautiful face. His lupine ears that adorned his head held with pride and the long flowing tail swished gracefully as he swung his white jacket coat about him, readying himself for the day ahead.

His first menial task was deliver a verdict on the humans who had dared cross him and stole his shipment enroute to its destination. Outside of his apartment stood Kirishima who wore a simple yet expensive black suit with black tie and his evolution was that of a german shepherd dog, a species known for their absolute loyalty towards their owners, and without a doubt; Asami definitely owned him. Kirishima had stood patiently waiting for his master; Asami, to leave his penthouse apartment, his hands holding his beloved master's briefcase and other important files. "Sir, forgive me, however you must make sure to deal with the humans rather quickly as an important meeting with Shao Fey has only just arisen and it needs your utmost attention." Asami's golden eyes locked upon the eyes of his closest retainer and he smiled wryly "Yes I am well aware of him Kirishima. He already took the time to contact me asking for this meeting. If anything it will certainly be entertaining!"

Kirishima smiled slightly at his boss as he handed the briefcase over to Asami and went ahead to press the bell for the lift. Asami sighed deeply "Are we still having trouble with those god damn reporters snooping around?" asked Asami to which Kirishima bowed slightly "I apologise Asami-sama this is quite a problem. Every time we take action against them another takes their place. This makes the twenty-eighth reporter to be heard of snooping around. Having said this however; we are unable to locate the one who keeps taking all those damn pictures of your dealings Asami-sama!"

Kirishima looked more than uncomfortable as his ears drooped slightly, clearly showing his embarrassment. He held his tail within his hands as he looked down at the floor of the lift. Asami broke the atmospheric tension first "Remind me on Kirishima, we really need to change the paintings in this lift, they are so dull and do nothing for my mood lately." As if to emphasize this Asami waved his arm towards the painting of a landscape of fields with sheep in. Kirishima tilted his head slightly which caused Asami to laugh at his comedic gesture. Kirishima blushed slightly in embarrassment as he stated "I will look for something personally, that will suit your tastes Asami-sama." At that moment the lift ground to a halt and pinged before announcing "Ground floor" as the two occupants left the small structure and headed for the doors they were met by Suoh. Now Suoh was completely different to any other, for he was a species not commonly found in their country. He was a gigantic polar bear, whom terrified anyone who even looked at him. He was however a very kind and loving person especially to Kirishima and he was highly devoted to protecting Asami, even if it cost him his life.

Together with his two closest aides Asami got into his waiting car and headed for his beloved office, which greatly helped him to relax as it had its own massage parlour and casino within special rooms only for privileged guests. His office was a part of an exclusive club he owned, and no-one could get in unless they had been invited by Asami personally. It would be here at Sion that he would meet with both the humans and Shao Fey. He would show Shao Fey how he dealt with those whom betrayed him. He would use the humans to set an example.

Asami's foot tapped slowly against the floor of the car as it pulled up in traffic. In the time it had taken to get half way to Sion, he had plenty of time to think about the reporter problem. "Kirishima, regarding the reporters you asked about earlier. How many have we found so far?" Kirishima sighed suddenly causing Suoh to smirk slyly as Kirishima altered the position of his glasses. "So far to date Asami-sama we have found and made sure that twenty-seven have permanently been put out of business! However this new one has never been seen and yet has managed to capture some of your most important deals on film; causing such a headache in the process!" groaned Kirishima. "Well this time Kirishima – leave it to me. When I catch the bastard he won't know what hit him!" out of the corner of his eye Asami only just caught the shudder that ran through his most trusted of friends.

After waiting a further fifteen minutes Asami finally arrived at Sion, Kirishima and Suoh pacing two steps behind him. The guards posted on the main door bowed with a courteous "Good Morning Asami-sama, enjoy the rest of your day Sir!" as they pulled the door wide. Inside Asami waltzed past the bar as Kirishima retrieved a platter that held two bottles of expensive whiskey and a stack of tumblers, before he fell back into step behind Asami as the small group made way to a large office space underneath the building; one that just so happened to be soundproofed.

