A/N: Hey there, this is Tail or Tail from asksonicandrddash from Tumblr if you know me in there, school is stopping my progress of writing and also my new Tumblr life too, I am still getting use to it. However, I am going to publish a story about my own OC, who will be in Glimpse the hedgehog's "Chaos to Harmony at Sonic speed" sequel(Yes now a slight spoiler), it will about some kind of things that happened before the event. In order to keep going, the story won't be out until the sequel published for 1 to 2 chapter or chapters of the sequel, I ask permission for it and it's a yes, I also asked about the timeline so it won't clash, or become kind of weird for you guys,please enjoy my first sth and MLP: fim xros over. I welcome any harsh comments in order to improve the qualities.