Hello, my lovely readers!

Okay, I know I have been posting notices and all but I have to say is my life has been insane. From school, to work, to my animals, to my love life (by the way I'm now engaged! So happy!).

I also had some pretty serious health problems that had to be addressed.

Moving on!

I know it has been a long time but I didn't abandon this story, life simply got in the way. I can't promise that I will have a new chapter out every week but I'll be doing my best with the time that I have and it's summer.

So I hope you enjoy this long awaited chapter (I really, really hope)

Isis paced back and forth in the courtyard where she had trained Nefertiri just that morning. Her mind was racing after the conversation she just had with her younger brother, she could not believe what he had just told her and she didn't want to believe it either. The information that he just told her she knew she should report it to the Pharaoh, or at least to Phoenix, but this was also her brother she was talking about, and family means everything to her, especially since it was only the two of them left.

"Why did you do this to me, Imhotep? Why did you put me in this position?" she whispers to herself. She was torn between performing her duty as a Medjai and revealing her brother's secret, to be the loyal sister, to not tell a soul. Either way, this wasn't going to end well for Imhotep, but she was still torn on what to do.

Isis let out a heavy sigh as she took out one her sais and twirled it around in her hand before throwing it at a target nearby. She watched as it landed right where she aimed for, shortly after another sai landed right beside hers, she grabbed her another one and turned around only to see the last person she wanted to speak with right now, the one person she couldn't lie to.


"You seem a little on edge right now Isis," he said as he took a few steps closer she took a few back and turned her back to him "what is wrong?"

"Nothing just had a fight with Imhotep," she tells him as she walks over to the sais and pulls them both out. She could hear him walking closer to her and as he got closer she dropped his sai on the ground and walked away. She did everything she could do not to look at the man, she could lie fair enough but with Phoenix she could not, he could read her like a book. She knew what he was going to tell her what to do if she told him the truth, and she knew that she should tell the Pharaoh but he was her brother!

The more she thinks about it the more her anger slowly starts to rise.

"Why will you not look at me?" Phoenix asked "I can read you even when you are not looking at me Isis"

"Maybe I just do not want to!" she snapped.

"What is wrong? You are not yourself!" Phoenix said and grabbed her by the arm.

Out of reaction Isis grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder, making him land hard on the ground and making him groan in pain. Once she sees what she has done, she quickly let's go on his arm and runs as fast as she can back to her room before Phoenix has a chance to get up and question her about her behavior.

She throws the doors open to her room and quickly slams it shut. She takes a few deeps breaths and rests her head against the door, she knew she was never going to hear the end of this from Phoenix once he cornered her and questioned her. She knew that she would have to tell someone at some point but right now all she wanted to do have some more time to think about the outcomes of each path.

As Alexa started to wake up she thought that her head was going to explode from the pain. She rubbed the side of her head that she hit during her fall before slowly pushing herself into a sitting position and looking up to see how far she fell. At first glance, she couldn't see any type of light coming from the top, nothing to give her any information just how far she fell other than the fact she is still alive.

"Seems like I didn't need to cut Rick's arm," she tells herself as she managed to get herself to her feet without her head spinning her vision on her. She places a hand on a nearby wall to give herself some more support as she started to walk, hoping to find her way out of this place before that creature or monster would find her. Despite hitting her head, fairly hard as well, she still remembered everything, why she fell and why she was running in the first place.

And she was hoping that everyone got out safely.

Alexa stopped dead in her tracks when she heard footsteps coming towards the exit that she was going to walk out of. She stumbles forward a bit and fumbles with the last of her knives on her corset before pressing herself against the side of the opening. If it was the creature then her knife would only slow him down but maybe just maybe it would slow it down long enough for her to get the hell out of this place.

She could feel her heart starting to beat faster and harder enough time she heard a footstep coming towards her. She flipped her knife around of her was holding the knife with the blade pointed downward and got ready to strike but instead of the creature, it was someone else. He had his back to her as he didn't even notice her standing there so she took her chance to grab him but the back of his shirt and slam him against the wall and held the knife to his throat.

"So Beni, tell me something. How is a coward like you still doing in a place like this?" she asked and watched the fear flash in his eyes.

"Alexa! You are still alive?" he asked but screamed when she pushed the knife harder against his throat.

"Unfortunately for you weasel now answer my question"

"Fortunately, not for long" Beni said and looked behind her.

