Ch 10:

Fillmore POV

I woke up slowly as looked at the clock; 10:30, man did I sleep in. I felt like I could close my eyes for a few more minutes. Just then i heard a crash coming from the kitchen, I jumped out off bed running down stairs to see. My sister had dropped a dirty empty pan, and saw Jason sitting at the table.

"Morning Fillmore, I was just coming to get you." Shiloh told me smiling.

"f-for what shi?"

"Well I did cook us three breakfast; eggs organic ones of course, with melted chesses just how you like them" Shiloh sat down as she started to eat, I looked at Jason who looked at me throw his hockey mask.

" did you sleep last night Jason?" I asked him as slowly sat at my chair I saw him scribble something down on the pad and lifted it up so I could read.

"very well, thank you. Did you?"

Did I? well let's see my father came last night to take Shiloh away, then you came to the front door last night. So I stayed up because I feared for my sisters life. I might be a hippie but i can have my moments.

"I slept well Jason" I sighed as I looked at Shiloh.

"Hey Fillmore" Shiloh said after a few minutes of me eating "Are you alright you seem to be a little off today?"

I picked up my now empty plate and hers and Jason's to be nice and smiled.

"I'm fine man...what would make you say that" I made smiled heading to the sink with the dirty dishes. I didn't want her to worry.

"Well if that's the case then I hope you don't mine if I go out later today?" Shiloh asked me.

"I don't see an issue with it but if you need to get a hold of me just txt, I got to head into town anyway" I looked that the clock "like right now actually, man am I going to be late. See you later shi"

I ran upstairs to change grabbed the shopping bag i needed and ran down stairs.

"Fillmore" Shiloh yelled I looked and saw her running out to hand me my car keys.

"Thank you shi" I started the car and started to pull out of the drive way "Be careful!"

"I will!"


As soon as I got to town I found my friend Rick, we were friends back when we were kids. He came out here to help me with this.

"Hey Fillmore" Rick yelled with his fake oldies Boston accent he's used ever since we were kids. "Thought you never would get here. how's shi?"

"She's good man, So ready to use that former lawyer brain of yours" I asked him

"If it wasn't for Shiloh's sake I would say no, but that txt you sent me only said Father issues, Shi's in trouble so care to explain over lunch." Rick asked starting to head into the restaurant.

"I just ate but, this restaurant has the best organic tea anywhere" I told him following him into the restaurant

"You and that hippie stuff man...There's times that I wonder what you'd be like if you were normal"

"Well you're never going to find out " I laughed as we entered the restaurant.


Shiloh's POV.

"Hey Jason?" I looked at him after the end of the first Markiplier video we were watching from the ps3 in the living room.

"Yeah Shiloh?" Jason wrote

"I thought you were undead?"

Jason took a few minutes before writing again.

"well that's one way to put it, why do you say that?"

"well..." I grabbed the remote and turned off the tv before the next video turned on its own. "Well it's just last night when I first saw you after you got shot you looked like you were in a lot of pain, can you even feel pain anymore?''

This message he was writing seemed to take a long time for him to write until he handed it to me.

"now that I think about it I have never really felt pain before until last night. Strange, That has never happened before. I could have imagined the pain or somthing."

"hu strange" I told him "well I'm going to go take a look around the camp real quick Just let the videos play after each other and I should be back soon"

Jason handed me the notepad again.

"I should come, what if you get hurt?"

"I'll be fine it' just if you come and if those guys from last night see you well..."

"Alright i'll stay here" he wrote but I could hear him sigh with disapproval.

"I'll be back soon I promise."


Fillmore's POV

"Your old Man actually tried to...In front of Shiloh?" Rick started before taking a bite from his burger. "Man I bet your mom was turning in her grave last night."

"You know if it wasn't for the fact she might have been I would hate you for putting my mother into this." I told him as he started to take another bite of his lunch.

"I know, sorry about that, but WOW I wish I saw the look on his face after he realized that he made that little mistake" Rick laughed before taking a sip of his Pepsi.

"Well anyway after he left last night I started to get texts from him saying how I can't think I won, he will find away to take Shiloh from my house. And when he dose after she's gone he's going come back and make me pay for making him lash out in front of Shiloh" I sighed."I know it almost has been a year since we talked but I really need your help with this man"

"Well" rick started moving his empty plate to the side "First off your sister is 17 now right?

I nodded "18 in two months"

"Well first off legally she's old enough to tell a court that she want nothing to do with her old man so he couldn't take her then"

"Yeah but-"

"I know I know, your old man's a hard one to let a small court order stop him, Well were dose this dame of his lives?"

"Think He said California last night"

"Ah ha there's the 8 ball in the corner pocket, you see if he's living in another state then what business would he be doing up here, So I would highly suggest a restraining order for you and Shiloh so if he wants to stay out of jail he will stay away from you two"

I smiled a little "do you think it could work?"

"Yes your old man likes to say he's a lot of things but being a law breaker ain't one of them." He said reaching for his glass. "However to make sure Shi's ok with it your gonna need to show her those txt messages"


Well it went to hardly updating to almost updates every day. I am actually really like getting back into writing this story. And Also If you like this story make sure to check out my fanfic profile and read a few other storys from different fandom's. And if you like this and want to see more leave a review and tell your friends...well if you think they would like it.

so see you later and stay creative everybody.