I guess this update is long overdue, huh? What's it been, like two weeks? *sighs* I was just kind of putting this of as long as I could, because honestly, reading over that last update I feel really ashamed.

Guys, I wanna say this once and for all, I FUCKING LOVE WRITING. No matter what is happening, or how frustrated I am that I can't get the words the out from my mouth, I can usually sit down and communicate my feelings onto paper. Writing is an escape. It's an oasis. Writing is what keeps me sane. If I didn't have that outlet where I could express my thoughts into written word, I would have imploded along time ago. My mental stability (however questionable it is anyways) would have been my greatest downfall along time ago had it not been for my ability to construct clear sentences out of the soupy mess that is my subconscious.

It's just that, down this road which we call life, sometimes we hit bumps in the road, some times we hit these giant bumps that cause us to flip out car over and have a landing into a ditch on the side of the road, upside and scared to death. Our hearts are racing a million miles a second. The point is is that life isn't always smooth sailing. That is unfortunate :( I know that a lot of you have similar situations happening to you right now, or have gone through similar things in the past. And that sucks. Honestly, there's no better way to sum it up than that right there. I wish that those kinds of things didn't happen to people. No one deserves it, but unfortunately it does. C'est la vie, I suppose.

However, I let those things that where happening in my life get the best of me, and I thoroughly apologize for that. It seemed that my perspective on the world was cloudy, it was fogged by all the shit I had to deal with that I was only focusing on the negative. I let it suck the joy out of everything. Even my writing. I wasn't lying when I said that I thought about deleting my stories (hell, I almost did) I was so deep in self-pity I almost drowned in it, but that was not the right way to approach it. It was stupid, juvenile, and immature of me to get on here and bitch and complain to you guys in an attempt to make myself feel better. Even though that wasn't my intention, I feel like (having read over the message again) I can across as well, a whiny 15 year old (which I kind of am) who was just begging for attention. I shouldn't have done that. My problems were my own problems, I had no right to use my social media as an outlet to rant about how shitty I thought my life was.

And I'm sorry for those of you who have stopped reading because this isn't an update and you've lost interest, but for those of you who are still reading (thanks by the way) I feel like I owe you all an apology.

You guys are amazing. After receiving the response I got, I started crying. I was so happy. You all mean the world to me. Without my crazy fandom where would I be, honestly? This fandom is both the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. I'm sure all of you can agree with me on that one, am I right? Either way, I love you all to death. I wish I knew you all by name so I could thank you personally, but I can't so... Yeah.

(Lisa, Lilly, T.J., Christine thanks guys! Y'all are the best I could ask for, and since I actually know you're guys names, I'll thank you personally.)

Now it only comes down to the fate of my stories. Luckily, during this two week hiatus were I tried my damnedest to stay off of social media, I sat my lazy ass down and got some work done. I have recently just finished chapter 10 of Celebrity Status and Chapter 12 of MIWR5 and if I had time today I would update both of them, but unfortunately it's a holiday week and I'm gonna be busy as hell today and tomorrow. And then Monday I have to go to physical therapy (long story; unrelated to the problems I was having before; I have a bad back so I need physical therapy) so today I just have time to write up this A/N and publish it and then hopefully I'll be able to respond to the PMs I got. Don't worry, guys I will reply to all of you. I just don't know when yet.

So long answer short, no I'm not deleting my stories. No, I'm not gonna stop writing them. I hope to update CS and MIWR5 sometime next week whenever I get a chance to. Vigilante might be put on the back burner for now seeing as how much of a handful three stories at once is and it doesn't have as big a following as the other two.

Now, the last order of business. Some of you are probably wondering. "What's going on, Morgan?" "Why are you so upset?" "What's wrong?" "What happened?" And while it's super sweet that you all care, explaining in full detail (which is something I have a problem with overdoing) would take FOREVER as this "depressing" is the result of many, many, many different things that have happened over the coarse of three months, it's been a long time coming to be honest, but (since I feel like I owe you something, and I really do want to share this with you because you guys mean a lot to me and you all sincerely care about me) I am willing to tell you guys the story of what pushed me over the edge

(so sit back and relax cause it's story time!)

I have these two friends of mine, who -for securities sake shall remain anonymous- we'll just call them Deborah and James. Deborah and James are both friends of mine, Deborah (dear sweet Deborah) is someone who I believe (at the time) was in an abusive relationship. With James.

Now, when I say "abusive" I mean emotionally, not physically. No, the marks left on poor Deborah are not able to be seen with your eyes, but if you watch the two interact, you would see it too. The way he treats her, the things he says to her, this is not how a "loving relationship" should be.

However, I keep my mouth shut when this topic arises, because I have voiced my opinions before and it's never done my any good. Instead Deborah just gets mad at me and yells at me, telling me that I don't "know him like she does" and "it's her life and her decisions". I stopped trying about a year ago when I saw my efforts were futile.