Alexa felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she quickly looked over her shoulder and seen the creature making its way over to them. Alexa wasted no time grabbing the skinny man and throw him towards the creature and knowing that it was dark she took a second and picked up the torch Beni had and started running for her life. She didn't recognize anything around her; none of the writing on the walls was familiar so she took a chance and turned left and continued running.

From behind her she heard that creature scream Isis's name which scared her enough that she started to run even faster, faster than she ever thought she could run. She made a few more turns before she decided to look behind her to see if he was there, thankfully he wasn't but that's when she ran into someone and they both hit the ground and rolled a bit.

Alexa quickly looks at the person she ran into and was never so happy to see Ardeth getting to his feet. She sprung to her feet and threw her arms around him and gave him a hug.

"Oh thank God! We need to get out of here, now!" she said and looked at him but he just stared at her until they were the creature.


Alexa and Ardeth looked over to where the voice came from, Ardeth grabbed her wrist and the two of them began running. She was so happy that she found him; he can get them out of here, not to mention that she felt better with him being around.

Ardeth shouted orders to his man when they ran out into the open, where they had set up camp. It was still there but not standing as nice and pretty as it was before, Alexa looked back at the rest of the Medjai she seen one of them hold a horse out for her. She grabbed the reins and quickly pulled herself onto the straddle and wasted no time getting the hell out of there with everyone else.

They didn't stop riding for hours and hours not until the lights of Cairo came into view, only then did Alexa slowly pull her horse to a trot. As her horse slows down her head begins to hurt again, much like when she first woke up after the fall, all the excitement of what just happened must have dulled the pain until now, when she could finally calm down. They didn't fully stop until they were in front of the library.

"Care to explain what that thing was?" Alexa asked as she got off her horse and stood in front of Ardeth, instead of getting an answer right away she got a hug and a kiss on the temple.

"I'm more inclined to tell you how happy I am that you are alive," he said and looked her right in the eye when he pulled back, "I thought the creature would have found you if the fall didn't kill you"

"How that fall didn't kill me is beyond me, then again, I was knocked out as I was falling so I don't know how far I fell" she explains and smiles at him "but I'm really happy that I didn't, now back to that creature"

Ardeth made a motion for her to follow him into the library, while the rest of his men went about their own duties. They quickly walked up the steps towards and was greeted by a man she recognized as the curator from the times she was here with her first boyfriend. Alexa stopped and watched the two men greet each other before turning to her.

"Alexa this is Terence Bey, this is Alexa O Connell, she was present when the creature was awoken" Ardeth explains with earns her a glare from the Terence.

"Looks it's over and done with let's just get to the point where we can stop him, or it, whatever this thing is"

"Let's start with who he is. His name is Imhotep, he was the High Priest for King Seti the first. He was cursed with the Hom-Dai for his crimes. Murdering the Pharaoh and using the dark magic from the Book of the Dead" Terence explains as they walked into a room to chat.

"Okay, so he was a bad boy. Why did he murder her Pharaoh?" she asked as she took a seat in the chair.

"Because of his love for Anck-Su-Namun, she was a mistress of the Pharaoh and helped him in murdering the Pharaoh so that they could be together. She killed herself in front of the Medjai in order to give Imhotep a chance to escape and for him to bring her back to life—"

"With the Book of the Dead," Alexa said while cutting off Terence.


"So what is Isis's role is all this?" she asked which earned her a look from Terence. The curator looked between the two of them, clearly not expecting Alexa to know that name.

"Terence, Alexa here is Isis's reincarnation. As we were leaving Hamunaptra, Imhotep screamed Isis's name" Ardeth tells him.

"And when I first ran into him he looked at me and called me Isis while getting really pissed off"

Terence walked over to a bookshelf and began looking through them, after a few minutes Alexa seen him shaking his head back and forth before closing the book. Clearly, he didn't find anything but then made a motion for the two of them to follow him. Alexa got up and walked beside Ardeth as they followed the curator down a set of stairs and into another room that was filled with more books. Alexa looked at each one she passed and noticed they were all in hieroglyphics, not one in English.

"Isis was the first female Madjai warrior, served as the Princesses bodyguard and trainer. She was the lover of their leader Phoenix and she hated Anck-Su-Numan. That is all we know about her" Terence said and stopped in front of a section of books "there are all about the Medjai, some of them have not yet been translated into English and some of them I have not read yet. If there is a reason Imhotep hates Isis so much, the information may just be in here"

"Tell me which ones are in English and I'll start there," Alexa said. One by one Terence grabs books and began handing them to her, by the time she was finished there must have been about ten or eleven books. She carefully walked over to a nearby desk and placed them all on it and spreads them out. She was never a big reader but she was determined to try and find a reason why that creature hated her so much. She sat down in a chair and opened the first book and began flipping through it, as soon as she looked at the first page she knew that this might take awhile.

