I'm sorry about taking so long to post anything. My life has just been so hectic. I have had three essays and two projects all within the last two months and I also have to get ready for the anime convention coming up, so my updates will be sporadic until summer. At that point I should be able to update about every week. And as I have already said I do not own Detective Conan or Magic Kaitou.

Kaito's Centric:

What did Tantei-kun mean by that. It could not possibly be his fault, because he was not alive when her father started battling the organization. Did Tantei-kun have a spy in the organization. Kaito what are you thinking? There is no way that Conan would be associating with those people.

Kaito spoke up. "Tantei-kun, what do you mean? You cannot possibly be part of the organization. I know that you would never attempt to kill another living being."

"But my existence alone has caused the deaths of many, whether it be by the organization's hand or just by passing by", Conan explained.

"Tantei-kun, a person's existence cannot just bring death. It's not possible", Kaito rationalized.

"Says the person searching for a gem that gives immortality." Conan sarcastically commented

"You got me there", Kaito replied, "however a person as noble hearted as you could not be a bringer of death."

"Look around you, Kid", Conan said sadly , "People are always dying when they get close to me. Does that not tell you anything? yes it does it tells you that if my existence continues people will continuously get hurt!"

"I know that is how it seems to look Tantei kun, but death is something that one cannot control, so it cannot possibly be your fault." Kaito explained.

Conan's Centric:

Conan looked away from the kaitou not wanting him to think that Conan was completely innocent in the situation. Conan knew the truth. He knew it was all his fault. Why could the over eccentric kaitou not see that.

Conan took a deep breath and asked, "If I tell you where Pandora is will you kill it? No questions asked."

"Of course", Kid replied, "Wait, you said kill it. Does that mean Pandora's a living being?"

"If Pandora was a human", Conan continued, "Would you hesitate to kill him?"

"I would never kill anyone, Tantei-kun", Kid exclaimed with her voice shifting from male to female from the shock of Conan's question.

Conan's eyes widened realizing the thief he had always thought of as male turned out to be female and then went back to questioning the female kaitou.

"Then I will not tell you where he is." Conan replied.

"I will not kill another living being!" Kid exclaimed. "I thought you of all people would understand this!"

Everyone's Centric:

"It's the only way to destroy the gem", Conan told her.

"Then I won't destroy it", she replied, "I will protect it."

"That won't change anything", Conan spat, "If I am allowed to survive the only result would be the death of all those I care about!"

Kaito went pale. Did he say I? Her poor little Tantei-kun. why could she not realize he was talking about himself. No wonder tantei-kun wanted her to kill the gem, because tantei-kun would rather die then let people get hurt. Kaito could not let tantei-kun continue feeling depressed, because if she did tantei-kun would surely do something that he would most likely regret.

Kaito looked down at Conan who was on the verge of tears. The poor boy broke. He could no longer handle the negative emotions he had built up in the last few months. Conan's eyes wandered Kaito's room until they landed on her card gun. Conan reached for the card gun, but Kaito grabbed it before the little detective even had the chance to touch it.

"Why do you care so much", Conan exclaimed, "Ran betrayed me and the organization wants to use my power to become immortal. I want this. I have no reason left to live!"

"No", Kaito said, "You do not want that. You are just upset right now, so your confusing your priorities. I know you would regret it if you were unable to help takedown the organization."

Conan fell to his knees his knees, his eyes started to water. Kaito seeing her poor Tantei-kun in such a saddened state could not just stand there and do nothing. Kaito ran up to him and embraced him in her arms.

"Shhhh...", Kaito said gently while rubbing his back, "You will be okay. just let them go. Don't hold your negative emotions back anymore."

Shinichi did not care that Kaito was treating him like a child. He felt that someone actually cared, which is something he had not felt in a long time, unless being treated like a little brother, a lab specimen, or an object counted. Somehow Kaito's embrace left him with a feeling of serenity a feeling he had long since forgotten. It felt nice to know someone cared after Ran broke his heart. Conan smiled inwardly. Maybe he could live with his grief. Kaito had somehow showed him the way to new hope.

Black Org's Pov:

Snake was standing alone in an abandoned alley way.

'Why would Kaitou Kid activate Pandora here', Snake thought, ' I promise I will find you and Pandora and kill you where you stand.'

With that thought Snake continued to comb the area for clues on where Kaitou Kid may have taken the gem to destroy it.

Oh no! Snake is near kaito's house. Wonder how Kaito will get her and Conan out of this one? Find out next chapter, which I hope will be up later this week. I have been rather busy lately, so I will try and to update again sometime this week.