In the large weekly magazine office that was decorated with posters of their most best selling story lines and scoops, stood a small group of men debating their assignments. Amongst the group stood Mitarai and Akihito. The two photographers could not have been more different. Mitarai stood in pressed combat trousers and black vest with a pair of black designer sunglasses adorning the top of his head. Akihito felt sick around these people. All he could smell from them was the stench of human. Akihito growled as Mitarai elbowed him. "I don't know how you did it but you are one lucky son of a bitch. You have been given the contract for Club Sion's dealings – do you know how many would kill to get their hands on that deal? Lucky bastard." Akihito snorted at the jumped up photographer as he growled out "Yeah well. I'm the only one good at what I do; you won't even come close to beating me. When I dig my claws in – no-one makes me let go! Now move, I have a job to do" with that Akihito swirled his hooded jacket about him and pushed through the group and disappeared out the glass partition doors headed for the main door.

Mitarai glared after Akihito's leaving form and yelled "YOU JUMPED UP PUNK! YOUR LUCK WONT LAST MUCH LONGER – YOU'VE USED UP EIGHT OF YOUR LIVES ALREADY BOY!" Akihito turned at the door, stuck out his tongue then smiled as he said "You just don't know the thrill of the hunt Mitarai – that's why: you will never beat me!" with that Akihito vanished from sight of the photographers and journalists. Mitarai glared at the group for laughing at him as he too turned to leave. The chief editor Mizoguchi smiled at the small chaos "It pays to have a rival" before he turned back to his office with a small chuckle.

As luck would have it, by taking every shortcut he knew Akihito arrived in time to enter the club with none other than the master of Sion – Asami. A simple thought passed through his mind as he tailed the trio through the bar space "Let the hunt begin!"

Asami, Kirishima and Suoh entered the large space to find a desk situated several feet from the door. Wall units and cabinets lined the walls and a stand that held coats stood resolute, directly to the right of the office door. Asami had placed his coat and jacket upon the coat stand, revealing his pristinely pressed black shirt and white tie hung upon his body. Sat ten feet away from the desk was a small group of people, all sniffing and glancing about themselves in fear. Asami smirked to see this emotion. A man of impeccable taste sat in a dark blue suit with his legs crossed delicately upon a high backed red velvet chair. "Well I must say Asami; I'm impressed" his courteous smile enraged Asami as he glared at the man "You are not invited here to be impressed Shao Fey! Since you are a new business associate, you are here so I can not only finalise of contract and also to show you what I do to those who betray me!"

After saying this Asami's eyes grew cold and his pupils dilated into slits against the center of his glowing golden irises. His men whom had all been placed beforehand inside the room stepped forward to surround the group of humans; a simultaneous shiver passed over then all. "Since I still have business to finish I will not be getting my hands dirty this time. Isn't it a shame" sighed Asami as his next order was complied with instantly "BEGIN!"

Shao Fey watched in pure horror; the scales on his face rapidly changed from their green shimmer to a pale gray shade. The snake placed his hand upon his mouth as the humans where attacked by Asami's men who used nothing but brute strength to hammer out the justice Asami demanded. Blood became airborne in small clouds exhaled on impact as bones cracked so audibly that even Kirishima and Suoh flinched slightly. Shao Fey looked so gray Asami smirked "You do know that if you mess up my floor, you are going to clean it!" laughed Asami at Shao Fey who was now clearly showing his discomfort, having begun to shake so badly he nearly fell from his seat. After an hour of forcing his new partner to watch his discipline Asami raised his hand and commanded "ENOUGH!" the men withdrew instantly to stand against the walls, hands behind their backs. "This is how I deal with traitors and punishments I deal can sometimes be worse than this – so never cross me!" Shao Fey collapsed to the floor and clasped his hands upon Asami's trousers; with such a death grip Asami feared he would damage his clothing. "Asami-sama, I swear that I will never betray you, I would rather rip my scales out one by one and suffocate myself with them!" Asami smiled at Shao Fey "Well as long as you got my point, make sure your first shipment arrives by Thursday." Shao Fey nodded his head vigorously as he stuttered out "Y...y...yes a...ssss...ami-sama. I will have it r...r...ready for Wednesday!"

Smiling at the utter discomfort of his new serpent business partner he smiled "Everyone but Kirishima and Suoh can leave. Make sure the humans spill everything they know before you properly dispose of them" Asami smirked. Asami took up a seat at the desk and decided it was here he would confront the little rat who had dared sneak in with them. Akihito had positioned himself in the furthest corner of the room, recording the whole event whilst steeling his stomach for the mass battering he had just thrown himself into.

