While Carmon was helping Mikey, Tiana was in the operating theatre with Doctor Sir and Sam. Rachel was lying prone on the operating table, a white gown covering her body with a square cut out to show her large stomach. Doctor Sir was preparing the equipment while Sam was monitoring Rachel's heartbeat and breathing. Tiana was standing a little far back with a couple of Prawns, muttering, "Little Bishop, little Bishop." She had made it very clear that she wanted both Rachel and the baby to survive.

Suddenly, one of the monitors started the beep very loudly. Sam quickly read a piece of paper that the machine had printed out. His breathing began to quicken. Seeing Doctor Sir begin cutting open Rachel (he was always a bit deaf the poor man) he pulled his hand away from Rachel's body. "Sir! The subject's heartbeat is slowing. She won't survive the operation; we must wait until she is stronger."

The Doctor nodded and began to pack away his things. Tiana gave a low growl, marched over to Sam and slapped him on the face. "I want that baby and I want it now!"

"But Miss," Sam began, trying to save Rachel's life. "The subject will not survive the operation. We must wait."

Tiana angrily shook her head. "No! I want that baby now! I need both of them to survive, do the operation now!"

"Miss Kyles." The Doctor cried, pulling Tiana's arms away from hitting his assistant. "The boy is right. The subject will not survive."

Tiana glared at the Doctor, however the Doctor was unfazed by the woman's fiery glare and gave back one of his own. Tiana calmed down slightly and crossed her arms. She glanced at Rachel and then at the Prawns. "Take the subject back to the cell." The Prawns immediately followed her command. "And you," Tiana growled again at Sam. "Just because you're smarter than I am, don't think of it as an excuse to take control over the girl. As soon as she's strong enough, I want the baby out of her body and into my arms, do you understand?"

Sam nodded, his face showing minimal fear. "Yes Miss Kyles." He bowed and began to help Doctor Sir in packing away the equipment.

Satisfied in making her point, Tiana marched out of the theatre and towards the basement. She stared through the bars at Rachel. "No matter what, that baby will be mine." She muttered. Grinning crazily, Tiana leaned against the bars…only a fall through when the door opened wide. Noticing for the first time the key in the lock, and knowing that only person knew the code to her office. Tiana screamed at the top of her lungs.


A fast patter of Carmon's feet hit the floor as he ran into the basement. "Yes, mother?" he said, an innocent smile decorating his face. "The plan worked. The turtle has taken the bait and is now home. We can now attack and kidnap all of the turtle children, just like you planned, mother."

"Good job, my son. Now we can have no interruptions from those things. The game has just begun."

Carmon smiled. Behind his back, his fingers were crossed in hope that that turtle, Mikey, who was very nice and quite fun to be with, hadn't gotten sick from the temporal distortion of being transported fifty miles. He hoped that the smart turtle, the purple one, could be able to find Smith.

Back with Mikey, he had finally managed to find the house (after going round in circles for two hours). "Dudes!" he burst into the house. There was no answer. Maggie turned in from the kitchen with a cup of coffee

"Uncle Mikey?" she questioned.

"Yeah, dudette, where is everybody?"

"They went to find you and Aunt Rachel."

Somewhere fifty miles away a group of ten strong were running towards a dark, ominous structure about four stories high, unaware of the many dark eyes watching them as they drew closer and closer…