Chapter 9

The King and Queen stood shocked at the door way of their eldest daughter's room. Though his appearance had changed somewhat, they recognized him and

ran across the room scooping him into a hug. It was chilly but they didn't care. Finally they had their whole family together again. "…But the letter said you

died…" "I guess I did in a way…But The Man in the Moon brought me back…I don't know the reason since all he said to me was my name: Jack Frost. For the

longest time I have been going from town to town unable to be seen because I am not believed in but when I met Elsa she could because she believed." "But

son how did you find us? Elsa in particular?" "Dad I heard her sad song on the wind…At first I wanted to come and comfort her since in her song she said she

had powers and I thought that maybe she has the same powers as me but when I laid eyes for the first time on the kingdom, the suppressed memories came

back to me. I was going to knock on your window first but I heard Elsa crying and came to make her feel better. I didn't know if you would be able to see me

too but I guess true family can." "Oh my son you don't know how much I have missed you. I am so sorry about what we did. I guess we were just…" "Afraid?"

With a nod from both his parents he sighed. "If it's alright with you guys, I want to stay with Elsa." "Of course I can have the servants bring another bed in

here and you can share the room just like you and Anna used to do Elsa." "Anna?" "Jack, Elsa isn't the only little sister you have. Anna is the youngest but has

no knowledge of magic what so ever. There for I've separated the two girls due to an incident that occurred several years ago." At the mention of the incident

Elsa flinched and turned and hugged Jack tightly. Jack hugged back and tried to comfort his sister and stroked her hair lovingly. "So I guess me meeting her is

out of the question?" The King and Queen didn't know how to answer that. Though he seemed to have more control of his powers than Elsa, he could still

accidentally reveal it to her. They knew they were being paranoid but they couldn't help it especially the king. He was not only more protective of Anna because

she was the youngest but also because she was the only one without powers though he would never admit it aloud. "I can control my powers so she won't

know I have them but you owe me this much. I have a right to meet my baby sister!" "Yes you're right." Luckily Jack had cleared the ice just as the servant

knocked at the door and brought in the extra bed placing it on the other side of the room they saw Jack and smiled at him making him smile in return. "Yes

you're right. Tomorrow you will meet her. I promise." "Thank you dad…" Picking up his wife from the floor, he turned to his eldest children. "Yes well, it has

been an eventful night and we all need to rest up for tomorrow when you meet Anna and the kingdom. Goodnight Jack, Elsa." Together the two said:

"Goodnight mother. Goodnight Father." As soon as the King and Queen left Elsa and Jack put the two beds together and climbed in. Jack rocked Elsa to sleep

who was obviously replaying the 'incident' their father had spoken of earlier. After Elsa fell asleep he quickly followed suit. The next morning Jack found he

could be seen now. Why he didn't know but hey he couldn't complain. He was being fitted for his attire for his introduction to his sister and his family's kingdom

when Elsa came to call him. The fitting had just been completed and his parents were ready to introduce him to his little sister. Nervous beyond belief, he

walked behind Elsa contemplating what would happen. Would the kingdom accept him? Would his sister? He was so deep in thought that he hadn't notice that

Elsa had already lead him to the ball room where Anna and him would meet for the first time. Anna had no clue what surprising news her parents had for her

and it had her on pins and needles. She was getting antsy by the time she was lead to the ball room. When her parents had first brought her from the gardens

where she played, they mentioned the news would be told in the ball room. So with anxiety in her heart, she let her parents lead her through the door and

when she entered she saw Elsa and a boy standing next to her. "Mom… Dad…who's that?" "My dear this is the surprising news we wanted to tell you. This is

your older brother, Jack."