Hi! Kyaa Kyaff here! I thought I would try my hand at this fanfic stuff.
Disclaimer: Just so you all know (like you didn't know already) I do not own rurouni kenshin but like many I wish I did!
'…' -just kaoru thoughts for now and then the regular ".." for when people talk
An Alternate Time and Place
"Oh, gomen Kaoru, I did not mean to pull so hard."
Kaoru smiled. Tae continued to arrange her hair in an intricate style.
"You will be so beautiful for the ceremony," the older woman known as Tae gushed.
Kaoru's eyes took on a dreamy aspect.
"And I hope your husband-to-be can control himself until the end of the ceremony when he sees you like this."
Tae winked at Kaoru who had turned different shades of red with a little exclamation of protest. But just as quickly the dreamy look in her eyes turned to an almost sorrowful, wistful look. If Tae had seen this change in Kaoru's demeanor, she would have questioned the fourteen year old girl to no end, or dismiss it as wedding jitters. She was about to marry the boy she had devotedly loved since childhood. It was an arranged marriage that perfectly suited Kaoru, but there was something nagging at her.
'Can I really go through with this knowing…' Kaoru sighed and dismissed her wayward thoughts.
"Kaoru, … Kaoru come on you do not wish to be late for your own wedding, do you?!" Tae said.
"No, I wouldn't miss it for anything," Kaoru replied, following Tae out of the room.
Kaoru approached the room where the ceremony would be held. She took a deep breath and prepared herself as the door opened and the eyes of the guests met her. Kaoru was a sight to behold in her stunning wedding kimono, her soft hair held up with the elaborately decorated combs that complemented her blues eyes well.
"Go for it," Tae whispered to the girl she considered a younger sister.
Kaoru made her way toward the man she loved more than anything. As she took her place beside him and gazed at his eyes, he gave her a small smile that did not reach those wonderful eyes of his. Her heart gave a small twinge, but she squashed the feeling. He looked breathtaking. His attractive auburn hair was pulled in his usual low ponytail just as she loved it. They turned to the priest who began the ceremony. She listened to the words, trying to remain calm as the ceremony continued. All her dreams, all her hopes were going to come true. The priest gently grasped both their hands, and the two threaded their fingers together. Again Kaoru looked into her groom's eyes and saw an underlying sorrow.
'No, this is not how I dreamed it would be. He is supposed to be smiling his special smile, squeezing my hand in encouragement. He is supposed to want to marry me!'
Kaoru's thoughts were in turmoil, however she kept her smiling face. The priest began to wrap a very delicate thread around their joined hands, thus joining them together for the rest of their life. The priest stopped before wrapping the rest of the delicate thread around their joined hands in the traditional manner to let anyone who may object do so. Her heart thudding harder than ever, she watched as the priest went to complete the binding.
'No…No, I can't do this'
Kaoru softly placed her hand over that of the aging priest's hand, stopping him from completing the ceremony. Not caring what anyone thought, only looking into the surprised eyes of the man she loved, she placed her unbound hand on his smooth left cheek.
"Shinta," she whispered. Leaning forward, Kaoru placed a tender kiss on his lips.
'So warm and soft, just as I imagined. If only he would kiss me back.'
With that she unwound the thread holding their hands together. Watery blue eyes met confused violet ones, "I'm sorry I cannot do this."
Outraged whispers ensued, and as she quickly made her way down the aisle she caught a glimpse of her enraged uncle. She slowed when she saw Her standing near the door.
"Tomoe," she whispered softly. She stopped in front of this elegant woman. Grabbing Tomoe's hand, she placed the binding thread in it.
Swallowing heavily, she looked one last time at Shinta before she dashed out of the building ruining her wedding kimono and dashing her hopes and dreams in the process.
Okay so there's the prologue.
Give this fic a chance. Trust me I have a lot of action planned. And no this is not a Tomoe/Kenshin fic and I had a reason why his name is Shinta right now, so bear with me. This is also an alternate universe fic so anything goes, kay! I made up the ceremony thing, cause I thought it was a good idea o well! Leave me a review and constructive criticism is great!
Oh and I know I didn't explain much but you'll find out what all that was about later on! And one more thing Kaoru is 14 at the time and Kenshin is 18. I know that it is only four years not 10, but this is how it fits in with my story!
Kyaa Kyaff thanks you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!