A Short Time Later.

"Did I feed Kate when we came in?"
"Ah." Tim thinks. "No, you headed to the shower and I went to get the beers."
"Will you? Don't think I can move. I'm exhausted."
"Sure." He puts down the beer and walks over to the fish bowl. Taking some food from the nearby container he sprinkles it in. "There you go Kate." He bends down and looks at the bowl more closely.
"Hey Tony."
DiNozzo turns away from the TV. "What?"
"There's something shiny at the bottom of the bowl."
"Shouldn't be. I cleaned it out before I brought Ziva home the other day."
Tim reaches in and pulls the item out. "Oh, my God."
His exclamation causes Tony to stand and walk over to examine the item his friend is holding.
"Probie is that...?"
"A paperclip." Tim nods and they both turn towards the fish bowl as their eyes widen in wild surmise.
"Guess Ziva didn't want to share."
"And then Kate..."
"Well she was here first."
Without another word they return to watching the game.