"Kirishima" ordered Asami, and his faithful man approached with the glass already loaded with a generous helping of whiskey. Asami flicked his hand, causing Kirishima to bow to his master. "Kirishima go to the door and lock it, our little rat is here. It's now time to hunt!" only just being able to hear Asami's words, Kirishima retreated and nudged Suoh as he went past, nodding his head at the same time.

Suoh retreated to the door with Kirishima to fetch the glass of whiskey and brought it back to Asami, refilling his now empty glass and retreating back to Kirishima. Asami smiled as he smirked out his next words with evil temptation lacing every word.

"While the cats away, the mice will play – but too bad the wolf has come to hunt" Kirishima and Suoh watched in shock as Asami suddenly charged at the left corner of the room. The two men saw their boss alter his course slightly, before they saw him connect with something and slammed it into the wall. Whatever had caught Asami's attention went undiscovered by Kirishima and Suoh until they saw that Asami's arm was being held away from the wall. "Nice little trick you have going kid. I never saw you until you passed by the light and produced a shimmer over there." Stated Asami as he flicked his head towards the lamp on one of the wooden units. Kirishima and Suoh kept watching in bewilderment as Asami's hand seemed to slip behind whatever he had caught and forced it away from the wall and to the desk, where he pushed it down and used his full body weight to pin it to the bench. The sharp growl that emanated from under Asami caused Asami to laugh. "Well now our little rat has guts to cut me" Akihito's claws had found purchase on Asami's arm and began to draw four vertical lines down his arm, in a desperate bid to force the older and much heavier man off him. "Bastard, let go. I swear I'll rip you to pieces" growled Akihito. "Aww! Don't be like that. Come on now kid – show yourself, or do I have to force it out of you, hmm?" smiled Asami as the sound of lust dripped within the confines of his voice.

Akihito hissed at Asami "Like fuck! I will never do what you want, you god damn monster". Asami's smirk grew into a broad smile "I Love when people fight against me – though your efforts are futile, I shall win this hunt kid." Akihito felt a shiver pass through him as Asami shifted his weight to pin Akihito in place so he had no way to move. Asami's uninjured arm found Akihito's neck and he began to apply soft pressure. Akihito coughed as his airway began to be restrained. "Still won't show me?" purred Asami as he applied a little more pressure, feeling his and the boy's blood beneath him starting to heat up with a desperate passion. "Fuck you! URGH!" Akihito choked out as Asami pressured him further. Asami smiled slyly as his free had stretched out for the whiskey bottle. Lifting it to his own lips he took a long swig from the bottle and held it within his mouth. Setting the bottle down his hands traced Akihito's face, and eventually his lips. Gripping him by the jaw he forced his mouth open and leaned his stretched body down to kiss Akihito, forcing the mouthful of whiskey into the boy's mouth. Akihito felt the pressure lighten slightly; causing him to gulp the raw taste of undiluted whiskey down his burning throat.

Akihito coughed repeatedly as Asami reapplied pressure and now with the mix of both alcohol and very little oxygen getting into his body, Akihito felt everything beginning to slip out of his control. His eyes began to droop as his vision started fading to black "!" Akihito managed to gasp as he fell limp against the desk and Asami rapidly released him, his hardening cock seamed to strain for its fun to continue. Asami however had got what he wanted. Kirishima and Suoh had come over to stare down at the boy whose body was now becoming visible upon him falling into unconsciousness. The boys ears and tail visible as Suoh couldn't stop himself from demanding "What the hell kind of cat is he?" this earned him a sharp clip around the head by Kirishima as Asami gently placed his hands beneath the boy and lifted him up. "I'm returning home. Kirishima make sure nothing disturbs me" Kirishima smiled at his boss; knowing Asami was happy to have his prize in his arms at last.

Asami left Sion with no fuss and was driven back to his penthouse in his limo with Akihito leaning against his well toned body. His hand gently stroked Akihito's hair; surprising himself at how comfortable he felt, "Well, our fun is just beginning, let's see how long it takes for you to break completely for me.

A/N: so this is my new story and I hope everyone will like it. At the moment I don't have a plot line in mind – just if I think of something good for everyone I'm definitely going to write it :D