"Those are just the ones that the Bembridge Scholars translated, your answer may be in those books or it may be in the ones they haven't translated yet" Terence explained.

"Well then let's hope they translated it," Alexa said and began to scan the pages for any indication of Isis and Imhotep. Terence let her be and walked back up the stairs while telling Ardeth they have to talk. Ardeth placed a hand on Alexa's shoulder and lean down to her ear.

"Let me know as soon as you find anything," he said and with a quick kiss on the cheek followed Terence up the stairs.

Alexa flipped the pages and each time she came across Isis's name it was only about how she was the first female Madjai, how she had a close friendship to the princess and other information that she already knew. Of course, that was just the first book as well, she slammed it shut and put it off to the side before she grabbed another one and begin reading. This one had no mention of her what so ever, this was all about the Medjai in general.

Book after book she couldn't find anything of Isis and Imhotep together, maybe it was in the books that weren't been translated yet.

"God damn it" she cursed and slammed the book even harder on the table, she must have been reading for thirty minutes or more but still couldn't find anything, and that was the last book in English so it looked like she wasn't going to get her answer. She placed her head down on the table and grumbles to herself, she was angry, she wanted to know why she had a monster after her but she wasn't about to find out.

As she slowly began to calm down Rick came back into her mind and she realized that he still thinks she's dead. She lifted her head and looked towards the stairs, hitting a dead end with Isis she figured now was a good time to let him know that she was still here, if he didn't leave the city already, She pushes the chair back and begins to walk towards the steps when something stopped her in her tracks, she wasn't sure what it was but she suddenly got the feeling not to leave just yet.

She looked over to her left for some reason and noticed a book on a shelve that stood out compared to the rest it was beside. She walked out to the book and removed it, noting on the cover simply read 'Isis'. She stared at the cover as she began to walk back to the table and set it back down, she opened it and the first page said how this was the complete history of Isis.

How the hell could Terence have missed this? She asked herself as she quickly flipped the pages until she stopped and one stop where Isis's name and Imhotep. It took a few moments for Alexa to continue reading, not fully believing that this was the information she was looking for. Once she began reading she couldn't stop, it told her everything, and she mentions everything! Even how she got the scar on her eye, how much she truly hated Anck-Su-Numan, and how her father was good friends with Seti the first and that is how she became a Medjai.

She froze on the part page.

Her eyes widen as far as they could go and her jaw dropped to the ground. Alexa had to re-read the same part over and over before she realized why Imhotep was so angry and why he wanted her dead. She stood up as fast as she could, sending the chair flying backward as she ran up the stairs where hopefully she could find Ardeth and Terence.

"Ardeth, I found it!" She said as she ran into the room, breathing heavy from her sudden sprint but then noticed that there were other people in the room. She looked at her brother who was sitting in a chair, but not for long. Alexa threw herself into her brother's arms and hugged him for dear life.

"How?" Rick asked as he looked at her.

"It wasn't that far of a fall," she said with a half smile before Evy and Paul came over and gave her a hug. Everyone said how they were happy to see her and that she was happy to see them, even David was happy to see her.

"You know, you still need to pay for cutting my arm and forcing me to drop you," Rick said.

"Well sorry for wanted to save you, we both would have fallen if I didn't" Alexa shot back.

"Didn't you think that maybe-"

"Oh, enough you two!" Evy said "you're both alive leave it at that, so still needs to find out how to kill this creature and stop him from using me to bring back his love"

Alexa looked over at Evy "that's right; he called you Anck-Su-Numan"

"And called you Isis, why?" Evy said.

"Because I'm her reincarnation"

"You said you found the information?" Ardeth asked her which made everyone looked at again.

"Yes and it's why he hates Isis and why he wants to kill me," Alexa said and looked at everyone, everyone was waiting to hear what she was going to say.

"What is it?" Rick asked. Alexa looked over at her brother and with a serious face spoke.

"Isis was Imhotep sister and she's the one who cursed him"

I hope you liked it, that's about all I can say. I didn't abandon this story, I'm never going to abandon it. It may just take me longer to get the chapters out.