You see, Deborah is blind to the situation she is living in. I swear that James could commit murder and she would be fine with it. I'm being completely fucking serious right now. No bullshit. She lets him get away with so much shit and if he were anyone else's boyfriend, they'd have dumped his ass a long time ago. But this is high school. And this is Deborah's first serious relationship. She's stuck in that day dream where she thinks they'll grow up and get married and have children and live happily ever after. Hate to shatter the illusion for ya girlie, but what does your future look like now?

Anyways, I won't go into detail about their relationship because it has nothing to do with me. I just wanted to establish the fact that James is an asshole before I continued.

So about two weeks ago (Friday April 4th to be exact) my school was having a function on order to raise money because my school is really shitty and has a hard time financially and sometimes they don't have enough money to pay teachers and blah, blah, blah... Deborah and James had been going through a rough patch. James said he wanted to take a break for a little while because he didn't want to be in a relationship at the moment. Deborah was an emotional wreck, and me being her closest friend (and the only one who would put up with her shit) I let her cry on my shoulder and swallowed all those spur tasting "I told you so's" down my throat. So they're on a break, but they aren't broken up (for all the FRIENDS fans out there, its kind of the Ross and Rachel thing all over again)

Then the school function comes along and me, Deborah, and James, and a few other unimportant to the story people are there. I pretty much spend the night avoiding the two of them because every five seconds Deborah is breaking down crying and I've pretty much said everything useful that I can. I go to the bathroom to get out of the room and have a few moments of peace, only to be stopped by the devil himself; James.

And in that moment, (however long it was, I have no idea) some things were said to me by him. Things that were so disgusting and graphic in nature that I won't even dare repeat. I wish that I could just forget that one minutes of my life never even happened. Because standing there being perved on by this guy who just broke my best friend's heart. I was so angry and repulsed, I wanted to vomit. And he just kept saying it over and over again. These dirty, disgusting, and actually very offensive things that I didn't want to hear ANYONE EVER say to me. Then after he was done, he just smiled and started laughing.

"What the hell do you think is so funny?!" I screamed in his face. My throat was sore after that and I could feel the heat radiating off of me because DAMMIT I wanted to grab something and smack him upside the head with it.

Still choking on his laughter, he replies, "Geez, Morg, it was just a joke."


He rolls his eyes at me and then retreats back to where the function was held. "Whatever, bitch. Calm down and get a sense of humor why don't you?"

I took a few minutes in the bathroom, still cringing with disgust, to compose myself before going back to the function and when I got there I calmly turned to Deborah and said, "May I please speak to you?"

Her tear-stained face looks up at me and she nods briskly and sniffles.

Then I very calmly explain to her what had just went done in that very hallway we were standing in, with me and James, her douche of an ex-boyfriend.

And what happened after that made me way more upset than what happened ten minutes prior to this point.

She just looks at me, like she's waiting for me to continue. She looks so confused and almost like she doesn't even believe me.

"Is that all...?"

"Y-yeah, that all! What do you mean 'is that all?' Where you even listening to me?!"

She crosses her arms over her chest with this new found confidence that she had just mustered up out of thin air like she was a fucking magician or something. "So, you were flirting with my boyfriend?"

Now it's my turn to stare and look confused and non-believing.

"E-excuse me?"

"You just told me you were flirting with my boyfriend."

"No! No I didn't! I wasn't flirting him. He wasn't even flirting! What he said to me was so disgusting that you can't even categorize it as 'flirting'. Sexual harassment is what that was!"

Then she laughs. "Aren't you being a little ridiculous? What kind of things did he even say to you?"

And, much to my chagrin, I repeated some of the horribly perverse things that were spoken to me by him.


"Morgan, he was just kidding."

"Well, kidding or not, it wasn't funny. That's not the kind of things you say to a person when you're just "kidding"."

"Geez, you're acting like he threw you up against the wall and raped you or something."

This conversation went on for a while and it pretty much stayed exactly the same until eventually I got too upset to deal with it anymore. And yes, I'm being serious. Every line of that conversation and the one before was a direct quote from what was said that night. I might have paraphrase a bit only because it was two weeks ago, but it was all the same.

Anyways, now they're broken up (for good) and apparently it's my fault because she's blaming me. So yeah, schools really awkward and I hate everything and I just can't wait to be done with it and not have to go back there and be homeschooled instead.

But the point of this whole thing was to tell you guys that I'm not done writing my stories. I need these stories to keep me sane. And I need you guys. You guys are my rock, you're my support system. Hell, you're my best friends. You guys mean the world to me and love all of you and I don't know how else to end this authors note so I'll just wrap it up by saying

